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Calligraphy Paper

Calligraphy Paper

Free Calligraphy Templates The Greek word "calligraphy" can literally be translated as "beautiful writing." Calligraphy can be used to create gorgeous wedding invitations, pretty cards, or special documents. If you're just learning how to write calligraphy, or if you need a different style, a calligraphy template can help you get the results you desire. Types of Free Calligraphy Templates There are basically two types of calligraphy templates: full alphabet templates and downloadable fonts. Alternatively you can download a calligraphy font, then customize it to be the size you need. Full Alphabet Templates You can download and print the following templates for free. The following sites also offer free downloadable full alphabet templates: For calligraphy alphabet stencils in many fonts and languages, visit Free Calligraphy Fonts Here are some great websites offering free calligraphy fonts: Calligraphy Alphabets has a great selection of free calligraphy fonts that are in the public domain.

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Accueil - La Maison de la Calligraphie
