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Nearpod - Apps on Google Play

Nearpod - Apps on Google Play
Related:  Recursos Educativos de la Web

Kahoot! - Apps on Google Play Play engaging quiz-based games (kahoots) at school, at home and at work, create your own kahoots and learn something new! Kahoot! brings the magic of learning for students, teachers, office superheroes, trivia fans and lifelong learners. Here’s what you can do with the Kahoot! Students- Study with unlimited free flashcards and other smart study modes- Join kahoots hosted live - in class or virtually - and use the app to submit answers- Complete self-paced challenges- Study at home or on the go with flashcards and other study modes- Compete with friends in study leagues- Challenge your friends with kahoots you found or created- Create your own kahoots and add images or videos- Host kahoots live for family and friends directly from your mobile device Families and friends- Find a kahoot on any topic, fit for any age- Host a kahoot live by casting your screen to a big screen or screen share via video conferencing apps- Engage your kids with studying at home- Send a Kahoot!

TED - Apps on Google Play Feed your curiosity and expand your world with TED Talks. Explore more than 3,000 TED Talks from remarkable people, by topic and mood, from tech and science to the surprises of your own psychology. Features on Android:- Browse the entire TED Talks video library, with subtitles in over 100 languages.- Listen to episodes of the acclaimed TED Radio Hour podcast, a co-production of NPR and TED.- Listen to TED's new podcast: Sincerely, X, where we dive into ideas shared anonymously.- Log in to your TED profile to sync saved talks on all devices.- Download video or audio of talks for offline playback.- Bookmark talks for later.- Discover inspiring, funny, or jaw-dropping talks and curated playlists.- Let us build you a custom playlist, tailored to fit your ideal timeframe- Play on your device or send to your home entertainment system via Chromecast or with Android TV.- Check out our latest business talks brought to you in partnership with the Brightline Initiative

ClassDojo - Apps on Google Play Ready to build an amazing classroom community? ClassDojo is a beautiful, safe, and simple communication app for teachers, parents, and students. * Teachers can encourage students for any skill, like “Working hard” and “Teamwork”* Teachers can bring parents into the classroom experience by sharing photos, videos, and announcements* Students can add their classwork easily to their own digital portfolios for their parents to see* Teachers can also safely and instantly message with any parent* Parents see their child’s updates at home, as well as a stream of photos and videos from school* All your favorite teacher tools, like Group Maker and Noise Meter, are now in one place! ClassDojo helps teachers build a positive classroom culture by encouraging students and communicating with parents. ClassDojo is free for everyone, and K-12 teachers, parents, students, and school leaders in over 180 countries have joined. See how much people love ClassDojo at:

What is the future of technology in education? | Teacher Network A couple of weeks ago I was asked what I thought the future of technology in education was. It is a really interesting question and one that I am required to think about all the time. By its very nature, technology changes at a fast pace and making it accessible to pupils, teachers and other stakeholders is an ongoing challenge. So what is the future? No, I don't think it is. iPads and other mobile technology are the 'now'. The future is about access, anywhere learning and collaboration, both locally and globally. For me the future of technology in education is the cloud. Technology can often be a barrier to teaching and learning. Schools, will only need one major thing to be prepared for the future. We don't know what the new 'in' device will be in the future. This should be happening now. Teachers can use the cloud to set, collect and grade work online. This is where devices come in. School classrooms are going to change. With the cloud, the world will be our classroom.

Transforma la forma en la que aprendes Ditadura na Memória APK Baixar - Grátis Educação Aplicativo para Android O Projeto Ditadura na Memória propôs em suas atividades uma análise do período da Ditadura Civil-Militar com o objetivo de “lembrar do passado, mas com os olhos voltados para o amanhã! Pensando sempre que a memória é o elo entre passado, presente e futuro. Estudar a Ditadura mais a fundo e contribuir para a difusão de informações sobre o período com o aplicativo é uma forma de agir pela defesa dos Direitos Humanos e da Democracia.” Para a realização do Ditadura na Memória, foram propostas variadas atividades nas aulas de Artes, Geografia, História e Português, que, durante o desenvolvimento, foram reunidas em onze aplicativos e, por fim, em um único app. O aplicativo é uma etapa de um projeto maior, que norteou o curso do 9º ano em 2013, voltado para a valorização dos Direitos Humanos e dos valores democráticos. As próximas turmas de 9º ano acrescentarão informações ao aplicativo com o objetivo de torná-lo cada vez mais completo. Equipe de professores:Artes – Profa.

ALBOR: Tecnologías y Necesidades Educativas Especiales | Comunidad de Madrid El Programa ALBOR (Acceso Libre de Barreras al Ordenador) aborda las necesidades de acceso al ordenador del alumnado con discapacidad y las ayudas técnicas o adaptaciones que precisan. La Comunidad de Madrid incluyó en los distintos planes de Acción para las Personas con Discapacidad el compromiso del desarrollo e implantación del Programa como una de las medidas adoptadas para la consecución de la accesibilidad universal. El objetivo último es una Comunidad Virtual que, además de tener información sobre recursos digitales a través de varios sistemas de búsquedas (atendiendo al tipo de discapacidad, niveles educativos, tipos de aprendizaje), contiene las novedades en torno a la discapacidad y experiencias educativas en centros. Asimismo, pone a disposición de profesionales y familias referencias sobre recursos tecnológicos y experiencias que mejoren la accesibilidad a las personas con discapacidad.

8 Ways Technology Is Improving Education The Education Tech Series is supported by Dell The Power To Do More, where you'll find perspectives, trends and stories that inspire Dell to create technology solutions that work harder for its customers so they can do and achieve more. Don Knezek, the CEO of the International Society for Technology in Education, compares education without technology to the medical profession without technology. “If in 1970 you had knee surgery, you got a huge scar,” he says. Technology is helping teachers to expand beyond linear, text-based learning and to engage students who learn best in other ways. Despite these opportunities, adoption of technology by schools is still anything but ubiquitous. 1. While a tuning fork is a perfectly acceptable way to demonstrate how vibrations make sound, it’s harder to show students what evolution is, how molecules behave in different situations, or exactly why mixing two particular chemicals is dangerous. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. More Education Resources from Mashable:

Irregular Verb: Definition, Examples And List Of Irregular Verbs In English Irregular Verbs List! What are irregular past tense verbs? In English grammar there are many rules, and this applies when it comes to verbs. However, there are some verbs which do not conform to the usual rules and these are known as irregular verbs. In this section, we will be looking at all the different irregular verbs so that you can commit them to memory and use them correctly. Learn irregular verb definition and useful list of irregular verbs in English with ESL printable worksheets. What are Irregular Verbs? The English language has a large number of irregular verbs. In the English language, most verbs (regular verbs) are turned into the past tense by adding ‘-ed’ to the end of a base form of the verb. Regular verb examples: Cook → CookedWalk → WalkedTalk → TalkedFinish → Finished Irregular verbs examples: Do – did – doneDraw – drew – drawnDrink – drank – drunk Irregular Verbs List List of 200 Irregular Verbs Commonly Used in Everyday English List of Irregular Verbs | Picture

Get EduApp ETH EduApp A mobile application for studies and teaching at the ETH Zurich - receive your personal timetable - get directions to the course location - submit comments on courses - answer your lecturers clicker questions The ETH EduApp assists ETH Zurich students in their student lives and supports interaction during teaching. It displays personal timetables of all courses from and provides maps of the ETH for orientation. It allows students to answer clicker questions and view the results. Furthermore lecturers and semester spokespersons can set up channels for student questions and feedback. The ETH EduApp can also be used as web application. The app was developed and realised through Educational Development and Technology (LET, on behalf of the rector.

JUEGOS de LENGUA ➔ para niños de primaria. Juegos de lengua para niños de primaria Lengua Castellana y Literatura no es sólo una materia que los estudiantes de Primaria deberán aprobar para pasar de curso, sino que es un conjunto de lecciones que resultarán fundamentales durante el resto de la vida. Todo lo que aprendan en la materia servirá para escribir con propiedad y hablar correctamente, y podrán asimilar esta información no sólo en clase sino de la manera más divertida: podrán aprender jugando. Juegos de lenguaje para niños Los juegos de lengua para niños de primaria que proponemos en Mundo Primaria amplían el conocimiento que los niños de Primaria tienen de gramática, vocabulario, ortografía y comunicación y comprensión lectora, de tal manera que los pequeños se conviertan en mejores comunicadores sin darse cuenta de que con tan sólo hacer clic en el ratón están aprendiendo. Adivinanzas cortas para niños Canciones infantiles Recursos educativos Ventajas de los juegos de lectoescritura

The Use of Technology - In Education and Teaching Process - Use of Technology The effective Use of Technology in Education has changed the face of education and it has created more educational opportunities. Both teachers and students have benefited from various educational technologies, teachers have learned how to integrate technology in their classrooms and students are getting more interested in learning with technology. The use of technology in education has removed educational boundaries, both students and teachers can collaborate in real time using advanced educational technologies. Technology has helped in the growth of mobile learning and long distance learning. The use of internet technology has enabled teachers to reach students across boarders and also students from developing countries have used internet technology to subscribe for advanced educational courses. Many universities and colleges have embraced online education by creating virtual classrooms. Technology should not replace teachers. :- Use Technology In Schools – What Parents Need To Know

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