⚧ LIBRE FONTS BY WOMXN Created in 2018, this collection aims at giving visibility to libre fonts drawn by womxn designers, who are often underrepresented in the traditionally conservative field of typography. These fonts are shared under Free, Libre and Open Source licenses, which allow anyone to use them, modify their design, contribute more glyphs or styles to their non-nuclear families, build upon them and redistribute them further. They are generously published for free, feeding an ecosystem of sharing and collaborations. To support the designers, you can plan in the design budget of your project some money to donate to the designer directly, commission them with custom font designs, invite them to give a lecture and spread the word about their great designs! More fonts by womxn (all sorts of licenses): typequality.com
The Best Typography Resources for 2021 Purchasing & Hosting Fonts Adobe Fonts → Formerly known as Typekit, the entire Adobe Fonts collection is included with all Creative Cloud plans. 36 fonts that will be popular with designers in 2022 We're now seeing sharp and exaggerated characters everywhere, alongside an ongoing return to the comfort and familiarity of retro fonts, such as 1970s serifs. Besides that, there have been lots of fun new font releases to help take our minds off recent world events. But now, as we emerge from lockdown, what's the next step for typography in 2021? Right now, maximalism and creativity are being pushed to their limits. And we're expecting retro styles to continue to play their part, alongside a growing art nouveau trend and a resurgence of 1990s fonts.
Fonderie Typographique 1. Présentation du site En vertu de l’article 6 de la loi n° 2004-575 du 21 juin 2004 pour la confiance dans l’économie numérique, il est précisé aux utilisateurs du site www.pepite.world l’identité des différents intervenants dans le cadre de sa réalisation et de son suivi : Propriétaire : Pépite - 2 Boulevard Monplaisir 31400 ToulouseSite dessiné par Pépite & développé par Samuel PetatResponsable publication : Pepite - message@pepite.worldLe responsable publication est une personne physique ou une personne morale.Webmaster : Bastien Riviere - message@pepite.worldHébergeur : OvhCloud – 2 Rue Kellermann, 59100 Roubaix 2. Conditions générales d’utilisation du site et des services proposés
Typefaces - Boulevard LAB Type Foundry GT Ultra typeface family exclusively at Grilli Type — Download Free Trial Fonts BOEM