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Faith Popcorn's BrainReserve

Faith Popcorn's BrainReserve

Cats in Nativity Scenes | Funny Cat Christmas Pictures (Page 3) 1 "Sorry, You Just Missed Them. They Left This Morning, Something About Egypt..." 1 of 37 Think this guy is cute? Check out more pets having a jolly ol' time here. 2 "It's Cool. I'll Take the Top Bunk." 2 of 37 3 "Well I Didn't See You Guys Lining Up to Give Mary a Lunch Break." 3 of 37 4 "Think of Me as an Electric Blanket with Legs..." 4 of 37 5 "I Noticed the Scene Was Missing an Angel. Tip: Navigate with your left and right arrow keys

THE LAB 17 spanyol kifejezés, amitől leesik az állad | KultúrTapas Kürthy Ádám András | Nem is olyan régen nagy szenzációt okozott egy angol nyelvű toplista a legviccesebb magyar kifejezésekről. Sokan berzenkedtek is ellene, mondván, hogy a cikk hamis képet fest a magyar nyelvről, mert leggyakrabban nem is így fejezzük ki magunkat. Tehát ne csodálkozzunk, ha nem a következő a 17 spanyol kifejezést halljuk majd meg először, amint kiszállunk a repülőgépből a madridi Barajason – és azon se, ha ez a 17 véletlenül nem is 17 lesz! 1. A híres lista épp azzal zárul, hogy milyen fura a magyarban, hogy azt mondja, „Ez nekem kínai.” 2.-3. Ha már nyelveknél tartunk: bárki tudhatja, aki jogi, orvosi, vagy éppen bármilyen újlatin nyelvi tanulmányokkal kacérkodott, mennyire nélkülözhetetlen mindehhez a latin. 4.-6. Ugye, milyen fontos a gasztronómia Ibériában? 7.-9. A sütögetés és a jó étel olyan fontos, hogy még a nagy kincsnek számító vizet is fölülmúlja. 10. 11. 12.-13. 14.-15. 16.-17. 18.-20.

s May/June 2010 Trend Briefing covering "STATUSPHERE" First published May 2010 | Whatever industry you’re in, in the end, everything is about status. And since what constitutes status in consumer societies is fragmenting rapidly, here’s a (modest) framework to help you start exploring new status symbols and stories with your customers. Like it or not, the need for recognition and status is at the heart of every consumer trend*. Status is the ultimate (hidden) motive, a subconscious but ever-present force. Now, in a traditional consumer society, where consumption is one of the leading (if not the leading) indicators of success, those who consume the most (and especially those who consume the rarest and most expensive), will typically also attain the highest status. However, mature consumer societies are changing, and so is the ‘STATUSPHERE’: an increasing number of consumers are no longer (solely) obsessed with owning or experiencing the most and/or the most expensive. *The other constant need is of course (romantic) love… Here's what:

I Created This Infographic About Depression To Show You’re Not Alone Home » News • Uplifting » I Created This Infographic About Depression To Show You’re Not Alone by NeatAndNice © In times when life gets harder it’s not always easy to describe every single person what’s happening to you right now. Maybe you can’t talk about it or you don’t want to. So this comic is made for the people who want to understand what is happening to depressed humans and for the people who need a little support. Maybe you find yourself in this comic or maybe you find a person you know. Forget what the media or society is telling you about what you have to be or have to do.

TrendsActions > Following the reported acquisitions made by Google, Microsoft and Yahoo Little Girl Forgets Her Stuffed Bunny At Hotel, Staff Takes It On Adventure When Adare Manor Hotel’s staff in Ireland found a lost bunny, they decided to have a little fun. They shared its photo on Facebook captioned “I lost my owner at breakfast in Adare Manor.” It went viral, so they decided to treat the bunny with 5-star service. “We decided to keep it going,” a spokesperson for the hotel told BuzzFeed. “We thought Facebook was a great way to get the word out there.” More info: Facebook “Claire in Concierge is helping me find my family, having fun at Adare Manor” “Chilling before breakfast” “Have to stay in Adare Manor tonight, hopefully my owner will come to collect me tomorrow” “Getting used to this, afternoon tea at Adare Manor” “Yippee…My owners have been found, I get to stay another night in Adare Manor and then home for a celebratory party tomorrow” “Just enough time for a massage from lovely Kate in the treatment rooms before I go home” “Off to stretch my legs with Claire after afternoon tea” “He was my first ever teddy”

Homepage | EDELKOORT Heartwarming Illustrations Show That Love Is In The Small Things Philippa Rice is a multi-talented artist who creates simple but beautiful comics about the everyday joys of living with someone you love. The title of her comic book, Soppy, is unapologetically fitting! Rice forgoes the usual stuff like hearts and roses, going instead for the everyday ways we share love with our significant others – be it our morning routines, a hug and a snuggle, or finishing the day in each others’ arms. If you love these pictures as much as we do, be sure to check out Puuung’s illustrations as well! More info: Amazon | | FB | Twitter (h/t: brightside, designyoutrust) Sometimes, love can be found in the simplest things, like spending a blissful morning in the kitchen You can be in the same room without having to do everything together It is hugging each other accidentally while sleeping Even the most mundane tasks are more fun when you do them together Even shopping for food can be exciting True love means putting everything aside just to hug

9 cosas que un tatuaje podría decir de ti 1. Que no tienes la necesidad de encajar con el resto No te importa lo que esté “de moda” o lo que esté “pasando”, de hecho, prefieres distinguirte de la multitud. Te encanta ser diferente y distanciarte de la manada. 2. Que eres individual Ni los diseños sobre tu cuerpo, ni las ideas en tu cabeza podrían ser replicadas por otra persona. 3. Hacerse un tatuaje es bastante doloroso. 4. La decisión de tatuarse no es algo fácil ya que es para toda la vida. 5. No te preocupa lo que cualquier persona piense sobre de ti e irradias esta vibra desde todos tus diferentes y bastante atrevidos tatuajes. 6. Crees firmemente en un amplio rango de tópicos distintos y, a modo de tributo, con frecuencia te lo tatuarás en el cuerpo. 7. No ves los tatuajes como un simple adorno, sino que como una forma de expresión artística. 8. Cuando estás lleno de tatuajes no puedes tener muchos arrepentimientos. 9. Conoces tu yo interior y eso demuestra confianza en tus ideas. Imágenes de We Heart It

15 HILARIOUS Parenting Comics That Are Almost Too Real. Brian Gordon is a cartoonist. He’s also a dad, which means he’s got plenty of inspiration for the parenting comics he creates for his website, Fowl Language (only a few of which actually feature any profanity). He covers many topics, but it’s his hilarious parenting comics that are resonating with moms and dads everywhere. “My comics are largely autobiographical,” Gordon told me. Gordon shared 15 of his oh-so-real comics with us. Let’s get started with his favorite, called ” Welcome to Parenting,” which Gordon says sums up his comics pretty well. Truth. I hope you enjoy these as much as I did. I love Gordon’s comics so much because they’re just about the reality of parenting — and they capture it perfectly. There’s no parenting advice, no judgment — just some humor about the common day-to-day realities that we all share. I asked Gordon about the worst parenting advice he ever received, and he shared this anecdote: Who hasn’t been on the receiving end of totally unneeded and unwanted advice?

Edicions del Bullent: Conta'm l'Horta. Vídeo. Els autors i l'il·lustrador de Conta'm l'Horta: Juli Avinent, Carles Cano, Fèlix Sempere i Toni Torreño i Antoni Laveda han fet un vídeo del llibre. De la mateixa manera que es varen reunir per fer arreplega de cinc Rondalles de l'Horta i il·lustrar-les, han vingut i els hem fet un vídeo molt curt (3 minuts en total) explicant-nos un poc de què va cadascun dels contes. És un llibre amb tapa dura, 80 pàgines a tot color i les contalles populars que hi trobareu són El corb i la rabosa, Mira si he corregut terres!, Miquel i el pont del Butoni, El follet Posanoms i La gallina Tina i el pollet. Un molt bon regal per a aquestes festes. Contes tradicionals per llegir al caliu de la família.
