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Linux Knowledge Base and Tutorial

Linux Knowledge Base and Tutorial

EarthDesktop GNOME Since Compiz 0.7.6, desktop deformations are possible: Sphere and Cylinder. I cut a cylindrical projection of the earth into pieces so that it fits on the four sides of the cube and the caps. Just unzip the file and use Compiz-Fusion's ccsm to put the files in the right places. Edit 1: Many commenters don't know how to put four different wallpapers on four different sides of the cube. My package doesn't contain an installer. Edit 2: The image used isn't that detailed. When everything goes well, you're left with a 4:1 middle part. A Privacy Manifesto in Code: What If Your Emails Never Went to Gmail and Twitter Couldnt See Your Tweets? - Alexis Madrigal - Technology A new tool under development by Oregon State computer scientists could radically alter the way that communications work on the web. Privly is a sort of manifesto-in-code, a working argument for a more private, less permanent Internet. The system we have now gives all the power to the service providers. "Companies like Twitter, Google, and Facebook make you choose between modern technology and privacy. Through browser extensions, Privly allows you to post to social networks and send email without letting those services see "into" your text. Right now, Privly is a proof of concept running on a few computers at Oregon State. What's intriguing about all this is that it, as McGregor puts it, violates many assumptions we have about the way the web works. The fact that the content is user-controlled, however, has some fascinating repercussions. On Privly's Kickstarter, several prospective backers have made comments questioning pieces of the proposal.

robtex swiss army knife internet tool Linux System Administration and Configuration Basic command line: Also see ntpstat, smbstatus, ifstat, prtstat, pidstat, lpstat, mailstat, sar, cifsiostat, ... GUI/Graphical: List of tools: tools for finding the status of your system Processes execute within their own process environment, they have their own memory, current working directory, priority, process ID, parent process ID and the file access privileges of the user ID under which they execute. The basic Linux monitoring commands such as pstree and ps -auxw and top will inform you of the processes running on your system. Identify the process: pstree -p OR ps -auxw OR top Kill the process: kill <process-id-number> killall <command-name> This will perform an orderly shutdown of the process. A signal may be given to the process. In the previous example, the HUP signal was sent to the process. Identify all known signals: fuser -l Process Monitoring and Management GUI Tools: xosview: Oldie but goodie. Also see the GUI tool QPS. Then install qps: rpm -ivh qps-1.9.7-5.i386.rpm

5 Excellent Downloadable eBooks To Teach Yourself Linux Advertisement Updated by Moe Long on January 8th 2017 So you have heard of all the advantages and geeky babble about how Linux is better and you have finally decided to try it? Just one thing, you don’t know an awful lot about Linux to get you started. If you’ve already checked out our guide to Linux and still need more, how about some free eBooks to teach yourself Linux, that you can download today? Free, you ask? If you are starting out on your journey towards Linux awesomeness, here are a few free downloadable eBooks to teach yourself Linux that should help you along nicely: Getting Started Guide to Linux MakeUseOf’s very own Newbie’s Guide to Linux tells you how to choose a distribution and then teaches you how to perform a basic Linux install. Stefan did a great job in keeping it simple and to the point, the way beginners want it. Introduction to Linux — A Hands on Guide Takes you from the absolute basics to basics. GNU/Linux Command Line Tools Summary Ubuntu Pocket Guide and Reference 3 Linux Tutorial Next: 4 System AdministrationUp: Linux Installation and Getting Previous: 2 Obtaining and Installing If you're new to UNIX and Linux, you may be a bit intimidated by the size and apparent complexity of the system before you. This chapter does not go into great detail or cover advanced topics. Instead, we want you to hit the ground running. We assume very little here about your background, except perhaps that you have some familiarity with personal computer systems, and MS-DOS. And, before we begin: Don't be afraid to experiment. Linux is a multitasking, multiuser operating system, which means that many people can run many different applications on one computer at the same time. On traditional UNIX systems, the system administrator assigns you a user name and an initial password when you are given an account on the system. In addition, each system has a host name assigned to it. 3.2.1 Creating an account. 3.2.2 Logging in. At login time, you'll see a prompt resembling the following: =1.0pt

Red Hat announces availability of Storage 2.0 beta | Storage - InfoWorld A beta version of Red Hat Storage 2.0 was announced Monday by the open-source software company. The product -- which is based on RHEL 6 -- provides a host of new options for software-based management of scalable storage, according to Red Hat, as well as integration with many top enterprise storage technologies like virtualization and Hadoop. "This new functionality enables faster file access and opens up data within Hadoop deployments to other file-based or object-based applications," Red Hat said in a statement. To continue reading, register here to become an Insider It's FREE to join Network World - A beta version of Red Hat Storage 2.0 was announced Monday by the open-source software company. The company also boasted that its new ability to "seamlessly" integrate file and object storage into a unified pool is an industry first, providing greatly improved accessibility. FIGHTING WORDS: Ubuntu creator says system becoming more popular among enterprises than Red Hat Linux

Dinosauria On-Line The Linux Documentation Project: Guides The Linux Documentation Project (LDP) is working on developing good, reliable documentation for the Linux operating system. The overall goal of the LDP is to collaborate in taking care of all of the issues of Linux documentation, ranging from online documentation (man pages, HTML, and so on) to printed manuals covering topics such as installing, using, and running Linux. Here is the Linux Documentation Project Manifesto and Copyright License for LDP works. Translations of LDP works (languages other than English) can be found on the "Non-English Linux Info" links page. Advanced Bash-Scripting Guide This document is both a tutorial and a reference on shell scripting with Bash. It assumes no previous knowledge of scripting or programming, but progresses rapidly toward an intermediate/advanced level of instruction . . . all the while sneaking in little nuggets of UNIX® wisdom and lore. Below is a table of translated guides that are available from pub/Linux/docs/ldp-archived/.

Mobile Edition Half of all enterprise IT managers have implemented or plan to implement solid state storage, research shows. There's a well-worn saying in the storage world to describe new and emerging technologies, when no one is quite sure what the actual adoption rate will be: "There's more written about it than on it." In many ways solid state storage (notice I didn't only say SSD, and that's deliberate) has felt a little like that over the last few years. So what does "prime time" mean? Performance v But surely solid state is all about performance? With just about every storage systems vendor supporting, developing, and promoting solid state storage in one way or another, it's no surprise that market adoption is happening--but the move from solid state being a specialist, marginal tool for extreme applications to it being a generalist, prime-time technology is based on the growing understanding that--counter-intuitively for something that seems so expensive--it can help to control costs. 1 of 2
