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Grey's Anatomy fic: We're Never Gonna Be Normal, You and Me (2/2) - don't you dare touch the ground back to part one "No, Mom, everything's good," George said patiently. "Yeah, yeah, I can come along. No, no, tell Dad I'm looking forward to it. Derek blinked. "The yearly Thanksgiving O'Malley tradition," George said, "—of going out into the woods and shooting some poor defenseless turkey to eat for dinner." Izzie sat down at the kitchen table with her bowl of cereal. George waved a hand, "Yeah, no, of course." "It sounds like fun," Derek said with a fond smile as he drank his coffee. George stared at him balefully. “Hey, speaking of your family?” Derek and George looked at each other, and Izzie winced. “Kind of,” George admitted. Izzie grimaced. But still, Izzie had opened up a can of worms that George had been trying really hard not to think about lately. They were exclusive, they were dating, and— Derek kissed him quickly on the mouth. “Sorry,” George said as lightly as he could. “Really?” “Oh, absolutely,” Izzie said. Derek shook his head and went back to his coffee. Seriously. “But?”

Ideal Height and Weight Chart - Body Mass Index (BMI) - Quick Guides - Rush University Medical Center What's the best way to determine a healthy weight? You can find out what your body mass index is by using the interactive BMI calculator, or you can look at your height and weight in the chart below. Determining your body mass index What is body mass index? Determining how much you should weigh is not a simple matter of looking at a height-weight chart, but includes considering the amount of bone, muscle and fat in your body's composition. The amount of fat is the critical measurement. How can I tell if I'm overweight? Use the tool at right to calculate your BMI. If you are worried about your BMI or are trying to lose weight, talk to your primary care doctor. Doctors at Rush offer bariatric surgery for some people who are morbidly obese (those with a BMI of at least 40, or a BMI of at least 35 plus an obesity-related disease such as diabetes or high blood pressure). Height and Weight Chart Source: National Institutes of Health.

Three Golden Bulls Worth - miikkaa_xx - Pacific Rim (2013) The first thing one should know is that Stacker Pentecost handpicks his pilots. i. Cheung is thirteen when San Francisco is torn apart – people and buildings scattered like grains of rice over the raging waves of the ocean so far away from his family’s tiny apartment in Sham Shui Po. He still manages to shove together a lunch box for himself, Jin and Hu and they attend school anyway, lessons continuing on even as the Western world is frozen in terror. Jin talks fast and hard about – what they’re now calling ‘Trespasser’ – is a genuine dinosaur come back to life. ‘It’s straight out an anime – those really classic ones,’ he spouts out, grinning, and there’s rice stuck to the corner of his mouth. ‘What, like a pokemon?’ Jin purses his mouth in thought. ‘No, I really don’t,’ sighs Cheung. Hu looks over his shoulders, eyebrows raised. After school, Jin sits at the table, math homework abandoned as he enthusiastically describes the plot of Evangelion to Cheung and Hu. Cheung frowns. ii. Mr. iii.

Arc 1 (Gestation) | Worm Last Chapter Next Chapter “We don’t know how long he had been there. Suspended in the air above the Atlantic Ocean. On May twentieth, 1982, an ocean liner was crossing from Plymouth to Boston when a passenger spotted him. He was naked, his arms to his sides, his long hair blowing in the wind as he stood in the sky, nearly a hundred feet above the gently cresting waves. “After a discussion including passenger and crew, the liner detoured to get closer. “‘I thought he was going to crack his facade and cry any moment’, said Grace Lands, ‘But when I reached out and touched his fingertips, I was the one who burst into tears.’ “‘That boat trip was a final journey for me. “‘My brother, Andrew Hawke, was the last passenger to make any sort of contact with him, I remember. “The golden man would reappear several more times in the coming months and years. “Periodically at first, then with an increasing frequency, the golden man started to intervene in times of crisis. Impotent.

The Secret of Charlotte, Emily, and Anne Brontë - The Atlantic I see no reason not to consider the Brontë cult a religion. What are Peoples of the Book, after all, if not irrepressible embroiderers of fetishized texts? The Jews have a word for the feverish imaginings that run like bright threads through their Torah commentaries: midrash, the spinning of gloriously weird backstories or fairy tales prompted by gaps or contradictions in the narratives. Midrash isn’t just a Jewish hermeneutic, by the way. Some Brontë fans—reader, I’m one of them—would happily work through stacks of Brontë midrash in search of answers to the mysterium tremendum, the awesome mystery, of the Brontës’ improbable sainthood. As we open Jane Eyre once more we cannot stifle the suspicion that we shall find her world of imagination as antiquated, mid-Victorian, and out of date as the parsonage on the moor, a place only to be visited by the curious, only preserved by the pious. If Charlotte’s novels keep up a stiff wind, Emily’s one novel, Wuthering Heights, is a thunderstorm.

Human energy requirements The principles followed by the 1985 FAO/WHO/UNU expert consultation (WHO, 1985) were adhered to, and energy requirements of adults were calculated from factorial estimates of habitual TEE. The use of techniques such as DLW and HRM confirmed the large diversity of TEE - and hence of energy requirements - among adult societies, which were previously reported by time-motion studies. Growth is no longer an energy-demanding factor in adulthood, and BMR is relatively constant among population groups of a given age and gender. Consequently, habitual physical activity and body weight are the main determinants for the diversity in energy requirements of adult populations with different lifestyles (James and Schofield, 1990). 5.1 Factorial estimation of total energy expenditure and physical activity level This consultation also agreed that the average energy cost of activities expressed as a multiple of BMR, or PAR, should be similar for men and women. 5.2 Estimation of basal metabolic rate

Apparently People Can't Stop Arguing About the Size of Superman's Wang - Fact Fiend As we’ve discussed before, one of the hardest parts about having to physically portray Superman is that it requires an almost ungodly amount of effort just to attain a physique that is even close to the one the Man of Steel has in the comics. Apparently though there’s another, more hilarious aspect of portraying the Last Son of Krypton that nobody ever talks about, by which we mean, there’s a big argument about exactly how big your dick should look. You see, whenever they make a live-action Superman TV show or film, because the actor playing Superman generally has to wear a skin tight costume that leaves very little to the imagination, the person who designs that costume invariably has to plan for how they’re going to stop everyone from seeing the actor’s dick as it’s being strangled by Lycra. Usually this involves sewing a codpiece into the costume, but this in itself leads to another problem, exactly how big should that codpiece be?

2016/03/22/time-use-bisexual-word/ I’ve been involved on the GLBTQ book internet for many years now, and what I’ve enjoyed most about watching it mature over that time is seeing the growing presence of the latter letters of the acronym. I started The Lesbrary (and later Fuck Yeah Lesbian Literature on tumblr) because the “GLBT/LGBT” or “Gay and Lesbian” book blogs I found at the time were almost entirely M/M books, with the occasional F/F content, and no bi or trans stories to be found. Luckily, this has begun to change, and one of the blogs that’s been leading the charge is Bisexual Books on tumblr. Before following Bisexual Books, I had included bi content on my blogs and read bi women books, but I hadn’t been very familiar with bisexual politics, or bisexual books as their own category. I was happy to absorb knowledge about bisexual lit and politics, as well to learn about stereotypes to avoid. As is often the case, once I learned about this, I began to see it more often. Being named is important.
