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Are any of these the Web's next big thing?

Are any of these the Web's next big thing?

Pearltrees – Changer l’Histoire, sans la modifier « Piratage(s) Éditer le web, rien que ça ! Encapsuler des fragments d’Internet, les organiser, les partager, leur donner du sens. Pearltrees, entreprise du net installée à Paris réussit ce pari. Loin des gesticulations nombrilistes, P. Il existe un microcosme dans la capitale propice au développement. Il écarte rapidement les lourdeurs financières du marché du travail français. De plus, le cadre légal français, souvent dépeint comme contraignant, voire stérilisant n’est pas pour le patron de Pearltrees une source d’angoisses. La communauté est en croissance constante (+30% par mois). Les questions éthiques traversent le net. L’utilisateur est responsable de ce qu’il place dans ses perles. Il n’y a pas de censure, ni de contrôle sur le contenu de Pearltrees, quelle que soit la thématique des perles. Quand on aborde la question de l’échange de fichiers, il a la dent dure contre les instigateurs d’HADOPI. Pearltrees est un média participatif. Pearltrees n’est pas un objet à vocation politique unique.

Withings - Withings - The WiFi Scale (weight, BMI, fat mass & le World Clock Opinions Libres - Le blog d'Olivier Ezratty The Traveling Geeks met with Patrice Lamothe from Pearltrees (@pearltrees) for nearly two hours at the beginning of the Traveling Geeks tour. This guy is running the Internet startup buzz playboo k like perfect, at least for a French startup: he did a tour in the Silicon Valley visiting local influencers and bloggers, sponsored the Traveling Geeks and Leweb, talking at Leweb in plenary session (twice…), creating plug-ins, buttons, that can be placed everywhere on social sites, his site is in English, and so on. As a result, he got heck of a good visibility. And we were very kindly welcomed in the company which looks like an US startup: lots of coffee and… US sized patisserie. The company raised $3m of funding (2m€) out of business angels and family offices. So, Pearltree wants to “curate the web” on a graphical basis. The site was launched in beta form at Leweb. I’m rather skeptic of the outlook for such a tool. Also, the founder said he will think later about building a business model.

Yatedo: Free People Search Admit complexity: a few takeaways from MSF’s “Humanitarian Negotiations Revealed” « Find What Works I snagged a free copy of a recent volume published by Médecins Sans Frontières (aka Doctors Without Borders). Humanitarian Negotiations Revealed: The MSF Experience is a series of case studies from a range of humanitarian contexts, combined with a few essays that take broader looks at how MSF’s approach has evolved over the years. The value of this book stems from the willingness of current and former MSF leaders to take a critical look at how they’ve dealt with incredibly difficult situations over the years. Here’s the meta-lesson I took away from it all: Admitting failure is for sissies. Let’s admit complexity instead. Much of the complexity discussed in the book arises from the politics of delivering aid. Even logistics gets political. Hiring a car in Somalia results in a series of compromises. If getting a car is that hard, imagine what happens when you start providing medical care. (Emphasis mine.) The closing essays put the case studies in a broader framework. Where to get it:

Oelita: Retour d'expérience personnelle sur Pearltrees killerstartups Hi,大家好! 这里是KillerStartups中文版,内容来自我(个人主博客地址)和几个朋友对国外互联网站点KillerStartups文章的翻译和整理(未获得KillerStartups的授权,目前仅仅来自于兴趣和爱好~~~)。——(最新动态:本网站完全搬家至网易博客: KillerStartups.com是一个以用户为导向的社区,它的的任务就是每天审视15个以上的新型互联网站点和应用,由用户投票选出其中的“杀手”。 每个发掘的网站包含以下几个部分:KillerStartups对他的介绍、网站自述、优势分析、劣势分析、用户评论、投票,而用户的投票是决定一个网站是否被认为是“杀手”的关键。 看看您能不能从中得到些启发;) 去年10月份,KillerStartups的CEO Gonzalo Arzuaga透露他们“用了‘6位数的 网站截图: 网站介绍: 互联网在发展的过程中,会针对特定的人群推出针对性的服务和应用,当大多数年轻人和小朋友们都有了自己喜欢并常用的网站后,随着老人网民群体的增多,一些专门针对他们的互联网应用也开始出现,今天所介绍的GrandparentGames.com网站以“家庭游戏”的名义为老人提供娱乐服务。 网站名称 上线时间:2010年2月 网站地点:美国加州 GrandparentGames网站的创始人非常热爱互联网,随着他有了自己的子女 互联网上总是不断地出现各类整合、聚合网站,尤其是在用户充分创造内容的Web2.0服务上,比如整合各个博客及微博平台,当然目前火热的LBS(位置定位服务)也不可避免地出现聚合趋势。 网站名称 上线时间:2010年1月 网站地点:美国加州(Los Angeles, California) FootFeed是一个地理位置签到聚合器(location check-in aggregator),用户可以通过FootFeed一个平台,在多个平 对于每个网站而言,都想自己访问自己网站的人群到底是哪些? 上线时间:2009年10月 网站地点:罗马尼亚(Bucharest, Romania) 网站地点:美国纽约

Share Conference | Social, Media, Music | April 7-9, Belgrade, Serbia | SHARE Konferencija | Social, Media, Music | April 7-9, Beograd, Srbija Vote Now For Your Favorite Web Products of 2009 Over December we have published ten Top 10 lists for the best products of 2009, in categories ranging from Consumer Web Apps to Real-Time Technologies. Now we're opening up our selections for you to vote on. We've embedded a poll below, with all 100 products that the ReadWriteWeb team selected. We invite you to vote for your favorite web products of 2009. You can select up to 10 products. We will announce the top 10, along with the full results, at the end of this week. UPDATE: The poll is now closed, CLICK HERE TO SEE RESULTS. Note: the poll is randomly ordered, but you can also view an alphabetical list below. What are your favorite products of 2009? Create Your Own Poll <a href=" are your best products of 2009? Top 100 Web Products of 2009, Alphabetical
