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Use static imports rarely Static imports allow the static items of one class to be referenced in another without qualification. Used indiscriminately, this will likely make code more difficult to understand, not easier to understand. Example import java.util.*; import static java.util.Collections.*; public final class StaticImporter { public static void main(String... aArgs){ List<String> things = new ArrayList<>(); things.add("blah"); List<String> syncThings = synchronizedList(things); } } An example in which a static import is likely acceptable is a constants class. Hydrogen Storage In Nanoparticles Works: Outloo... Dutch chemist Kees Baldé has demonstrated that hydrogen can be efficiently stored in nanoparticles. This allows hydrogen storage to be more easily used in mobile applications. Baldé discovered that 30 nanometre particles of the metal hydride sodium alanate make the favourable extraction and storage of hydrogen possible. Hydrogen is considered to be a clean storage and transport medium for energy. Therefore many future scenarios are based on the storage and transport of hydrogen.

Write thread-safe servlets If you write Web applications in Java, the servlet is your best friend. Whether you write Java ServerPages (JSP) or plain servlets, you are both at the servlet's mercy and the lucky recipient of what the servlet has to offer. So let's look closer at the servlet. As we know, when building a Website, we are primarily interested in the servlet's two methods: doPost() and doGet(). GoogleBrowser V1.01 Use this free Java application to explore the connections between related websites. Try it now! Enter keywords or a URL, and click 'Graph it!'

Archive: Java[tm] Technology Products Download The Oracle Java Archive offers self-service download access to some of our historical Java releases. WARNING: These older versions of the JRE and JDK are provided to help developers debug issues in older systems. They are not updated with the latest security patches and are not recommended for use in production. For production use Oracle recommends downloading the latest JDK and JRE versions and allowing auto-update. How To Use Native Windows VSTs in Linux This is a tutorial on how to use native Windows VST instruments in combination with Renoise on Linux. (07/22/2008: added some additional comments below about dssi-vst and rendering/freezing tracks) What we need: Let's assume you have everything set up and running. If not, please refer to the FAQ/Troubleshooting section at the end of this document.

Simple Camera Panning Simple Camera Panning This example will bring back our figures and have them occupy an environment as we pan the camera through it. The panning motion alone doesn't do much in terms of depth, so the 3D-ness of this example may be limited. Nonetheless, its a step in the right direction to getting really involved with 3D motion as it introduces trig and shows how it can be used with positions in 3D space. [ panning the camera around viewing figures (LEFT and RIGHT keys) ] Steps to Create Animation The first step, same as before, is just setting up the needed movieclips and background. SSL Connection with Java « Ady Wicaksono Daily Activities Here is an example Java code to create SSL connection between you and HTTPS (taken from You can compile & run it: $ javac $ java HTTPSClient But wait, if HTTPS server give you certificate which is signed by “unknown” Certificate Authority ( I mean not signed by approved CA like Thawte, Verisign) then you will get this error PKIX path building failed: unable to find valid certification path to requested target or something like it
