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µTorrent - un (tout) petit client BitTorrent

The Rasterbator 1.2 at Invader Zim rasterbated by Bryon T. Smedley Monochromatic rasterbation detail Online version update (27 Jan 2013) Online version of The Rasterbator has renewed - it's located at! Download Click here to download (866 kb) Solutions for most common problems Introduction To see what's new, see the Change Log. The Rasterbator is an application which creates rasterized versions of images. The Rasterbator originated as a web application at, but it has gained so much popularity that the web server occassionally cannot handle the load and a standalone version was in place. The standalone version is the same as the web version, except that downloading images from the web and image cropping are not supported, and you have to set the output size numerically (number of pages wide/high) rather than using a fancy drag handle. Click here to download The Rasterbator Standalone 1.2! The zip file includes the application, its source code and SharpDevelop project files. Requirements 1.

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