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Design[edit] Like OpenGL ES 2.0, WebGL does not have the fixed-function APIs introduced in OpenGL 1.0 and deprecated in OpenGL 3.0. This functionality can instead be provided by the user in the JavaScript code space. Shaders in WebGL are expressed directly in GLSL. History[edit] WebGL evolved out of the Canvas 3D experiments started by Vladimir Vukićević at Mozilla. In early 2009, the non-profit technology consortium Khronos Group started the WebGL Working Group, with initial participation from Apple, Google, Mozilla, Opera, and others.[4][8] Version 1.0 of the WebGL specification was released March 2011.[1] As of March 2012, the chair of the working group is Ken Russell. Early applications of WebGL include Google Maps and Zygote Body.[9][10] More recently[when?] Development of the WebGL 2 specification started in 2013.[12] This specification is based on OpenGL ES 3.0. Support[edit] WebGL is widely supported in modern browsers. Desktop browsers[edit] Mobile browsers[edit] Security[edit]

Native Client turns Chrome into high-end gaming platform | The Download Blog MOUNTAIN VIEW, Calif.--Google's new technology to secure the Web and make browsers significantly more powerful got its first public demo tonight at the company's headquarters south of San Francisco after three years under wraps. Calling it Native Client, Google says that integrating technology into Chrome is essential for the future of Web browsers. To show that Native Client is road-ready, the company used its event to announce several new Chrome-only versions of games known for their rich and processor-intensive graphics, available immediately. It also revealed that the browser currently has more than 200 million users worldwide. The first public demonstration of Native Client started off with Ian Ellison-Taylor, director of product management for the open Web at Google, giving an overview of the questions that led to Native Client's creation. (Credit: Seth Rosenblatt/CNET) The popular Xbox game Bastion has been ported to Google Chrome using the new Native Client technology.

BBC Nature - Chimpanzees consider their audience when communicating 29 December 2011Last updated at 17:01 By Victoria Gill Science reporter, BBC Nature The chimps made soft "hoo" sounds to warn individuals that had not seen the threat Chimpanzees appear to consider who they are "talking to" before they call out. Researchers found that wild chimps that spotted a poisonous snake were more likely to make their "alert call" in the presence of a chimp that had not seen the threat. This indicates that the animals "understand the mindset" of others. The insight into the primates' remarkable intelligence will be published in the journal Current Biology. The University of St Andrews scientists, who carried out the work, study primate communication to uncover some of the origins of human language. To find out how the animals "talked to each other" about potential threats, they placed plastic snakes - models of rhino and gaboon vipers - into the paths of wild chimpanzees and monitored the primates' reactions. "They also tend to sit in one place for weeks.

In Focus: Mexico Drug War, Five Years Later Posted Dec 21, 2011 Share This Gallery inShare19 A graphic picture is emerging in Mexico five years after President Felipe Calderon launched his all-out assault on organized crime: Mass killings as cartels fight each other for territory and civilians caught in the violence; police unable to prevent the mayhem or to investigate the aftermath. The government needed to act decisively, he said, to prevent organized crime from taking over the country. Since then, chaos has exploded on the ground in once-quiet places across the country, including Veracruz. The warring splinter groups have allowed two major cartels to take over most of the territory. Meanwhile, drugs continue to flow into the United States. Warning: All images in this entry are shown in full, not screened out for graphic content. A soldier guards a detainee during a presentation for the media in Tijuana, Mexico, Monday, Oct. 18, 2010. Graves are seen in San Rafael cemetery in Ciudad Juarez, Mexico, Wednesday, April 8, 2009.

16. A Guide to Logical Fallacies By Paul Newall (2005) Expanding on our fourth discussion, we'll now look at the kinds of moves—rhetorical or otherwise—that can be made when setting out or defending an idea and countering others. We'll also consider some common errors in reasoning that come up in philosophical arguments from time to time, like anywhere else. Making an argument Although often we make arguments to try to learn about and understand the world around us, sometimes we hope to persuade others of our ideas and convince them to try or believe them, just as they might want to do likewise with us. What is the best (or most effective) way to persuade people of something? In a philosophical context, then, we need to bear in mind that arguments may be flawed and that rhetorical excesses can be used to make us overlook that fact. Fallacies As we discussed above, some mistakes in reasoning occur often enough that we now have almost a catalogue of them to consider. There are two kinds of fallacy: formal and informal.

What Happens When I Die? Art by Alex Grey In order to answer the question, "What happens when I die?" I feel it is important to take a look at something a bit less speculative and that is the question of what happens when we live. There is no way to understand death if you don't know what life is. Who is it that is looking out through your eyes? Is it not the same quality of awareness that existed right before you read these words? And that awareness, the pure state of awareness was there before you could form words or even knew your name. The essential self is not contained within the boundaries of worldly identification, although it plays in those fields. The essential self is not limited in perception by the five senses, although it enjoys experiencing them. The self that is eternal is not limited by space and time, although it uses space and time to creatively express its essence. You are not your thoughts. Experience your thoughts, experience your story, experience your body, as none of it will last. Peace,

Google Chrome Uses Graphics Card to Accelerate SVG, CSS One t-shirt essentially started the Half-Life 3 rumor train that, for now, has come to an abrupt end. Earlier this month, a Valve employee was spotted by Chandana Ekanayak, art director and executive producer at Uber Entertainment, at a local game development event wearing a Half-Life 3 T-shirt. While the logo itself was inconsistent with the design of the Half-Life 2 logo (reversed actually), the shirt clearly read "Half-Life 3" underneath the design. Since then, numerous Half-Life 3 rumors have surfaced. Then a source for Valve's supposed ARG, Doug Rattmann, reportedly tweeted a countdown for a possible Half-Life 3 announcement, writing "Min: 60 days, Max: Unknown." If that wasn't enough to get the Half-Life 3 wheels spinning (and for good reason), somewhere in the timeline, Valve boss Gabe Newell said to leak Half-Life 3 details in order to gain consumer interest. "You are being trolled," he writes. "I just want to say this so there is no confusion," he added. Bummer.

Save Tom's, Stop SOPA Here at Tom’s Hardware, you know we don’t typically get political because with the heated debates between AMD vs. Intel who needs Donkeys vs. Elephants? We’ve got no agenda beyond providing the best hardware news and reviews we can dig up. Assign liability to site owners for everything users post, without consideration for whether or not the user posted without permission. As an example, imagine a user posts a video clip to the Tom’s Community of a step-by-step guide on how to set up water cooling on an overclocked i7 CPU.

Get Your Music Off of Your iPod From Wired How-To Wiki Dumping your entire music collection onto an iPod is a simple, one-click process. But what about getting your music off an iPod? You'll find that's not so easy. Fortunately, there are many applications you can use to get your tunes off your iPod. What You'll Need 1. 2. The simplest method for grabbing tunes off of your iPod is also the geekiest. How To (Mac) Simple On a Mac, you'll need to enable hidden folders in the Finder. 1. 2. defaults write AppleShowAllFiles TRUEkillall Finder 3. Advanced Mac users with no fear of using the terminal can do this with a couple of UNIX shell commands: `mkdir ~/Desktop/frompod find /Volumes/<your ipod name>/iPod_Control/Music/ -name "." You will need to change <your ipod name> to the name of your iPod, and you'll need to escape spaces with backslashes, i.e.: Joes\ iPod That find command will dump all the music from your iPod onto a folder called "frompod" on your desktop. How To (Windows) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. a.

How To: Move Music from iPod to PC in 5 Easy Steps I’m a big fan of the iPod but what I don’t like is Apple not being very forthcoming about how to move music from the iPod back to the PC. They’re quick enough to tell you how to move the music from your PC to your iPod but when you want to do the opposite, Apple clams up tight. Their reasoning is probably that the only reason you’d want to take your music off the iPod is to copy it and illegally distribute it. But that is really an insult to the music buyer. It has taken me ages to work out how to get the music off the iPod and onto the computer but I have finally got it. The easy five-step guide to moving your music from your iPod to your PC 1. 2. Double-click on that. 3. 4. Check the box “Keep iTunes Music folder organized” and click OK. 5. There you have it. You may want to also take this opportunity (before doing the above) to wipe your iPod and revert it back to the factory settings. Do you have any iPod tricks to share?

The Fox and the Grapes The illustration of the fable by François Chauveau in the first volume of La Fontaine's fables, 1668 "The Fox and the Grapes" is one of the traditional Aesop's fables and can be held to illustrate the concept of cognitive dissonance. In this view, the premise of the fox that covets inaccessible grapes is taken to stand for a person who attempts to hold incompatible ideas simultaneously. In that case, the disdain the fox expresses for the grapes at the conclusion to the fable serves at least to diminish the dissonance even if the behaviour in fact remains irrational.[1] Before "cognitive dissonance" was invented there was a moral to the story and the moral was "Any fool can despise what he can not get"[2] The fable[edit] Driven by hunger, a fox tried to reach some grapes hanging high on the vine but was unable to, although he leaped with all his strength. La Fontaine's Le Renard et les Raisins[edit] The gallant would gladly have made a meal of them But as he was unable to succeed, says he:
