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Weekend Posts & Videos For jQuery Developers (4/1/2011) Hey guys. It’s been a great week for jQuery and with the 1.5 milestone now out, I wanted to share some useful links, articles and videos to help you get the most of this release (and jQuery in general). Some of the stuff I’ll be personally checking out this weekend is a more in-depth look at deferreds (new to 1.5) as well as some of the great talks from last year’s jQCon which were just released. Please feel free to retweet this post for your colleagues if you find it useful (and have an awesome weekend!). jQuery 1.5 Articles, Resources and Videos Using Deferreds with jQuery 1.5 – a great in-depth article by Eric Hynds with jsFiddle examples: . How can you use jQuery Deferreds? jQuery 1.5’s new jQuery.sub() feature explained in 10 Minutes (jsFiddle demo included) Boris Moore’s jQuery Script loader that uses the new 1.5 dfds features

iPad Magazines - Tablisto Cómo utilizar herramientas de visualización de datos divertidas (y gratuitas) para contar historias en línea Algunas historias pueden ser difíciles de visualizar y hacerlas interactivas para la Internet. Muchas veces, implican conjuntos de datos aburridos que son difíciles de leer o no son visualmente estimulantes para videos o fotos. Aquí hay algunas herramientas de visualización divertidas y gratuitas que se pueden utilizar con diversos conjuntos de datos: Wordle toma fragmentos de texto y los transforma en coloridos mapas. Wordle también elimina palabras como "la", "y ", "de" y "a" para mostrar lo medular de un texto. Aquí hay algunas ideas para utilizar Wordle en línea (e incluso imprimir): • Largos informes de agencias gubernamentales. • Documentos legales. • Discursos. Consejo: si usted está tratando de copiar / pegar texto PDF en Wordle, pero el texto no se puede seleccionar, intente importarlo en Document Cloud. Para ver un ejemplo de Wordle, haga clic aquí. Agregue eventos a la línea de tiempo y rellene los campos para incluir multimedia. Consejos:

jQuery LABjs Script Loader :: Home Onswipe Journalist's Toolbox Update: March 6, 2011 - The Journalist's Toolbox geocoding - How to calculate the bounding box for a given lat/lng location 5 Essentials for Digital Magazine Publishing Success By Chris Sturk • 07/12/2012 If you’ve already worked out the formatting, design and content structure of your digital magazine publishing efforts, then it’s time to consider some aligned essentials. Digital magazine publishing success relies on having great content and finding the most devoted audience members. The following five digital magazine publishing essentials focus on ways to promote your content throughout digital platforms, and how to educate your audience about the digital magazines you offer. Digital magazine publishing essentials Digital magazine publishing essential #1: Social media – Social media has been used to maintain relationships with audience members and inspire the sharing of content through audience members’ networks. Discover digital publishing tips for creating digital magazines in a tablet magazine publishing world when you download our FREE Digital Magazine Publishing handbook today. Have more digital magazine publishing essentials to share? Related Posts

10 pasos para promover tu marca personal en las redes sociales Gráfico de ¿Tienes una marca digital? ofrece algunas pistas para lograr ese objetivo, tan necesario en estos tiempos. Aquí un resumen: 1. 2. 3. 4. DD_belatedPNG: Medicine for your IE6/PNG headache! 2011/4/8: This is no longer an actively maintained project. I apologize, I must move on with current events. This is a Javascript library that sandwiches PNG image support into IE6 without much fuss. You can use PNGs as the SRC of an <IMG/> element or as a background-image property in CSS. If you attempt the latter, you will find that, unlike with vanilla usage of AlphaImageLoader, background-position and background-repeat work as intended. As a bonus, "fixed" elements will respond to a commonly used set of Javascript style assignments, as well as the A:hover pseudo-class. Table of Contents Long story short, this uses Microsoft's implementation of VML instead of Microsoft's AlphaImageLoader filter. The intended implementation is pretty easy: Download a copy of the DD_belatedPNG Javascript file - please do not hotlink mine, I am on a shared host. Due to popular demand, here is some documentation for how to "fix" elements on a pick-and-choose basis. (Based on the normal usage approach)

Digital Publishing Remits: Getting 75% from Apple By Don Nicholas • 04/16/2012 John Bolton, group publisher at Interweave, has been negotiating, if you could call it that, with Apple, Zinio, Barnes & Noble and other digital affiliates. As he points out, the negotiation is pretty one-sided. His method: becoming an Apple affiliate. Discover digital publishing tips for creating digital magazines in a tablet magazine publishing world when you download our FREE Digital Magazine Publishing handbook today. John went on to recommend putting pages on your website that describe your books, magazines, and apps, and point into the Apple store so you can get the extra five percentage points for affiliate sales. My article that discusses the three things we want from Apple’s Newsstand app stresses the difficulty in navigating within the newsstand. Promoting your own stuff This includes driving your own product sales in the various digital newsstands. Related Posts Posted in Digital Magazine Publishing Leave a Comment

Sueldos y social media. ¿Cuánto cobra un profesional de los medios sociales? | Estrategia Community Manager: Su voz en el Social Media, escucha y responde al mercado Madrid, 1 de marzo del 2011.- - ¿En qué trabajas? - Soy Community Manager. - Ah, ¿y con eso se gana mucho dinero? Gran pregunta. Que el tema de los perfiles profesionales 2.0 me interesa no es nada nuevo, pero en esta ocasión me he propuesto arrojar un poco de luz sobre los sueldos que se están pagando por estos nuevos trabajos. Ejemplos de precariedad Hay situaciones vergonzosas como que se esté ofreciendo un euro por post a bloggers. “Los colaboradores que buscamos deben pensar en un trabajo a largo plazo y de manera estable, con posibilidades de promoción. Vamos, que si alguien se ofrece a hacer 2 posts por un euro, pues mejor que mejor. En Twitter es habitual leer mensajes de denuncia de estas situaciones, como este de Montse Fernández @gijon2013: “De vergüenza! Profesiones al alza Pongamos los números sobre la mesa Concretemos: ¿cuánto cobra un Community Manager? Veamos en qué rangos se mueven estos salarios. De la comparativa se desprenden dos cosas, desde mi punto de vista:
