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AllPinouts - Connectors, Cables and Adapters Pinouts

AllPinouts - Connectors, Cables and Adapters Pinouts

cd-rom tricks Quote: Here you go: Not just straight so easy. It can increase the max torque achieved by the motor. The torqque will be square to to the stator lenght. Torque easy tranclates to magnetic force between stator and rotor. In example in twice longer stator you can get twice more MF at the same saturation level but at the same time you can use longer magnets in the twice longer rotor. So how to bring it back to the original Kv (and original rpm)? Isn't it slick? RysiuM

Rotational Encoder from old CD motor Rotational Encoder from old CD motor Last updated: September 22, 2010 The spindle motors used in CD-ROM drives often (always?) contain 3 Hall-sensors. These sensors are used by the motor controller to determine the position of the axle. First try to find the connections between the Hall sensors and the motor controller. The Hall sensors are connected in parallel. By feeding the Hall signals into a LM339 you get 3 TTL compatible signals that indicate the axle position. The Hall sensors are permanently connected to Vcc and GND. Rotating the motor gives the following output pattern: 001, 000, 010, 110, 110, 101. A software solution. With microcontroller An attempt to interface the encoder directly to 3 ADC channels of an ATtiny13 microcontroller failed. In a second attempt the outputs of the (already existing) LM339 where connected to the ATtiny13. After the required code change, this worked at first try. AVR programming avrdude -v -P /dev/ppi0 -c stk200 -p t13 -U lfuse:w:0x7a:m

Virtapiiri © Helsingin yliopiston opettajankoulutuslaitos Kun taskulampun kytkintä painetaan, lamppu syttyy. Kytkimen painaminen yhdistää johtimella hehkulampun navat pariston napoihin. Havaitun ilmiön selittäminen edellyttää paristossa ja johtimessa tapahtuvien ilmiöiden ominaisuuksiin perehtymistä. Taskulampun lampun syttymistä voidaan verrata salaman välähdykseen. Salaman edellytyksenä on, että ukkospilven alaosalla ja maan pinnalla on erimerkkinen sähkövaraus. Kun taskulampun lamppu hehkuu, paristossa tapahtuu kemiallisia reaktioita. Kun lamppu hehkuu, pariston ja lampun yhdistävissä johtimissa kulkee sähkövirta. Hehkulanka hehkuu, kun langan läpi virtaa sähkövirta. Kun virtapiiri suljetaan, pariston jännite saa aikaan sähkövirran virtapiirissä. Komponentti ja virtapiiri Kun pariston navat yhdistetään kahdella johtimella lampun napoihin, lamppu alkaa hehkua (vasen kuva). Paristo on komponentti, jossa tapahtuvat kemialliset reaktiot synnyttää napojen väliin jännitteen (katso tarkemmin). 5. 6. 7.

Karin Kotisivut - Elektroniikka Maadoitus ja maadoittaminen lienevät meille kaikille erittäin tuttuja sanoja, ja asioina nuo lienevät jokapäiväisiä suurimmalle osalle kansakunnastamme. Pureudutaanpa siis asiaan tarkemmin ja selvitellään että miksi niitä maadoituksia tehdään, kuinka niitä tehdään, ketkä niitä tekevät, ja mitä kaikkea onkaan mahdollista, mitä erinäisimmin tavoin, maadoittaa. Ennen kuin lähdemme todella syvällisesti pureutumaan maadoittamisen filosofiaan ja tarkkoihin yksityiskohtiin, seurailkaamme yhden päivän ajan, Maanselällä asuvan Matti Maavirran elämää, jotta tietäisimme, kuinka jokapäiväisestä asiasta maadoittamisessa onkaan kysymys. Päivä on perjantai, ja alkaa tavanomaiseen tapaan herätyskellon soinnilla kello 7.30. Sitten keittiöön ja vedenkeitin pöydältä mukaan. Vedenkeittimen täyttämisen jälkeen olikin sitten vuorossa päivän ensimmäinen paksusähköpuolen maadoituskytkentä, eli vedenkeittimen liitosjohdon pistokkeen työntäminen keittimestä löytyvään kojeliittimeen. Virtapiiri syntyy.

Color LCD - Breakout Board Replacement: LCD-11062. The new version of this board has a larger inductor to better support screen compatibility. This page is for reference only. Description: Created for the Sinister 7 Tutorial, this breakout board for the popular Nokia 6100 Knock-off color LCD has an improved backlight driver circuit (boosts to 7V) , plus we give you a tri-color status LED and 2 pushbuttons, all accessed through one 12-pin 0.1" spaced header. Slightly less versatile than the previous version yet slightly more functional, this breakout is set up for serial communication to the display. This board comes with Nokia 6100 display attached and stand-offs as photographed. Note: Pins 8 and 9 on the Nokia LCD connector will be connected with a solder bridge. Pin connections: +Vbat and the 3.3V input can be driven from the same regulated 3.3V source, but the device will draw more current than if the +Vbat input was driven from a higher source voltage. Dimensions: 1.5"x2.5"

RS232 Specifications and standard RS232 specifications, introduction Communication as defined in the RS232 standard is an asynchronous serial communication method. The word serial means, that the information is sent one bit at a time. Asynchronous tells us that the information is not sent in predefined time slots. RS232 bit streams The RS232 standard describes a communication method where information is sent bit by bit on a physical channel. With synchronous communication, a clock or trigger signal must be present which indicates the beginning of each transfer. Data bits are sent with a predefined frequency, the baud rate. With RS232, the line voltage level can have two states. Start bit RS232 defines an asynchronous type of communication. Data bits Directly following the start bit, the data bits are sent. Parity bit For error detecting purposes, it is possible to add an extra bit to the data word automatically. Stop bits Suppose that the receiver has missed the start bit because of noise on the transmission line. Voltages

Sam's Laser FAQ - Diode Lasers {*style:<b>Sam's Laser FAQ, Copyright © 1994-2012, Samuel M. Goldwasser, All Rights Reserved. I may be contacted via the Sci.Electronics.Repair FAQ Email Links Page . Back to Sam's Laser FAQ Table of Contents . Sub-Table of Contents Basic Characteristics, Structure, Safety, Common Types Introduction to Diode Lasers and Laser Diodes Examples of Common Laser Diodes Differences Between LEDs and Laser Diodes Comparisons of Diode Lasers with Other Types of Lasers Diode Laser Safety Typical Laser Diodes Laser Diode Construction Interpreting Laser Diode Specifications What About High Power Visible Laser Diodes? And Those Really High Power Laser Diodes? And Those High Power Pulsed Laser Diodes? Vertical Cavity Surface Emitting Laser Diodes (VCSELs) Optically Pumped Semiconductor Laser (OPSL) Coherent Sapphire OPSL Lasers Vertical Extended Cavity Surface Emitting Laser (VECSEL) Protera 488 NECSEL Laser Frequency Doubling a Diode Laser Coherent D3 (Directly Doubled Diode) 430 nm Laser Laser Diode Light Bulbs? Lumex .

problems wiht avr32-linux-gcc Because some developers here on avrfreaks compile most of the AVR32 toolchain from scratch (myself included), we don't often use the packages (except to install closed-source software such as avr32program and associated libraries). Apparently the current avr32-gnu toolchain distributed by Atmel via the package repository is for standalone development without embedded Linux. The debian packages install a compiler that is intended for running standalone (i.e. non-Linux) programs on AVR32 architecture. As hce mentioned above, you need to download buildroot from the Atmel website and untar it into an empty directory. Then you need to run buildroot so that it compiles the Linux toolchain, which is avr32-linux-gcc. There are further details on setting up buildroot in the following Atmel app note: The binaries for the toolchain, when compiled, should be in the directory /build_avr32/staging_dir/bin

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