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With the winter holidays almost here, it's time to start thinking about gift giving and what you want to add to your wish list this season. I have the five best beauty buys that you won't want to miss as the month of December approaches. 1.) Sephoras Ultimate Blockbuster Collectors Edition definitely serves as number one on the wish list. This blockbuster has over 71 eye shadows, 13 cream shadows, five blushes, o ne compact powder, 60 lip glosses, one lip liner, one eyeliner, four brushes, three sponge dipped applicators and it all comes in a classy black case.

Different Ways to Apply Eyeshadow The weekly Q&A section is finally back and this week, Yael wanted to learn more about the different ways to apply eyeshadows: “I want to try a different way of applying eyeshadows but have no idea how! I keep using a light color up to above the crease with something dark on the lid.

Natural Homemade Deodorant I recently reported on dangerous chemicals in cosmetics, and the information I uncovered in writing that article really affected me. If my friends thought I was a little eco-freak before, they need to prepare for a whole new level of glorious, fabulous ever-so-exciting neo-hippieness. I was appalled, absolutely astounded by the questionable additives found in almost all commercial self-care products. 10 Steps to Clear Skin With all of my product and lifestyle research throughout the years, I now know what keeps my skin clear and acne free. Here are some tips and products I have used that give results. Don’t pick! How to "No-Poo" Shampoo Alternative: Dont use Shampoo Again! Posted by Mrs Money on January 13th, 2009 Thanks for visiting Ultimate Money Blog! If you're new here, you may want to subscribe to my RSS feed. I have to let you all in on a little secret: I haven’t used shampoo since umm before Labor Day. And no, my hair is not disgusting. Well, not from lack of shampooing anyway. :) Why the crunchy granola craziness?

Hair Cut & Hair Style "Don't have your Haircut or Hair colored without consulting My guide to the sexiest looks out there. HAIRCUTS: Short, fresh, sexy and all out confident Who it works for: Your face is front and center with this cut, so you've got to feel good about your skin and your features if You're going to try it Tell your hairstylist: You'll need short, different length bangs. Avoiding blunt, even pieces. 10 Foods That Belong on Your Face - Michelle Phan We’re excited to bring you another great article from BellaSugar, a fantastic source for beauty news, how-to’s, celebrity beauty trends, and giveaways galore. Today, BellaSugar is sharing “10 Foods That Belong on Your Face”… Source: Thinkstock Right now, you probably have some the gentlest yet most effective skin care ingredients sitting around your kitchen. Foods are often the source of costly skin care ingredients, after all. But have you ever considered just putting the raw version on?

How To Get Rid Of Freckles Naturally? I personally think that Freckles look cute but I know lots of people who don’t like them and just want to get rid of them. Here are some remedies to fade freckles. 1.You can fade freckles by rubbing Lemon on your skin or by applying Lemon Juice using a cotton ball. Skin Care Tip of the Week *DIY eye cream* Last week I discussed the importance of using an eye cream. This week I am going to share a super simple hydrating DIY eye cream that is perfect for those of you would would rather DIY versus buy. Both avocado oil and shea butter are known for their hydrating and moisturizing properties, making it the perfect marriage of ingredients for the delicate under eye area. Avocado oil Benefits: The Best Products To Lighten Your Locks Lets start with saying that experimenting with hair dyes is a very risky thing. The payoff can be totally worth it, once you get it right, but choosing the wrong at home product can be disastrous. And we mean hysterical tears or a $300 corrective dye job disastrous.
