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Games and Animations

Games and Animations
Welcome to the Best of History Web Sites Games and Animations section. Below you will find an annotated list of fun history games and animations organized around broad historical periods. Most of these games and animation are aimed at students ages 10-16. Ancient History Games and Animations Gladiator: Dressed to Kill This game has the player choose the correct armor for three different types of Roman gladiators within a time limit. Housesteads Fort This is a 3D tour of a reconstruction of a Roman fort along Hadrian’s Wall in Ancient Britain. Mt. The Mummy Maker Test your knowledge of history with an interactive challenge. Roman Villa This is an interactive reconstruction of a Roman villa viewed in Google Earth. Discover Babylon 500 This strategy game provides challenges and mysteries that can only be solved through developing an understanding of Mesopotamian society. Anglo-Saxon Coins In this game you learn stories behind the coins and try to make “money talk.” Pirates! Early U.S. U.S.

AIM (Animation, Interaction, Multimedia) Your Projects with Flash: Flash Projects Award Winners Explore the following award winning projects to see the wide variety of Flash applications. Museums and the Web (Mixture of web and Flash-based) at Archives & Museum Informatics FITC Awards (Flash in the Can) - The Flash awards Muse Awards (Mixture of web and Flash-based) from The American Association of Museums, Media and Technology Committee Return to the Top Flash Websites The following websites contain a wide variety of Flash games, animations, music, and more. Adobe Flash Player Adobe Design Center - Galleries, articles and tips on motion and interactive design. Flash Help and Support at Adobe Flash Blogs If you'd like to keep up on the latest Flash activities, check out some of the following blogs: Mike Chambers - Blogsite of principal Product Manager for developer relations for the Flash platform at Adobe. My Adobe Flash Tech Blog by Team Flashactions theFlashBlog by Lee Brimelow Personal and Professional Flash Portfolios Free Range Studios Flash Tutorials Flash Developer Websites

Großer Nordischer Krieg Der Große Nordische Krieg[1] war ein in Nord-, Mittel- und Osteuropa geführter Krieg um die Vorherrschaft im Ostseeraum in den Jahren 1700 bis 1721. Eine Dreierallianz, bestehend aus dem Russischen Zarenreich sowie den beiden Personalunionen Sachsen-Polen und Dänemark-Norwegen, griff im März 1700 das Schwedische Reich an, das von dem achtzehnjährigen König Karl XII. regiert wurde. Trotz der ungünstigen Ausgangslage blieb der schwedische König zunächst siegreich und erreichte, dass Dänemark-Norwegen (1700) und Sachsen-Polen (1706) aus dem Krieg ausschieden. Als er sich ab 1708 anschickte, Russland in einem letzten Feldzug zu besiegen, erlitten die Schweden in der Schlacht bei Poltawa im Juli 1709 eine verheerende Niederlage, welche die Kriegswende bedeutete. Vorgeschichte[Bearbeiten] Schwedischer Aufstieg zur Großmacht[Bearbeiten] Seit dem 16. Bildung einer Tripelallianz[Bearbeiten] Entwicklung des schwedischen Imperiums im frühmodernen Europa (1560–1815) Belagerung von Kopenhagen 1700 Am 12.

shute%20pres_i.pdf Great Science Experiments for Kids The best science experiments for kids are just right for their age, give plenty of hands-on exploration, and ask questions that help kids get at the heart of a science concept. First grade science experiments are not flashy or complicated; when it comes to learning new concepts, simpler is better. Kids do best when they can focus on one new thing at a time, and the number one rule in science experiments is to let kids do it themselves. Science teaches the workings of the world around us. Science Pages Among the favorite science experiments for kids are the ones that involve water. Moving on to dustier explorations, earth science for kids lets them discover the wonders of rocks, facts about earthquakes, ways to protect our environment, and more. To combat the prevalence of nature deficit disorder, you absolutely must not miss these nature science experiments for kids. If your idea of science is an image of liquids bubbling in a beaker, you'll love chemistry for kids.

Fun Logic Games for the SMART Board Here are four fun logic games that work great on the SMART Board and are perfect for some quality free-play during class. Better yet, create small groups and have your students work on these as a team. For example, my favorite activity, Code Master, is a perfect team-building opportunity. All four of these games have really cool interactions making them perfect companions for the Smartboard. Please read the instructions on this page before using the activities since a few of the activities don’t include information on how to play. 1. 2. 3. 4. These are Flash-based activities and are free to download to your computer. Sharing Is Caring! 99 4 2Share0Share0

Christopher Clark reviews ‘Wilhelm II’ by John Röhl, translated by Sheila de Bellaigue and Roy Bridge · LRB 23 April 2015 In January 1904, King Leopold II of Belgium was invited to Berlin to attend a birthday dinner for Kaiser Wilhelm II. The two monarchs were seated next to each other and everything was going nicely until the Kaiser suddenly brought up the question of a possible future French attack on Germany. In the event of a war between Germany and France, Wilhelm explained, he would expect the Belgians to side with Germany. So long as they agreed, he would see to it personally that Belgium was rewarded after the conclusion of hostilities with territories annexed from northern France. Leopold himself, he added, warming to his theme, could expect to be rewarded with ‘the Crown of Old Burgundy’. When the king of the Belgians, unsettled by these speculations, countered that the ministers and parliament of his country were hardly likely to approve of such far-flung plans, Wilhelm became flustered. The career of the last German Kaiser is littered with effusions of this kind. The sun was scorching.

LearningGames.pdf Zum Tod von Olaf Breidbach: Ein Meister der unerwarteten Verbindungen - Geisteswissenschaften © Jan-Peter Kasper/FSU Universität Jena Olaf Breidbach (1957 bis 2014) Wer je Olaf Breidbachs Büro in der Jenaer Berggasse betreten hat, wird es wohl kaum wieder vergessen. Als eine von viel zu wenigen Universitäten in Deutschland leistet sich die Friedrich-Schiller-Universität ein eigenes Institut für Wissenschaftsgeschichte. Untergebracht ist es an geschichtsträchtigem Ort – im einstigen Wohnhaus von Ernst Haeckel. Das Arbeitszimmer des berühmten Zoologen hat sich originalgetreu erhalten und kann noch immer besichtigt werden. So offen die Türen hier standen, ein Gespräch mit Breidbach setzte ein wenig Vorbereitung voraus. Verbunden wurden dabei mühelos entlegen scheinende Wissensfelder. Olaf Breidbach war ein Meister des unkonventionellen, ja des undisziplinierten Denkens. Mehr zum Thema Jedem Hirn ein Weltbild Nichts hat unsere disziplinierte Wissenschaftslandschaft so nötig wie gerade dies: undiszipliniertes Denken. Hier können Sie die Rechte an diesem Artikel erwerben

Making Learning Games Effective: 5 ways of ensuring that players LEARN With the advent of computers, internet and communication technologies games have become more accessible, less costly, highly engaging and lots of fun for players of all ages. In addition, the worth of games in learning has also been explored in education and corporate training as well. A game is often described as having one or all of the following attributes A particular goal or outcomes to achieveA Conflict or challenge or a problem to be solvedA set of Rules to followInteraction within the environmentA Compelling storylineContinuous Feedback Games designed for entertainment need to make sure that by utilizing the above attributes, the players enjoy playing and keep coming back for more. One way to achieve this goal is to integrate simulations designed to teach the desired knowledge and skills. Games can teach a wide range of knowledge and skills. Written by Arunima Majumdar
