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buy now, blog later How to Care for Introverts (in 12 easy steps) (Via Tumblr) I say this often but I’m pretty sure I was a cat in a previous life. If I believed in reincarnation , I’d be purring right now. You know how there are two kinds of people in this world: dog people and cat people. People who need to be alone often, who are jealous of their space and privacy, who purr unexpectedly or stop purring for no apparent reason (who knows, maybe they just spotted a mouse); who never come when you call them but expect you to answer immediately when they call you. On the wiser side of town, they look like they’ve learned to become friends with their solitude . I could raise my hand here and say “me, me”, but the older I get, the less black & white I see the world, but more like a faded sepia. (Screenshot Amélie via YouTube) Overall though, I think there’s a cat in each one of us as much as there’s a dog. ~ Criss Jami (Via Questionably Late Tumblr) {Based on Linda Kreger Silverman’s On Introversion.}

Actividades culturales Badajoz - Página web de ateneodebadajoz 4 Ways to Treat a Cough Edit Article Treating a Productive CoughTreating a Dry CoughHome RemediesWhen to Call a Doctor Edited by Moxville, Sondra C, Dave Crosby, Brett and 72 others Coughing is a necessary part of recovering from an illness, as it helps you expel mucus and irritants. However, your cough may simply prove to be a nuisance after a while. Ad Steps Method 1 of 4: Treating a Productive Cough 1Recognize that you might need to cough for a bit (though you can try to speed the process along). 9Wait it out. Method 2 of 4: Treating a Dry Cough 1Coat your throat. 5If all else fails, call your doctor. Method 3 of 4: Home Remedies 1For "productive" coughs, try white horehound. Cough into a towel. Method 4 of 4: When to Call a Doctor 1Call a doctor if you experience any of the following:A cough that lasts for more than 4 weeks.You're coughing up green or bloody phlegm.Persistent wheezing and shortness of breath. 2See a doctor if the cough is affecting a baby or an elderly person. Article Info In other languages:

9to5Chic Quality Rivets About WhyDid | Why Did You Wear That? About WhyDid Written by: WhyDid | It all started with a pair of leggings and evolved into WhyDid’s social commentary on love, life, fashion, and all things obnoxious. By taking a realistic approach towards fashion, beauty, and relationships, WhyDid challenges women to think for themselves and ask “Why?” With a combination of trend forecasting, personal styling, “How To’s”, and relationship advice, WhyDid proves it’s nice to be pretty, but also pretty nice to be smart. Consider WhyDid as a big sister: always in your corner, but never afraid to give you a dose of “tough love” when needed. With a background in merchandise buying, product development, and marketing, Kirsten Smith is not only well rounded, but also well versed in fashion from factory to storefront. Kirsten has a beloved maltipoo named Smitty and she can’t whistle. I’ve gathered some creative tutorials, free printables and just plain fabulous ideas to help create awesome handmade gifts for the men in your life. They can be so hard to shop for and this list will give you enough ideas to cover every birthday, Father’s Day and Christmas for the next few years! You’ll find a few things for the guys that like to grill, their office and even the garage. Don’t miss the beautiful leather journal that’s so easy to make and looks like a million bucks! Handmade gifts rule…Target drools! I’m sure you can create something that will make them feel extra special. If you love creative links, please subscribe to Everything Etsy! Thanks so much for all your tweets, stumbles, Facebook likes and pins on my Handmade Gift Tutorials, Summer Sewing Tutorials and Free Printables posts…you are the coolest crafty friends! Handmade gifts make people smile extra big, don’t you think? ~Kim

Feeding A Cold: Top 5 Foods & Miso Broth I got a question last night (hi mom!) about what I would recommend for a sore throat. It’s that time of year, so I thought I’d share my top five foods to “feed a cold,” plus a super delish way to put them all together! I can never remember if the saying is feed a cold, starve a fever, or the other way around, but I’m a firm believer that there’s a food to nourish every ailment, so we’re going to go with that one (and because this applies to colds and flus alike)! Most of these recommendations have one thing in common – they’re foods with antimicrobial properties. In no particular order, top 5 foods to help your body fight off nasty cold and flu symptoms:Ginger Tea Ginger will burn the sh*t out of any cold or flu, and leave you feeling warm and fuzzy, not cold and crappy. Just slice or mince up a 1/2 inch piece of fresh ginger, throw it into a pot with about 2 cups of water and let ‘er boil away for 2-5 minutes. Lemon Water Garlic Cayenne Pepper Miso Putting it all Together:Miso Ginger Soup

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