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Related:  alternativesShop - Forside Agriculture sous contrat et commerce équitable : une étude réclame la prudence A recently released study commissioned by the Fair Trade Platform (association of major French fair trade organizations) and carried out by the NGO Agronomists and Veterinarians Without Borders on the integration of contract farming in Fair Trade since 2005 and 2006 recommends utmost caution in the deployment of this new form of fair trade, initiated by Fairtrade International and Ecocert. Contract farming and its inclusion in fair trade Contract farming is a striving form of business relationship in the South. Based on a contractual relationship between farmers and a buyer who agrees to buy in advance the farms’ production at a fixed price. In the context of fair trade, it differs from the autonomous organization of farmers into cooperatives or community groups, encouraged by the Fair Trade movement, in which producers are autonomous, producer groups often having contracts with different buyers. A new option which is seen as a breach in the usual operating rules of fair trade

BIOTREM Fairtrade International / Products / Cotton An estimate of 100 million households are involved in cotton production in 70 countries around the world. An estimated 100 million households are involved in cotton production in 70 countries around the world. The largest cotton producing countries are the United States, China, India, Uzbekistan and the West and Central African region. The world price for cotton has been in steady decline for the past couple of decades. The declining value of cotton About three quarters of the US cotton crop is thus 'dumped' on the world market, often priced below the costs of production. The declining value of cotton is a result of the growing use of synthetic fibres like polyester and nylon. Cotton production in developing countries is less resource intensive and costs less.

Ecocert - Equitable, Solidaire, Responsable Ecocert contrôle et garantit le Commerce équitable Ecocert propose le contrôle et la labellisation des produits issus du commerce équitable et solidaire selon le référentiel « ESR – Equitable, Solidaire, Responsable » La première version du référentiel ESR (Equitable, Solidaire, Responsable) a été élaborée en 2007, en concertation avec des acteurs représentatifs du commerce équitable. Son champ d’application est alors le commerce équitable traditionnel. Une révision du référentiel en 2013 a permis d’élargir l’offre de services avec la création de deux labels distincts de commerce équitable : le label « Ecocert Équitable » pour le commerce équitable traditionnel ; le label « Ecocert Solidaire » pour le commerce équitable Nord-Nord. Notre vision universelle du Commerce équitable Le Commerce équitable est traditionnellement associé aux petits producteurs des pays en voie de développement du « Sud » qui exportent vers les pays du « Nord ». Le Commerce équitable et l’agriculture biologique

From Capitalism To Democracy Study on inclusion of contract farming in fair trade standards pledges for caution A recently released study commissioned by the Fair Trade Platform (association of major French fair trade organizations) and carried out by the NGO Agronomists and Veterinarians Without Borders on the integration of contract farming in Fair Trade since 2005 and 2006 recommends utmost caution in the deployment of this new form of fair trade, initiated by Fairtrade International and Ecocert. is a striving form of business relationship in the South. Based on a contractual relationship between farmers and a buyer who agrees to buy in advance the farms’ production at a fixed price. In the context of fair trade, it differs from the autonomous organization of farmers into cooperatives or community groups, encouraged by the Fair Trade movement, in which producers are autonomous, producer groups often having contracts with different buyers. The three case studies facilitated the observation of various effects of contract farming within fair trade, including the development of supply chains.

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