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jQuery Before/After Plugin About a month ago I was reading the New York Times online and they had an article which showed a road in Brooklyn that had been reconstructed to make it safer and more pleasing to the eye. To show the difference in the reconstruction project, they showed a before and after picture using Flash that let the visitor drag a slider over the images, which were sandwiched with one on top of the other, so that you could easily see how dramatic the changes were. I immediately thought that this could be done in JavaScript using jQuery, so I set out to do it. Here’s the result: Pretty slick no? Download Go to the Before/After download page What’s So Great About this Plugin? Slick effect, no Flash neededIt’s just 7K (4K compressed)Reusable on multiple containersDegradable. How to Use First, your before and after images must be the same size. All images *MUST* have the width and height declared otherwise the plugin won’t work in Safari, Chrome, and any other webkit-based browsers. That’s it! Options Demos

Lea-Linux Etherpad Foundation - Live Document Collaboration Tipped - The Javascript Tooltip Framework Tipped allows you to easily create beautiful tooltips using the jQuery Javascript library. Evolved from the popular Prototip library, Tipped takes tooltips to the next level by using HTML5 to give you full control over the look and feel of your tooltips. Canvas graphics The entire skin of the tooltip, from shadow to loading icon, is drawn using Canvas. Canvas based tooltips also have the advantage that they look great in every browser, even in IE6! Javascript API With the powerful API provided by Tipped it's possible to quickly create and control tooltips customized to your site, all it takes is a few lines of Javascript. And more... Check out the demonstrations below or head over to the documentation to discover more awesome features.

Ubuntu Genius's Blog Tech Data Cloud AutoSuggest: An AJAX auto-complete text field : CSS . XHTML . Javascript . DOM, Development : Brand Spanking New kk said Jeffrey Ropp said Nicely done. For some reason, my results dont appear within a scroll area? I copied most of your CSS and still can't get it to work. I've also found that my results aren't always qualified by the first character provided. Try an "S" first. Any thoughts would be appreciated! Thanks, Jeff Robert said Very interesting. peter said Hi, is it possible to submit the form after clicking on some of the results? Josh said I tried that, I can't seem to get it to respond right. in order for the dropdown to be clickable you must change the code above from: this.fld.addEventListener('blur',function () { pointer.clearSuggestions() },false); to this.fld.addEventListener('blur',function () { setTimeout(function () { pointer.clearSuggestions() }, 300) },false); I figured out how to make the autosuggest show on when focused and clear when the field loses focus. replace line 24: this.toID = setTimeout(function () { pointer.clearSuggestions() }, this.oP.timeout); with return element; } Enjoy

Rappels utiles Linux Security and privacy - Google Apps Help Parmi les types de questions que nous recevons au sujet de Google en général et de Google Apps en particulier, les deux plus fréquents concernent la sécurité et la confidentialité. Nous attachons une grande importance à ces sujets et sommes convaincus que nos offres sont fiables sur ces deux plans. Toute notre activité repose sur la confiance que nos utilisateurs nous accordent, qu'il s'agisse de la sécurité de leurs données, ou de la confidentialité des informations qu'ils placent sur nos systèmes. Ces données ne sont pas communiquées à des tiers et sont utilisées de manière appropriée. Afin de répondre à certaines des nombreuses questions qui nous sont posées et de dissiper certaines idées fausses, nous avons créé cette FAQ et un site sur la sécurité de Google Apps. Si vous avez besoin de nous signaler un cas d'utilisation abusive, merci de consulter cette page d'informations pour en savoir plus. Confidentialité Pour faire court, Google n'est pas propriétaire de vos données. Sécurité

Ajax (informatique) Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. Pour les articles homonymes, voir Ajax. L'architecture informatique Ajax (acronyme d'Asynchronous JavaScript and XML) permet de construire des applications Web et des sites web dynamiques interactifs sur le poste client en se servant de différentes technologies ajoutées aux navigateurs web entre 1995 et 2005. Ajax combine JavaScript, les CSS, XML, le DOM et le XMLHttpRequest afin d'améliorer maniabilité et confort d'utilisation des Applications Internet Riches (abr. RIA)[1],[2] : DOM et JavaScript permettent de modifier l'information présentée dans le navigateur en respectant sa structure ;L'objet XMLHttpRequest sert au dialogue asynchrone avec le serveur Web ;XML structure les informations transmises entre serveur Web et navigateur. Outre le XML, les échanges de données entre client et serveur peuvent utiliser d'autres formats, tels que JSON. Dialogue entre serveur et navigateur L'interface de programmation Document Object Model (abr.

Gmail to Unveil New Interface to Help Fight Information Overload Google's excellent webmail app Gmail appears set to relaunch with a new interface, according to a video caught on the company's YouTube channel by long-time watchdog Alex Chitu this morning. The new version of Gmail looks a lot like the recent refresh of Google Docs, but adds big avatar photos of your contacts to your inbox display and surfaces advanced search functionality through a simple interface, among other changes. The new email reply interface looks like comment posting on Facebook. The YouTube video has now been closed to the public, but Chitu grabbed screenshots that we've reposted below. The introduction of contact avatars is something that the Gmail mobile Web client began several months ago but will be much more meaningful in a full size Web app. The new interface for replying to emails looks much more lightweight as well. The advanced search interface is very nice as well. Contacts and tasks links are no longer displayed on the very top of the interface.

android-scripting - Scripting Layer for Android brings scripting languages to Android. SL4A's source has moved to github. The issue tracker, wiki, and downloads will continue to be hosted here. Scripting Layer for Android (SL4A) brings scripting languages to Android by allowing you to edit and execute scripts and interactive interpreters directly on the Android device. These scripts have access to many of the APIs available to full-fledged Android applications, but with a greatly simplified interface that makes it easy to get things done. Scripts can be run interactively in a terminal, in the background, or via Locale. SL4A is designed for developers and is alpha quality software. To install SL4A, you will need to enable the "Unknown sources" option in your device's "Application" settings. Still have questions? Want to learn more? Start by reading "Introducing SL4A: The Scripting Layer for Android" by Pieter Greyling and "Packaging and Distributing" by Paul Ferrill. You can buy "Practical Android Projects" on Amazon or directly from Apress. What's Powered by SL4A? Rockets Oplop

External Interface Tip « ActionScript 3, Flash, Flex Reflections This article will treat solutions to “swfObject.callback() is not a function” problem when using ExternalInterface in Flash/Flex. Ok, not so long ago I had to test some interaction between JavaScript and ActionScript. It wasn’t the first time I was using EI, and since it’s always good to start from a working examle, I set up the one provided by Adobe, test it – works fine. (An important note – you have to run it from a web server and add it to flash player’s security domain. I’ll show you how later). while what I needed was to call the AS function as soon as the document loads. and SURPRIIIIIIIISSEEEEEEEE !!!! setTimeout('callAsFunction();', 100) TADAAA, it worked, BUT, only in 9 out of 10 page refreshes. function onFlashReady() { sendToAS("another test message"); } function callJS(value) { onFlashReady(); return "Hi Flash and AS code: Note that you need a TextField on the stage with the name “tf”. Have fun coding! Like this: Like Loading...

Javascript - les boîtes de dialogue Octobre 2012 Qu'est-ce qu'une boîte de dialogue? Une boîte de dialogue est une fenêtre qui s'affiche au premier plan suite à un événement, et qui permet Soit d'avertir l'utilisateur Soit le confronter à un choix Soit lui demander de compléter un champ pour récupérer une information Ce type de boîte est à utiliser avec parcimonie car elle oblige une action de la part de l'utilisateur, et est à terme très énervante... Javascript en propose trois différentes dont l'utilisation se rapporte pour chacune à une de celles décrites ci-dessus. Ces boîtes de dialogue ont une mention Javascript, par exemple " " pour permettre de savoir à l'utilisateur qu'il s'agit d'une boîte d'invite de la page en cours. La méthode alert() Son unique paramètre est une chaîne de caractère, on peut donc lui fournir directement cette chaîne de caractères entre guillemets, lui fournir une variable dont il affichera le contenu, ou bien mêler les deux en concaténant les chaines grâce à l'opérateur . Voici sa syntaxe : Au feu!!
