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Black macaque takes self-portrait: Monkey borrows photographer's camera By Daily Mail Reporter Created: 10:08 GMT, 4 July 2011 To capture the perfect wildlife image, you usually have to be in exactly the right place at precisely the right time. But in this instance, David Slater wasn’t there at all and he still got a result. Visiting a national park in North Sulawesi, Indonesia, award-winning photographer Mr Slater left his camera unattended for a while. It soon attracted the attention of an inquisitive female from a local group of crested black macaque monkeys, known for their intelligence and dexterity. Fascinated by her reflection in the lens, she then somehow managed to start the camera. Say cheese: The monkeys were intrigued by their reflection in the camera lens You can be in this one too: The monkey even snapped a shot with photographer David Slater in the frame Chimply marvellous: The images taken by the monkeys at a national park in Indonesia are perfect portraits 'The sound got his attention and he kept pressing it

Bernard, french journalist Bernard était samedi dernier l’invité de l’émission le Tube sur Canal + et a notamment évoqué de grands sujets de société tel que l’existence de ce Tumblr. Beaucoup d’émotion. La petite production de Bernard Bernard enquête à Val d’Isère. ¡Hola ! Bernard demande des feuilles de coca. Bernard de la Villardière, Collection Printemps / Été 2013 Sexe : l´obsession américaine Proposé par Dosibox Bernard joue au tennis de table Bernard en plein tournage d’une émission sur le trafic de droïdes sur Tatooine. Proposé par snake56

Why there is no god (Un)usual suspects: dans les archives de la police Des scènes de crimes, des photos de gardes à vue, des clichés de “présumé coupable”, nous en avons tous déjà vu. Dans l’imagerie collective surgissent des images de scènes de crimes morbides des portraits de suspects tirant la gueule de face et profil en tenant une plaque, des photos de presse d’accusés devant un tribunal, visage tendus, mains menottées (du moins aux Etats-Unis, comme l’a montré une récente polémique…). Dans tous les cas rien de bien joyeux ni d’artistique. C’était sans compter les archives photo de la police australienne! En effet, entre 1912 et 1964, la police de Sydney a accumulé quelques 130 000 négatifs d’une qualité et d’un esthétisme tout à fait surprenant…. Les clichés, regroupés au Justice & Police Museum, sont présentés par thème en expositions temporaires (“Les Escrocs”, “Mésaventure en voiture”…) Alors pour ceux qui n’ont pas de voyage prévu prochainement à Sydney, voici une petite promenade parmi les (présumés) criminels des années 20.

BallDroppings" by Josh Nimoy From the Author: BallDroppings has already been implemented in other languages, you can download it for Mac or Windows here: .. it's a musical playtoy that looks like abstract pong. My hope is that i will be able to port enough of it to Javascript, and then use a bit of Flash to manage the sound. The result will be a limited version of BallDroppings that works in the browser. I might also provide instructions on how to begin interacting. Technology: 10 Dallas, Texas, Restaurants with Free Food or 1/2 Off Deals & Specials | I Live In Dallas Sushi at Steel in Uptown Not only is Dallas a city full of great-tasting food, it's also a city where you can get some great food entirely for FREE, or at least 1/2 off—you just have to know where, when, and how to get it. I've personally tried most of these deals myself so I can vouch that they are for real. And there's one for almost every day of the week! Here's my compilation of the best-tasting weekly food deals in Dallas... Sundays 1/2 off sushi rolls @ Kona Grill (during dinner hours only) Kona's sushi is some of the best-tasting in DFW. Mondays FREE 2-course dinner @ Villa O This food is totally free—you don't have to buy anything to get it! FREE 2-course dinner @ Trece I have personally tried this deal several times, and it's exactly like Villa-O's deal, but with top-shelf TexMex cuisine instead of organic Italian. 1/2 off entrees @ Thomas Avenue Beverage Company (TABC) The common saying, "it's good food, for a bar" does NOT apply to this bar. Tuesdays Wednesdays Thursdays

Play Wonderputt Check your security settings Connection issues are typically caused by security settings on your network or computer. Check that your firewall or router has port 5222 open and allowing traffic. If you are on a school or office network, you may need to contact your network administrator to make the necessary changes. Is your version of Flash current? Ad blockers and browser plug ins Ad blocker programs like AdBlock Plus, proxy software and a variety of other browser add-ons can prevent users from connecting to chat. Try again in a few minutes Sometimes the internet is just not happy. Did you lose an achievement? loading New Twitter site allows private group chat Twitter is never short of innovative products that show us new uses for the site, thanks to their open source API. Now a new site has come along that allows you to have private chats with more than one Twitter user. Enter !lblether (the Scottish word for chat). This will add a message to your profile (note that this is public) with a link for people to click on to join the chat. When that person clicks on the link, they'll be entered into the private chat, which you can access via the site directly: While the site does say you can start a blether by writing a tweet beginning with "! The service offered is actually a nice addition to the Twitter experience.

"Sexy" Smells Different for Gay, Straight Men, Study Says May 10, 2005 A new study shows that gay men respond differently from straight men when exposed to a suspected sexual stimulus found in male sweat. When homosexual men smelled the odor of male sweat—more specifically, a chemical in the male hormone testosterone—their brains responded similarly to those of women. The findings suggest that brain activity and sexual orientation are linked. It also supports an opinion held by most scientists, that people are born—not bred—gay. "This is one more line of evidence that there's a biological substring for sexual orientation," said Dean Hamer, a geneticist at the National Institutes of Health in Bethesda, Maryland. Hamer is the author of The Science of Desire: The Gay Gene and the Biology of Behavior. The study was published today in the research journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. Reproductive Behavior The scientists exposed heterosexual men and women and homosexual men to chemicals found in male and female sex hormones.

Le guide vice pour pécho des meufs « Pour pécho une meuf, il suffit de dire “Pas de problème”. Tout le temps. Pas de problème. » Je suis chez des amis et c’est le mec assis à ma droite, Piotr, un mafieux russe, qui parle. « Si elle est en retard, tu bois ton verre tout seul. Quand elle arrive, tu lui dis “Aucun problème”. Et tu continues ta soirée comme si de rien n’était. iotr a maintenant capté l’attention de toute la table. Piotr est un mec flippant qui parle aux arbres, porte des pantalons africains et sera bientôt en prison pour double meurtre. Le problème quand t’as vraiment envie de baiser, c’est que t’as l’air d’un mec qui a vraiment envie de baiser. Au fait, on ne sort jamais une fille au resto avant de l’avoir baisée au moins une fois. Et tu ne la rappelles pas, espèce de trou du cul ! Fuck Cool J. Si tu téléphones plus que ce qu’on t’a dit, tu vas donner l’impression d’être désespéré. Il y a du matériel à rassembler. On te l’a déjà dit un milliard de fois : si tu parles pas, tu baises pas. C’est chaud.
