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Artof Editor - A CKEditor Plugin for Joomla 1.5 and 1.6 Artof Editor is a plugin extension for Joomla that provides support for the WYSIWYG CKEditor in text edit area. CKEditor is a text editor to be used inside Joomla articles. It's a WYSIWYG editor, which means that the text being edited on it looks as similar as possible to the results users have when publishing it. It brings to the web common editing features found on desktop editing applications like Microsoft Word and OpenOffice. Features CKEditor 3.6.2 For more information see the end-user features page on the CKEditor site. In addition, this plugin exhibits the follow features of interest to developers for training purposes: A custom parameter element to support the loading of local language files (see /plugins/editors/ckeditor/elements/dummy.php). Requirements Joomla 1.5 PHP 5.2+ This extensions requires a low working knowledge of Joomla to configure and use to its maximum potential. Packing List All extensions are automatically installed from the one package. License and Support

JCE Editeur pour Joomla! - Par Sarki - JCE Editeur - Le portail francophone - JCE Editeur pour Joomla! - Par Sarki lundi 14 avril 2014 Select Language Kits Joomla! 2.5 et 3.x Serveurs de test Télécharger JCE Starter Kit Joomla! Découvrez JCE avec les kits Joomla! 2.5 et 3.x de Joomlatutos.comKits Joomla gratuits ou, sous abonnement avec extensions et mise à jour. JCE Editeur - Le portail francophone JCE est l'éditeur le plus complet pour Joomla! JCE est capable de gérer les mise en page comme un éditeur de type Word ou Open OfficeIl permet d'insérer des images et médias de tous types, affichables dans des fenêtres popup Web 2Il permet de créer des liens externes, des liens e-mail, sur des fichiers et des contenus du siteIl permet la création de groupes possédant leur propre barre d'outils avec les fonctions souhaitéesIl utilise la gestion des droits et des membres de Joomla pour adapter les accès aux fonctions et répertoires JCE 2 pour Joomla! JCE 1.5 pour Joomla! Accueil - Présentation - Télécharger - Tutoriels - Forum - Contact - Sites exemples Espace membre Connexion S'enregistrer Menu Liens utiles

More Joomla! extensions - FancyBox plugin FancyBox is a combination of JavaScript, CSS and some images that allow you to create a modal effect using the JavaScript framework jQuery. This Joomla! plugin integrates FancyBox in your favorite CMS Joomla!. Screenshots About FancyBox FancyBox is written and maintained on the website All work of FancyBox itself is the work of Janis Skarnelis, and holds his copyright. Installation To install this plugin, download it from this page to your computer.Then install the ZIP file from within the Joomla! You do not need to download FancyBox from the FancyBox website. Free for non-commercial use Note that the license of the Fancybox v2 library (included with our plugin-version 1.3.0 and later) is free for non-commercial use. Basic parameters The plugin is ment for webdesigners and therefor requires knowledge of HTML. a.lightbox, a.product_image, a#my_image, a.simplelists_link, a[rel=lightbox] For each element, a new jQuery-line is added to the source-code of the page. Advanced parameters

Les différents types de modules Les différents types de modules disponibles : Besoin d'aide ? Contactez-nous : support à partir de 65€ HT/heure La liste des différents modules disponibles s'affiche après avoir été sur la page Gestion des Modules et avoir cliqué sur Nouveau, pour créer un module. Notez quel les Paramètres avancés qui permettent de gérer le cache et les Suffixe de classe de module sont présents sur quasiment tous les modules. Affichage du fil L'Affichage du fil permet d'afficher le contenu d'un flux RSS dans un module. Pour utiliser ce module, rendez-vous sur le site dont vous voulez utiliser le flux RSS, dans notre exemple Le Note : l'icône n'est pas située au même endroit sur tous les navigateurs. En cliquant sur l'icône, vous accèderez aux éventuelles catégories de flux RSS (quand le site le propose). Vous accèderez à la page affichant le contenu du flux RSS, une suite de lien et de description constituant le fil d'actualités. Venez coller le lien dans le champ URL du fil de votre module. Menu

Fade Gallery Fade Gallery Plugin, Module and Component Very light, safe, Javascript Fade gallery, that works on IE, Mozilla, Chrome, Opera etc. You can embed this extension with ease. Useful to make your site look more dynamic. Unlike some other galleries, there is no need to create menu items or any other elements, just type the name of the folder containing images and that's it, it will show up all images from this folder, one by one in alphabetical order. The "filelist" is very useful because you may add links and titles to your images. Example 1: image1.jpg;img2.png;aug2010.jpg Example 2: image1.jpg;img2.png, Example 2: image1.jpg,,"Custom Title";img2.png, Slide show Interval and fade effect can be adjasted with three parameters: interval, fade time and fade step in miliseconds. Direct link to existing gallery example: {fadegalleryid=1} parameters: folder,width,height,interval,fadetime,fadestep,filelist,align,padding example:

Get Joomla® Extensions, Plugins and Modules - JoomlaXi Update This documentation covers the most important things to know about Projectfork 4. Basic functionality and behaviors that you would normally expect from any Joomla extension are currently not covered here. Reading through this documentation is highly recommended, even if you consider yourself to be a Joomla expert. About Projectfork In a nutshell, Projectfork is a suite of Joomla extensions to create an extensible project management environment on your website. The Projectfork code can be found on GitHub, including the issues tracker and the wiki for developers. Technical Requirements Projectfork 4 runs equally on Joomla 2.5.5 or higher, including Joomla 3. Projectfork may also run on other web servers such as IIS, but are untested and therefore not officially supported. Minimum Requirements Joomla: 2.5.5 +PHP: 5.2.4 +MySQL: 5.0.4 +Web Server: Apache 2.x + Recommended Joomla: 3.0 +PHP: 5.3.1 +MySQL: 5.5 +Web Server: Apache 2.x + License Projectfork is licensed under the GPL version 2.

Projets > Emdeb Google Map Embed Google Map Version 1.5.0 of the Embed Google Map plugin for Joomla 1.6, 2.5 and 3.0 is now released! Added support for maps created in Google Maps Engine. It's possible to embed maps created in Google Maps Engine using their URL. Only border width, border style, border color, add link, ... Version 1.4.0 of the Embed Google Map plugin for Joomla 1.6, 2.5 and 3.0 is now released! Added Japanese and Italian language support for back-end. It's now possible to open link in full screen mode without the left side panel. Added multilingual features for front-end. ... Added French and Finnish language support. It's now possible to customize the text that's shown in a label related to a marker. It's also possible to change the style and color of the frame border. ... Support for HTTPS is added in the new version. Version 1.2.1 of the Embed Google Map plugin for Joomla 1.6, 2.5 and 3.0 is now released! The new version fixes a compatibility issue with PHP 5.4 and it doesn't contain any new features.
