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24 People Who Are Really Nailing This Parenting Thing

24 People Who Are Really Nailing This Parenting Thing

7 Things Every Parent Should Discuss with Their Children and 3 Things They Absolutely Should Not Image via John Cave Osborne To be an effective parent, you must also be an effective communicator. Yet being an effective communicator doesn’t necessarily make you an effective parent. After all, there’s the little issue of what, exactly, it is that you should be communicating to your children. Here are seven things that definitely need to be covered: 1. Image: DamienHR’s photostream via Creative Commons Parents owe it to their children to have a discussion about God, whether they’re believers or not. 2. Image: je@an’s photostream via Creative Commons A lot of people have a hard time talking about sex with their spouse, much less with their children, but it’s imperative to tackle this issue early and often. 3. Image: Marion Doss’s photostream via Creative Commons You don’t exactly have to keep your eyes peeled for tragic stories involving fatalities due to underage drinking and drug use. 4. Image: Emmett Tullos III’s photostream via Creative Commons 5. 6. No one likes a bully. 7. 1. 2. 3.

Where's The Best Place To Be a Mother? Not America. | Being Pregnant The organization Save The Children has come out with their Annual State of the World’s Mothers Report. The rankings compare 165 countries — 122 in the developing world —looking at the quality of maternal health, education and economic status as well as the nutrition and well-bring of children. According to the report, the top ten best places to be a mother include Norway, Iceland, Sweden, New Zealand, Denmark, Finland, Australia, Belgium, Ireland the UK and The Netherlands. The US comes in at #25, between Belarus and the Czech Republic. According to the report, America’s poor showing is the result of several contributing factors: This years’ report makes many recommendations; one of which is to increase breastfeeding around the world. According to the report, obstacles to breastfeeding include: “Cultural beliefs, lack of knowledge and misinformation.” “The United States ranks last on the Breastfeeding Policy Scorecard. From the conclusion of the report: You can read the entire report here.

The Power of Belief - Mindset and Success: Eduardo Briceno at TEDxManhattanBeach The 50 Most Perfectly Timed Photos Ever By Internet standards, a perfectly timed photo occurs when two of the following three conditions are met: 1. Perfect Place 2. Perfect Time 3. Perfect Angle Sometimes the holy trinity of perfectness is achieved and you get an Internet classic like so many of the photographs below. Enjoy! Photograph by MARTIN BERNETTI (via If you enjoyed this post, the Sifter highly recommends:

MetroDad: The Rules: 25 Life lessons for my daughter My father has never given me any advice. The one time I remember him even trying was when I was 18 and on my way out of the house for the evening. As I recall, he briefly looked up from his newspaper and said, "You know about condoms, right?" End of conversation. Thank you, Obi Wan Kenobi. In all seriousness, it always deeply wounded me that we never had any of those father-son conversations where he would counsel me about life and give me lessons of an admonitory or hortative nature that might provide a road map for how to live my life. Needless to say, ever since my daughter was born, I've been bombarding her with advice on a near-daily basis. My list of lessons that I want to pass down to her is virtually endless and constantly changing but I thought I'd write some of those lessons down here. Some of these lessons are humorous. However, all of them are true... (2) Lennon, not McCartney. (3) Life is too short not to order the fries. (6) Don't worry about being popular. (9) Never cheat.

25 Ways to Talk So Children Will Listen A major part of discipline is learning how to talk with children. The way you talk to your child teaches him how to talk to others. Here are some talking tips we have learned with our children: 1. Connect Before You Direct Before giving your child directions, squat to your child’s eye level and engage your child in eye-to-eye contact to get his attention. 2. Open your request with the child’s name, “Lauren, will you please…” 3. We use the one-sentence rule: Put the main directive in the opening sentence. 4. Use short sentences with one-syllable words. 5. If he can’t, it’s too long or too complicated. 6. You can reason with a two or three-year-old, especially to avoid power struggles. 7. Instead of “no running,” try: “Inside we walk, outside you may run.” 8. Instead of “Get down,” say “I want you to get down.” 9. “When you get your teeth brushed, then we’ll begin the story.” 10. Instead of hollering, “Turn off the TV, it’s time for dinner!” 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22.

What to comment on BEHAVIOR vs PERSON - Sindicato petrolero respetar decisi n de plan energ tico Lunes 12 de agosto de 2013Notimex | El Universal22:19 El Sindicato de Trabajadores Petroleros de la República Mexicana (STPRM), manifestó su respeto a las decisiones que en su momento adopte el Congreso de la Unión y que ayuden a fortalecer y a modernizar a Petróleos Mexicanos (Pemex). En breve comunicado, la agrupación de trabajadores subrayó que durante este proceso "se mantendrá atenta para observar que los derechos de los trabajadores se respeten a cabalidad, salvaguardando en todo momento el bienestar de sus agremiados y de sus familias". Este día, el presidente Enrique Peña Nieto presentó su iniciativa de reforma energética que modifica los artículos 27 y 28 de la Constitución y que "confirma la propiedad de la nación sobre los recursos energéticos". La propuesta del Ejecutivo fue entregada a la Oficialía de Partes del Senado y está previsto que el próximo martes se canalice a la mesa para darle turno y el miércoles sea presentada ante la Comisión Permanente del Congreso. jlr

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