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Phroilan's stuff

Phroilan's stuff

Jed Henry Draws for Kids! Did you miss us? It’s been a while, but Dave has completed a brand new video (yay!): The Making of ‘Flight of Fantasy’.You can order your own handmade print at our website: atelier-sento: Mizuka exploring the island’s harbourDetail from a scene of The Coral Cave, our watercolor videogame set in Okinawa. I’m excited to play this game! THAT DATA! Finally found the time to finish these pieces! Follow this link to see more print designs. Kanji explanation: Image 1: The bottom-left cartouche features the kanji 鳴戸, which is read naruto, meaning ‘maelstrom’. The top-right cartouche contains the kanji 古祟翻恵, loosely meaning “An ancient curse becomes a blessing”. Image 2: The top-left cartouche contains the symbols 龍毬, literally meaning ‘dragon’ and ‘orb’. The bottom-right cartouche features the kanji 不憩奮励, meaning ‘Never resting, striving higher’. Image 3: The left cartouche features the kanji 末撓気師, literally meaning “the last bending air master”. YES!

chhuy-ing ia [ portfolio ] untitled More of those mindless crashers this week! It’s the Buzzard-Bomber! This ugly brother carries a shrapnel strapped explosive straight into your turtle! Yikes! Crash-Carts are Upgraded Boom-Barrow pilots that have managed to survive more than a few excursions. This week’s Scoundrel is the bravely stupid Boom-Barrow! Some goblins are crafty enough to get into demolitions without dying. This week’s scoundrel is the Elite Sheep Rider! Sheep are one of the more stubborn creatures in the world of Shellrazer. This week’s Shellrazer Scoundrel is the beefiest grappler there is! Lumbering towards your turtle is that Burly Roblin-Crasher! Zounds! The Goblin-Grappler is a huskier goblin that revels in the art of leaping and demolishing. Yikes! Bearded Goblins are some of the more braver/stupider goblins who brazenly sprint at your war-turtle and leap up at the battlements! This week it’s another airborne adversary! This week it’s Another airborne Scoundrel!

the cleveland steve'er Stefan Tosheff Childhood dreams, sentai madness, MEGAZORD. ( pencil crayon, ink, and water colour ) pencil crayon and water colour Coming along with the mural. Featured show tonight at ayden gallery. Tigress Acrylic on canvas 32 x 38 Ink on card FEATURED is opening this Friday! A Piece for my upcoming Exhibition at Ayden Gallery and Ink on card 10 x 14 next painting #art #illustration #drawing So, I’ve been pretty quiet lately. I will post some in the coming week!

untitled eric guillon 自家用紙飛行機 loish blog 獅子猿画廊 3月は入院の影響で先延ばししてもらった〆切群がモリッと集中しておりまして、 準備期間の長かったタイトルも含めてなんとか全部間に合い、暫くぐったり生活ですよ。 季節の変わり目ですから、多少しゃーないなと。 2014 .3/3 mon 「まだ、もうちょい、療養中」■病院から自宅療養になってひと月以上経ちましたのであります。 2月は後遺症でマイルドに厳しい日が何週間かノンストップで続いたりで、入院してた時のほうが意外と楽やったなと。 仕事はちょこちょこと、たまにモリモリやりますが、まだゆる~くしんどい時もあるので、早くギンギンに元気にならないかなーと。 とか言いながら普通に仕事してたり。 マッチョなハゲ(ピン付き)は俺が描く! 描くたびに徐々にデカまっておりますがコチラもよろしくおねげしますーっ■というところで、今月もまだ病人中でした~。 update * text 2014 .1/28 + ↓clickで即席特設ページへ 2014.01.28 update update * 入院sketchbook 2014 .1/23 thu 「とりあえず、復活です」 ■退院しました報告。 2014年、新年初っぱなから緊急入院とかしておりまして、自分自身ビックリしました。 とゆわけで、今年もどうぞよろしく!! update * 退院ノ報告的 text

Brittney Lee
