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BBC Learning English - Dramas from BBC Learning English / Alice in Wonderland: Part 1: Down the rabbit hole

BBC Learning English - Dramas from BBC Learning English / Alice in Wonderland: Part 1: Down the rabbit hole
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Best Young Adult Novels, Best Teen Fiction, Top 100 Teen Novels It's almost a cliche at this point to say that teen fiction isn't just for teens anymore. Just last year, the Association of American Publishers ranked Children's/Young Adult books as the single fastest-growing publishing category. Which is why we were only a little surprised to see the tremendous response that came in for this summer's Best-Ever Teen Fiction poll. And now, the final results are in. Selecting a manageable voting roster from among the more than 1,200 nominations that came in from readers wasn't easy, and we were happy to be able to rely on such an experienced panel of judges. Summer, like youth, is fleeting.

10 Best Free Listening Websites with Quizzes to Practise for Listening Exams So what do you do to practise listening for exams? Growing up, I never had the opportunity to do any extra practice to improve my listening skills. We didn’t have the Internet and the thousand possibilities it offers to learners of any language nowadays. The teachers had an old tape player that sometimes stopped and started on its own and old tapes that ended up sounding distorted and most of the times unlistenable so if you wanted to get better at listening, you just listened to the radio and struggled to understand the lyrics and sing along. Not that I ever complained. So, exams are just around the corner and I know you’re beginning to freak out. These are, in my opinion, the best sites with quizzes to practise listening comprehension. Check also:

Big Bang Theory Graphic Organizer by Creativity Meets Cognition This "sketch-notes" style graphic organizer is a great way to introduce or review the Big Bang Theory. It is a great way to organize main ideas about the theory of expansion and help visual learners make connections through drawings and comic book style note taking. I have found that these graphic organizers work very well for SPED and ELL students but your general ed. students will enjoy them as well. These fun notes are a great addition to any interactive notebook! The "thought bubble" is left blank at the bottom where you (or even better, the students) can determine the question they will be answering. 1. Print and Scale to 85% to fit into composition notebook. If you like this product, please rate and let me know in the comments below! Thank you!

Solgrammatik 5 cartoons of confused words Do you like walking around with bear feet? What would you take with you to a dessert island? There are many words in the English language that sound the same, but have very different meanings. These cartoons will show you just how awkward it can get with even the slightest spelling mistake… Bear feet or bare feet? Bear and bare are often confused when used as verbs. Find out more about how to use bear and bare correctly and take our quiz to test yourself. A stationery car or a stationary car? Another very common mistake is to confuse stationary and stationery. Find out more about how to use stationary and stationery correctly. A dessert island or a desert island? While the prospect of stranding on a dessert island may sound quite appealing to some, you’d probably be more likely to end up on a desert island after having survived a shipwreck. A supermarket isle or a supermarket aisle? There may be no such things as dessert islands, but what about supermarket isles?

physique chimie - ressources numériques en langue étrangère et cultures numériques (TraAM physique-chimie) Les Travaux Académiques Mutualisés (TraAM) mis en place par le Ministère proposent chaque année aux académies des thèmes de travail communs dans le cadre du développement des usages des TICE.Pour l'année scolaire 2014-2015, les thèmes retenus au plan national pour les TraAM étaient : - comment exploiter des ressources numériques en langue étrangère dans l'enseignement de la physique chimie ? ;- cultures numériques, éducation aux médias et à l’information dans l’enseignement de la physique-chimie. Il s'agissait de produire des scénarios pédagogiques accompagnés d'exemples d'usages testés auprès des élèves. Le groupe de l'académie de Nantes, qui a travaillé sur les deux thèmes, présente ici 4 scénarios pédagogiques sur le premier thème et 3 scénarios sur le second thème. - Chaque scénario précise les objectifs, les compétences mises en œuvre, le contexte pédagogique dans lequel il peut être utilisé, ainsi que les outils nécessaires (équipements informatiques, logiciels, rôle de l'ENT).

Skriva brev och e-post på engelska Här är några fraser och tips på hur du skriver brev och e-postmeddelanden på engelska. Skriva ett informellt brev Börja ditt brev med att använda ordet Dear, följt av mottagarens förnamn, t.ex: Här är några saker du kan skriva: Här är några vanliga sätt att avsluta ett informellt brev: Om du skriver till en familjemedlem, partner eller nära vän, kan du avsluta på följande sätt: Avsluta med ditt förnamn. Skriva ett e-postmeddelande E-postmeddelanden skrivs vanligtvis på ett mer informellt sätt oavsett om de är avsedda för sociala eller proffesionella ändamål. Du bör alltid ge ditt e-postmeddelande ett ämnesord som kan sammanfatta dess syfte med några få ord. Hur man inleder ett affärsmail varierar, men det är ganska vanligt att man använder adressatens förnamn i både jobbmail och personliga mail om du känner personen. Det är inte nödvändigt att skriva Dear, men vissa personer föredrar det. I allmänhet bör innehållet i ett jobbmail vara kortfattat och koncist. Skriva ett formellt brev

Podcasts to help English learners practise listening Do your students want more listening practice? Aoife McLoughlin, blogger with and latest winner of the British Council's Teaching English blog award, recommends five podcasts to get them started. Do you spend enough time working on listening skills with your students? Is there ever enough time? In my experience, I would say no. Often, when we ask students what part of their English they most want to improve, they will say listening and speaking. But we often give less attention to the receptive skill of listening, perhaps in the belief that 'if you can do it alone, you can do it at home'. Podcasts are a great way for students to improve their listening on the go. With such a huge selection available, students are bound to find a podcast they are interested in that suits their needs. Here are my top five podcasts for learners of English: This is much more than a podcast. TED audio podcasts

Enigma, la guerre du code Depuis quelques temps, le commandement militaire allemand utilise pour protéger ses communications les machines Enigma, créées d’abord à des fins de secret économique. Ces machines proposent des possibilités de chiffrement vertigineuses. Faute de pouvoir en percer la combinaison, les Alliés sont incapables de déchiffrer les messages qu’ils interceptent. En temps de guerre l’information est vitale : déchiffrer les communications ennemies permettrait de connaître les attaques projetées, les positions des unités adverses etc. Il ne suffisait pas aux Britanniques de mettre la main sur une machine. S’engage, dès septembre 1939, une titanesque entreprise de cassage des codes allemands, une lutte contre la montre d’autant plus décourageante que chaque matin, les clés de chiffrement sont modifiées. L'idée qui va s'imposer à Turing c'est qu'on peut avoir les meilleurs mathématiciens, les meilleurs génies de notre temps, on ne pourra jamais, avec une réflexion humaine, se battre cette machine.

Övningar på engelska Övningar på engelska Material Vi har fått många förfrågningar av lärare om Unga Fakta kan producera material på engelska och vi har därför satt ihop några roliga övningar på för användning i skolan. Siffror Lär dig räkna och skriva till tio på engelska. Djur Lär dig namn på djur med hjälp av bilder. Korsord Enkla korsord på engelska som passar bra för nybörjare. Nursery rhymes I Storbritannien och USA är det väldigt populärt med ”Nursery rhymes”. Klassiker För de som läst engelska lite längre har vi plockat ut några korta stycken ur kända klassiker att läsa själva eller i grupp. Åsikter Vi på Unga Fakta är tacksamma om du vill dela med dig av dina erfarenheter om hur du upplever Kunskapsbanken och att arbeta med den.

A Quiz: 25 Common Idioms that you Really Need to Know I know the feeling. I have been there. You have studied English really hard this year. Just by sheer luck, at a party, you are introduced to a British person and you feel it’s your opportunity to shine. “Did he just say something about the skin of my teeth?” Yes. In this quiz you’ll find some very common idioms used by native speakers. Blog de Cristina is also on facebook. Tool used: Riddle Do you know what these idioms mean ? If something is on your bucket list You need to buy it quickly You want to do it before you die It is something you do when it is raining If you cut corners You do something in the easiest or most inexpensive way You are in a strong position when you are competing with someone else You stop doing something before you have finished If you bite off more than you can chew You eat everything on a plate, thus depriving anyone else of having any You take on a task that is way too big You drink very heavily If you hit the sack you go to bed you go to the gym you quit your job If you rock

Mary Shelley au-delà de Frankenstein PREMIERE PARTIE : Mary Shelley au-delà de Frankenstein Avec Gilles Menegaldo, professeur émérite de littérature anglo-saxonne et de cinéma à l’Université de Poitiers et Alain Morvan, ancien recteur des académies de Clermont-Ferrand, Amiens et Lyon, ancien président du Directoire des PUF, professeur émérite à la Sorbonne Nouvelle (Paris 3), spécialiste du XVIIIe siècle et de la littérature gothique, auteur de Mary Shelley et Frankenstein : itinéraires romanesques aux PUF et traducteur de Frankenstein ou le Prométhée moderne aux éditions Folio SF Gallimard ainsi qu'à La Pléiade. En janvier 1818 paraissait Frankenstein, l’œuvre mythique d’une jeune femme de 18 ans qui révolutionna la littérature. À l’occasion des 200 ans de la parution de Frankenstein et de la sortie en salles (depuis le 8 août) de Mary Shelley d’Haifaa al-Mansour, nous enquêtons aujourd’hui sur ce double mythe avec Alain Morvan et Gilles Menegaldo. Frankenstein, il faut le rappeler, c’est le nom du créateur.

In a Heartbeat This ESL lesson plan is designed around a short film titled In a Heartbeat and the theme of love. Students learn and practice expressions using the word “heart”, watch a short film trailer, predict and write a story, watch and discuss a short film, and watch and discuss a video in which elderly people give their reactions to the short film. Language level: Intermediate (B1) – Upper Intermediate (B2) Learner type: Teens and adults Time: 90 minutes Activity: Practicing expressions using the word “heart”, watching a short film trailer, predicting and writing a story, watching and discussing a short film, and watch and discussing a reaction video Topic: Love Language: Vocabulary related to love Watch the film. Check out the lesson plan Remember that Individual Membership and Institutional Membership of Film English Club allow unlimited access to all 500+ Film English Club lesson plans, viewing guides and other teaching material. Subscribe We hope you enjoy this ESL lesson.
