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Como saber que CMS utiliza una web [Extensiones] | OpenWebCMS A veces nos llama la atención una página web en concreto, y queremos saber que gestor de contenidos tiene detrás de ese diseño que nos ha llamado la atención. Revisando el código generado por la aplicación se puede identificar el CMS, pero algunos CMS poco comunes son más difíciles de identificar o incluso imposible. Para esta tarea existen algunas extensiones para Firefox y para Chrome que identifican las tecnologías, frameworks y gestores de contenido con los que ha sido realizada una determinada web. Algunas de estas extensiones son: Wappalizer: Es una extensión disponible para Mozilla Firefox y para Google Chrome, aunque también está disponible para poder ser utilizado vía web. Esta extensión detecta gestores de contenido, CDNs, frameworks, lenguajes de programación, gestores de bases de datos, servidores web e incluso los sistemas operativos de algunos servidores.

FreeSoC2 Development Board - PSoC5LP - DEV-13229 I had this sitting in a box for a couple of weeks before I finally decided I was willing to go through the process of trying to download, install, and license yet another FPGA related toolset. So this last weekend, I downloaded freesoc creator and installed the software. First, I was very surprised at how easy it was to get the software. I had to do a quick registration on their website and validate my email and that was all that was required. Other competitors (Xilinx) seem to want your first born child before they’d let you get that far. I then thought, ok, I’ve got 10 minutes to see how far I can get with a blink led project. Yesterday I decided to try and see if I could intermix the FPGA stuff with some code on the core. So - I don’t often give anything 5 stars, but this product is very deserving.

Decoración para fiesta infantiles Este album de 'Decoración para fiesta infantiles' con 14 fotos e imágenes no tiene descripción. Puedes sugerir una descripción de éste álbum y publicar nuevas fotos en él. Indica el motivo para eliminar esta imagen: Enviar - cancelar Digilent Inc. - Digital Design Engineer's Source Arty is a ready-to-use development board designed around the Artix-7™ Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) from Xilinx. It was designed specifically for use as a MicroBlaze Soft Processing System. When used in this context, Arty becomes the most flexible processing platform you could hope to add to your collection, capable of adapting to whatever your project requires. Arty is fully compatible with the high-performance Vivado® Design Suite. Design resources, example projects, and tutorials are available for download at the Arty Resource Center, accessible from

School of Webcraft It's even more Peer Powered We know learning is more fun with friends. We've kept the best part of the School of Webcraft and made it the core of everything we do to #TeachTheWeb. We work alongside our peers, ask each other for help, and offer expertise to those in need. The Webmaker Community supports each other in our community forum. Come join us! Mozilla & P2PU Mozilla's mission is to keep the web open, and to work together to enable anyone to take part in building it's future. We support each other. Webmaker's #TeachTheWeb program is part of Mozilla's commitment to help educators and others teach vital web literacy skills.

CY8CKIT-050 PSoC® 5LP Development Kit | Cypress The CY8CKIT-050 PSoC® 5LP Development Kit enables you to evaluate, develop and prototype high precision analog, low-power and low-voltage applications powered by Cypress’s CY8C58LP high precision analog device family. Additionally, this kit supports the PSoC Expansion Board Kit ecosystem as a compatible host platform. This kit is designed specifically for PSoC 5LP development, the PSoC 3 version of the same kit can be purchased from This kit is designed for analog performance. Besides the analog, this kit is also meant to demonstrate the low power operation of PSoC 5LP. The Kit-050 has an onboard programmer/debugger (Cypress USB chip based), which lets you program the PSoC 5 without connecting Miniprog3. Kit Contents: PSoC 5LP Development BoardLCD Character DisplayUSB CableQuick Start GuideKit CD, which includes: PSoC Creator, PSoC Programmer, Projects and Documentation

No basta con decir la verdad, hay que saber cuál, a quién, cómo, cuándo y dónde. | Devocionales En Pijama (Proverbios 25:11). “Como naranjas de oro con incrustaciones de plata son las palabras dichas a tiempo”. Esto es lo que enseña Proverbios 25:11. Para aquellos que se enorgullecen de ser sinceros, de odiar la hipocresía y la mentira y de ser supuestamente muy confiables por ir siempre de frente, por no hablar a espaldas de nadie y por decir las cosas como son, duélale a quien le duela. Claro que es bueno decir la verdad, no hablar a espaldas de alguien, repeler la mentira y la hipocresía, y ser sinceros. Tomemos por ejemplo el caso de una farmacia. Sí, porque tomaste el no indicado para tu condición. Ahora, volviendo con el asunto de decir la verdad, ésta debe usarse para el bien de la persona a la que se la comunicamos, no para atormentarla o abofetearla. Miremos otro ejemplo, el del predicador cristiano.

Discover the possibilities of the /proc directory Under Linux, everything is managed as a file; even devices are accessed as files (in the /dev directory). Although you might think that "normal" files are either text or binary (or possibly device or pipe files), the /proc directory contains a stranger type: virtual files. These files are listed, but don't actually exist on disk; the operating system creates them on the fly if you try to read them. Most virtual files always have a current timestamp, which indicates that they are constantly being kept up to date. The /proc directory itself is created every time you boot your box. /proc directory organization The /proc directory is organized in virtual directories and subdirectories, and it groups files by similar topic. The numbered directories (more on them later) correspond to each running process; a special self symlink points to the current process. The cat /proc/meminfo command might bring up something like this: There are also several RAM-related files. What's in a process? Conclusion

Registro e Inspeccion de Establecimiento | INAN Contenidos Informes Registro e Inspeccion de Establecimiento Registro de Establecimientos inspeccionados y aprobados según reglamentación vigente con emisión de certificado de registro otorgado a los establecimientos elaboradores, fraccionadores, importadores y/o titulares de registro de alimentos. Presentación de Nota y Formulario de Registro de Establecimiento adjuntando documentacion solicitada. Para documentación solicitada: Ver Resolución S.G. Nota de Solicitud de Registro Formulario Nº 100 – Registro Nuevo o Renovacion de Registro Instructivo Formulario Nº 100 Nota de Solicitud para Incorporaciones R.E. Formulario Nº 101 – Incorporaciones Instructivo Formulario Nº 101 Criterios Técnicos para la Lista de Verificacion de Inspeccion Formulario Tratamiento de Apelaciones y Reclamaciones Formulario para Adjuntos Formulario Preesentación del PAC Solicitud de Certificación de cumplimiento de BPM Lista de Chequeo para cumplimiento de BPM Solicitud Inscripción como Importador Menor de alimentos procesados

David Allen Explains How to Master Your To-Do List I think it depends on the type of person. Some people can find the calm and then write out their to-do lists (I envy those people). Personally, I find if I don't write down everything first before trying to meditate, my trying to meditate is a waste of my time. Taking inspiration from Steven Johnson's "Where the good ideas come from" I created a spark file... You can make it out of an Evernote (or alike) app You can use a Calendar app or just have a notebook...! I try to write, rather track each and everything that I do/think, in present... and at the end of the day before going to bed... It really helps me to track that -Where did I do nothing... - Any creative ideas that popped up... -Track my routine and change it according to my preferences... And much more as you go on to discover!...
