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Issues in anarchism There are many philosophical differences among anarchists concerning questions of ideology, values, and strategy. Ideas about how anarchist societies should work vary considerably, especially with respect to economics. There are also disagreements about how such a society might be brought about, with some anarchists being committed to a strategy of nonviolence, while others advocate armed struggle. Definitional concerns[edit] A central concern is whether the term "anarchism" is defined in opposition to hierarchy, authority, the state or state and capitalism. Debates over the meaning of the term emerge from the fact that it refers to both an abstract philosophical position and to intellectual, political and institutional traditions, all of which have been fraught with conflict. Anti-capitalism is considered a necessary element of anarchism by most anarchists,[13][14] [15] while anarcho-capitalists naturally disagree. Ends and means[edit] Participation in statist democracy[edit]

prisoner page | Green Anarchy Sorry for the lack of Updates To whom it may concern. sorry for the lack of updates, this was due to us being unable to edit anything on this site, the problem is now solved. Lastest prisoner List ECO-DEFENSE PRISONERS Marco Camenisch, Postfach 3143, CH-8105 Regensdorf, Switzerland. Welcome to Green Anarchy Another page has turned in the story of Green Anarchy, and we hope to have this site up and running again soon after the hiatus. Anarchosyndicalism by Rudolf Rocker - Chapter 1 [Originally published in 1938 by Martin Secker and Warburg Ltd] Anarchism: Its Aims and Purposes; The Proletariat and the Beginning of the Modern Labour Movement; The Forerunners of Syndicalism; The Objectives of Anarcho-Syndicalism; The Methods of Anarcho-Syndicalism; The Evolution of Anarcho-Syndicalism. Anarchism versus economic monopoly and state power; Forerunners of modern Anarchism; William Godwin and his work on Political Justice; P.J. Anarchism is a definite intellectual current in the life of our times, whose adherents advocate the abolition of economic monopolies and of all political and social coercive institutions within society. In place of the present state organisation with their lifeless machinery of political and bureaucratic institutions Anarchists desire a federation of free communities which shall be bound to one another by their common economic and social interest and shall arrange their affairs by mutual agreement and free contract. Notes Go to Chapter 2

ThEy LiE We DiE : portail anarchiste, ressources sur l'anarchisme, annuaire libertaire, autogestion Lewis Mumford Lewis Mumford, KBE (October 19, 1895 – January 26, 1990) was an American historian, sociologist, philosopher of technology, and literary critic. Particularly noted for his study of cities and urban architecture, he had a broad career as a writer. Mumford was influenced by the work of Scottish theorist Sir Patrick Geddes and worked closely with his associate the British sociologist Victor Branford. Life[edit] Mumford was born in Flushing, Queens, New York, and graduated from Stuyvesant High School in 1912.[2] He studied at the City College of New York and The New School for Social Research, but became ill with tuberculosis and never finished his degree. Mumford's earliest books in the field of literary criticism have had a lasting impact on contemporary American literary criticism. In his early writings on urban life, Mumford was optimistic about human abilities and wrote that the human race would use electricity and mass communication to build a better world for all humankind.

- StumbleUpon Liberty - Mother, not Daughter of Order "If you love wealth more than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom, depart from us in peace. We ask not your counsel nor your arms. Crouch down and lick the hand that feeds you. May your chains rest lightly upon you and may posterity forget that you were our countrymen." Samuel Adams, (1722-1803) U.S. Anarchist Thinkers Mikhail Bakunin, a founding father of Anarchism. Miscellaneous Essays, Articles, etc. Review of the "Anarchist" Cookbook, raises doubts about this classic piece of disinformation. Short list of Anarchist Links - Large page of Anarchist Images - Return to Flag Home

Fédération Anarchiste Proteste in aller Welt - Heiliger Zorn der Jugend - Politik Anzeige Die englischen Unruhen hatten einen Fehler: Sie mündeten in sinnlose Randale. Die Blödheit der Randalierer hat es der Regierung erleichtert, in der eigenen Dummheit zu verharren. Ein Kommentar von Heribert Prantl Die Scherben sind zusammengekehrt; die Schaufenster werden neu verglast; Sneakers und Flachbildschirme stehen wieder im Regal; und die ersten Randalierer von London sind kräftig verurteilt. Der britische Premierminister David Cameron hat die jungen Plünderer für krank erklärt und zur Heilung angekündigt, dass ihren Familien die Sozialhilfe entzogen wird. Denn sie wissen nicht, was sie tun So leicht machen es die jungen Demonstranten in Spanien und Portugal ihren Regierungen nicht, auch nicht die in Kairo, Tel Aviv und Santiago de Chile. "Rebel Without a Cause", hieß der Film von 1955 über die "verlorene Generation", mit dem James Dean weltberühmt wurde. Die Reise nach Jerusalem Im Spiel scheidet stets ein Spieler aus, weil eine Sitzgelegenheit zu wenig aufgestellt ist.

Institute for Anarchist Studies Crypto-anarchisme Le crypto-anarchisme – ou la crypto-anarchie – est la réalisation dans le cyber-espace d'une forme d'anarchie par l'usage de la cryptographie. En assurant la confidentialité, l'authenticité et l'intégrité de leurs communications, les logiciels de cryptographie offrent en effet aux individus une totale liberté d'échange en garantissant leur anonymat et le respect de leur vie privée. Origine[modifier | modifier le code] Dans son “Manifesto Crypto Anarchiste” de 1988 publié dans la liste de diffusion cypherpunk, Timothy C. Étymologie[modifier | modifier le code] « Crypto » dans la crypto-anarchie ne doit pas être confondue avec le préfixe « crypto- », qui désigne une idéologie ou un système cherchant intentionnellement à dissimuler ou détourner la « vraie nature ». Le manifeste de la crypto-anarchie[modifier | modifier le code] « Un spectre hante le monde moderne, le spectre de la crypto-anarchie. — Timothy C. Motivations[modifier | modifier le code] La Loi[modifier | modifier le code]
