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Kissing Thaumatrope

Kissing Thaumatrope
A few years ago, I thought that it would be so fun to make Joe a kissing thaumatrope for Valentine's Day. Like so many of my BRILLIANT ideas, I promptly forgot all about it. Until recently, when I saw this thaumatrope-on-a-stick on Made by Joel, and it reminded me that I had to try it. Even though they're not done, I'm showing you my work in progress now, just in case you want to use this idea to make your very own thaumatrope valentines. Are you wondering what I am talking about? On one side it looks like this: On the other side it looks like this: When you spin the stick, it looks like this: Movie magic! I'm making some for my three little Valentinos, too. If you do make your own, please send me a picture! Materials: Paper, cardboard, double-stick tape or glue, round chopstick or kebab stick, photo prints or drawings of kissers in profile.

Ten minute no-sew recycled t-shirt bag! Tutorial time! I got a gig teaching a recycled t-shirt project at the library a few months ago, with a request for a recycled tee bag – the only bags I’d made from tees in the past had required sturdy sewing, and I didn’t want hand-sewing to be the only thing holding the bottom closed in a class version of the bags, so I started brainstorming about some kind of hand-sewing-friendly or no-sew bag idea…. and here’s what I came up with! The simplest version of these bags is great for smaller tees, or the more light-weight kind of girl-tees – just turn the bottom of the shirt into a drawstring and tie it closed! But to make smaller holes, just make more than one of them! And now for the actual tutorial – for this one, with the step-by-step, I will be making the bottom with 3 holes. Cut the sleeves off, but try to make a somewhat straight line, and go in a bit from the seam – these lines will be the sides of your straps: You could make it rounded, V-shaped, or squared like this one:

Texas Wedding Ideas Planning Checklists Wedding Tips Wedding Professional Wind-Up PAper Butterflies I had a baby so I’ve invited some fave guests to take over for me while I spend time with the little guy. Today’s post is from super crafter and cute mom, Amelia of The Homebook. Growing up, I had an aunt who lived in Canada. Every year for my birthday she’d send me a card and a fancy little gift. She always found the neatest things! I made my butterflies into Monarchs, but you could use different materials to create any sort of colorful butterfly. Materials: You’ll need heavy cardstock, 24 gauge wire, silicone rubber bands (I found mine in the hair aisle at Walgreens) needle-nose pliers, scissors, tape, a paintbrush, a black marker, and a white ink pen. Step 1: Measure and cut your wire. Step 2: Find the center of the longer wire. Step 5: Find the center of the shorter wire, and wrap it around the base of the paintbrush. Step 8: Draw the shape of your wings and cut them out. Step 11: Tape each wing to the body of the butterfly. See more awesome from Amelia on The Homebook

Copycat Crafts | DIY Designer Knock-Off Things to Make Blog | Richmond, Virginia Wedding and Event Planner | Merriment Events Flower Magazine Thrilled to see Megan and Will’s wedding in the current issue of Flower Magazine. We adore this couple and couldn’t have asked for a better team to work with us. Southern Hospitality Tuesday, January 14th, 2014 In addition to styling Janie Medley’s lovely feature in the latest Southern Weddings Magazine, the SW girls were kind enough to ask me to contribute to a story called “35 tips for a wedding full of southern hospitality.” Bouquets inspired by southern states we call home… Friday, December 20th, 2013 It was such a pleasure to work on this story last spring with Patricia Lyons and Janie Medley for Southern Weddings Magazine’s current issue. floral design by Janie Medley // photography by Patricia Lyons // styling by Courtney Spencer of Merriment Events Flowers for Ave 42′s holiday pop-up style studio Saturday, November 16th, 2013 I was delighted to put together some pretty flowers in blush and gray tones for Ave 42 Design’s pop up shop at short pump mall. a family affair

Egg Message We're taking a long weekend off here for the Easter break (we're working on a new website with hopes of getting a bit more done with the extra day tucked in there). So we're bidding you farewell early with a few links and this cute little picture tutorial (see more below) sent to our e-mail from the folks at Present&Correct. Happy wishes for your Easter and Passover break. We're heading over here later to learn how to make some marshmallow peeps! Care to join us? High/low Easter party. West coast applications close Friday at Renegade. Loving this free (April calendar) desktop wallpaper from the Free People blog. And I saw lots of rabbits hopping around here. Have a fantastic weekend!

Newspaper flowers I'm still on the newspaper kick. I picked out the parts with colored ads and made these flowers with instructions from the book Paper Flowers by Michael LaFosse. Found it at the library. These are made with two pages of newspaper glued together to make a thicker sheet. There they are, adorning the newspaper basket. The Knotty Bride ~ Wow Factor Weddings Blog

Paper Star Messages Since the new year has started I’ve been trying to think of ways to be more kind to my self. Especially when that nasty gremlins try to creep in and stump me. I remembered this origami star video on You Tube and had to get them involved in my plan. I thought it would be fun to make a whole bunch with kind words and “you are….” phrases inside. I used 12 x 12 inch scrapbook paper and cut 1/2 x 12″ strips, then followed the video HERE*. *UPDATE! Be Sociable, Share! Uniquely Scandinavian: A Crocheted Stool Makeover » Curbly | DIY Design Community « Keywords: DIY, crochet, stools, how-to I've never crocheted before in my life, but after seeing this charming stool I've got a serious desire to learn how! Kristin from Sweden shared this stool makeover on IKEA Hackers, but I'm wondering what else you could spruce up with a little crochet action... Any ideas? While you're thinking about what else you could cover in yarn, let's see what we'll need to create this whimsical stool. Materials: A stool (this one uses the Marius Stool from IKEA)Cotton YarnFoamFreeform pattern from Ravelry Kristin explains she first crocheted long tubes to cover the stool legs and then created the freeform birds. So, have you thought of what else you'd give the crochet treatment to? [via IKEA Hackers] Tagged : crochet, stools, How-To, Ikea hack, scandinavian, yarn, Inspiration, Craft, DIY

Brooklyn Bride - Modern Wedding Blog - Part 2 Top 10: Fruit & veggie centerpieces 1. via Babble | 2. anyone know the credit for this? via Pinterest | 3. via Brooklyn Bride | 4. via On The Go Bride | 5. via MSW | 6. via Minted | 7. via MSW | 8. via The Daily Basics | 9. via GWS | 10. Designs by Ahn 7 years Funny how time goes by when you least expect it. [image from Girlhula] Patina x The Color Condition Patina has totally upped the color quotient for weddings thanks to this collaboration with The Color Condition…there are tons of options from swags to baskets (kinda like chandeliers) to canopies, in multiple colorways that will guaranteed add tons of color and movement to your wedding! [images from Amber Gress] Phi-Style: The Paisley Bride Nicholas dress, $557 | Ten Thousand Things earrings, $1125 | Favor Jewelry bracelet, $34 | Casadei shoes, $495 - Tram @ [images from Outnet, Fab, Barneys, and Shopbop]

Seed Paper Tutorial | I first heard of seed paper–or hand made paper that has real flower seeds embedded in the pulp itself and is actually plantable–about a year ago while browsing through a stationary catalog. It was the coolest idea I’d ever seen–and so incredibly spring-y! Well, who knew that you could make this funky stuff all by yourself? First Step: Making the Screen Frame Here’s what you’ll need for the screen frame: 6-12 wide craft sticks–think tongue depressors Craft glue 1 or 2 pieces of mesh or screen about 6″x6″ electrical tape Glue four sticks together–like this. Lay the screen over the sticks and glue in place. Now glue two more sticks–one on the top and one on the bottom. I rested a glass bowl over the frames to hold everything in place until the glue dried. Your frame should look pretty much like this. Now wrap the whole frame with electrical tape, making sure to cover all the exposed wood. Second Step: Making the paper pulp Here’s what you’ll need to make the pulp: small flower seeds water Step #3

Attempting the T-Shirt Necklace Last week, every day snuck up on me, catching me off guard, and leaving me behind schedule. It may have been my very heavy heart thinking about the devastation in Japan. It could have been the time change that left me groggy every day, all day. But I’m fairly certain I felt perpetually past-deadline because a “simple” craft failed me repeatedly at the start of the week and threw the blog into scramble-mode. That craft was the T-Shirt Necklace. I was looking online for fun crafts to do with my nieces after school, and came across the “T-shirt Necklace” on Fail #2 The problem with the first two attempts may have been the material used (100% cotton t-shirts that were SLIGHTLY stretchy,) but more likely it was because I used regular scissors to cut the strips of fabric, (ok, I also washed and dried the pink necklace to see if that would put some curl in my edges) and completely disregarded the rolling blade (or rotary cutter) recommendations.
