EPIC Online| Organization and Business Ethics Toolkit Other excellent tools can be found on our ethics and policy resources page. A Framework to Approach Ethics and Policy Study The purpose of this concept paper is to set forth an approach to developing and employing a framework for inquiry and understanding in ethics and policy studies. It is based upon fundamental works on human action, management theory, and critical thinking. It is methodological and concentrates on how to think and communicate about ethics and policy issues, rather than on the issues themselves (Brady 7). Its components and their relationships are graphically portrayed in the system model attached. Assumptions There are a number of assumptions underlying this approach: Elements of an Approach to the Ethics & Policy Framework Introduction. The framework Nadler and Tushman describe is a congruence model. Why Ethics and Policy? When these rules are fundamental to the operations of the organization, we think of them as policies. Minimum Essentials. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.
Strategy. Methods, Models and Theories 3C's Model Ohmae 4S Web Marketing Mix Constantinides 5 C's of Marketing Strategy 5 P's Model Pryor 5 Steps Planning Armstrong 7 Ps Booms Bitner 7-S Framework McKinsey Abductive Reasoning Pierce Abilene Paradox Harvey Acquisition Integration Approaches Haspeslagh Jemison Action Learning Revans Action Research Lewin ADL Matrix Arthur D. Aggregate Demand Aggregate Supply Agile Absorption Sull Alliance Network Analogical Strategic Reasoning Gavetti Rivkin Anchoring Bias Tversky Kahneman Anti Hostile Takeover Mechanisms Art of War Sun Tzu Ashridge Mission Model Campbell Back-End Plan Balanced Scorecard Kaplan Norton Bankmail Engagement Barriers to Entry Bases of Social Power French Raven BCG Matrix Benchmarking Bisociation Koestler Black Swan Theory Taleb Blue Ocean Strategy Kim Bottom of the Pyramid Prahalad Bounded Rationality Simon BPR Hammer Champy Brainstorming Brand Loyalty Brand Recognition Bricks and Clicks Business Assessment Array Business Cycle Business Incubator Business Intelligence Business Interruption Insurance more
03/09/06 The leading annually updated general medical text! CMDT 2004 is the most comprehensive, reliable, and timely reference available to answer common questions in everyday clinical practice. Written in a concise, easy-to-read style, the text covers all aspects of outpatient and inpatient care as well as authoritative descriptions of new developments in medicine. It includes information on over 1,000 diseases and disorders with an emphasis on prevention and cost-effective treatments. CMDT 2004 also features updated information on drug dosages and updated therapeutic options in HIV, including an approach to multi-drug antiretroviral therapies. Encyclopedia of Business and Finance by Macmillan Reference USA (Corporate Author), Burton S.
Why Alternative Energy? A poll carried carried out for the BBC World Service of nearly 20,000 people from across 19 countries found wide support for alternative energy strategies. The poll illustrates a perceived triple threat from the way the world produces and uses energy. Majorities across all 19 countries indicate that citizens fear: the climate and environment are being harmedthat the global economy will be destabilisedthat competition for energy will lead to greater conflict Some eight out of 10 of those questioned were worried about the threat to the environment. Doug Miller, president of the poll firm GlobeScan, said: "What's fascinating is that in the midst of historically high energy prices and geopolitical tensions, the number one energy concern in every industrialised country we surveyed is the environmental and climate impacts." Creating tax incentives to encourage the use of alternative energy sources such as wind and solar power found favour with 80% of respondents. Full Article on BBC News
Reverse Engineering Replacement Circuit Boards Extends Working Life of Older Equipment, Adds Functionality (PRLEAP.COM) Baltimore, MD – June 28 2007 – For more than 18 years, Armistead Technologies has reverse engineered printed circuit boards (PCBs) for clients in the electronics industry. Recently however, an increasing number of small to mid-size manufacturers are discovering the value of reverse engineering as a business resource. Company founder and owner John Armistead recalled a recent project for a client who was, of all things, a commercial printer. "The controller boards in his machines had been repaired and repaired, and they were just worn out," Armistead says. "This guy didn't care what went into the board," Armistead continues. That's a typical path for many small manufacturers, who come from diverse industries. That's when savvy managers call in reverse engineering experts like Armistead Technologies. The commercial printer also needed a handful of replacement circuit boards to install in his existing machinery.
World Intellectual Property Organization The World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) is the global forum for intellectual property services, policy, information and cooperation. WIPO Translate WIPO has developed a ground-breaking new “artificial intelligence”-based translation tool for patent documents. WIPO Translate is free of charge and available through the PATENTSCOPE database. File, manage or search patents, trademarks, designs and appellations of origin. Follow policy discussions and negotiations on the future development of IP in our standing committees and meetings. Management system for manufacture - Fujitsu Limited 1. Field of the Invention The present invention relates to a system for managing and controlling manufacturing products. More specifically, the invention relates to a management system for the manufacture of products assembled using a plurality of component parts, which concentrically controls production processes and allows automated production in a unified manner. 2. Description of the Related Art The present invention is directed to production including intermediate components, called "parts", assembled with a plurality of elementary parts, elements and so forth, semifinal products and completed final products composed of a plurality of parts, such as exchanges or switchboards and so forth, or components of the final products, such as shelves, frames of the exchanges and so forth. It should be noted that the application of management of manufacturing according to the invention is not limited to the field listed above but can be applied to a variety of fields. In the drawings:
Printed Circuit Design & Fab Magazine Online Dynamic new co-design strategies will give the PCB designer the flexibility to re-map legacy package pinouts. The approach to IC chip packaging design has remained fundamentally unchanged since the 1970s. The chip design team lays out the silicon die and decides what type of IC package to use and how to assign the pinouts. In spite of the recent hoopla to bring co-design into the mainstream, the long-standing protocol of IC design may never entirely go away. In looking at a circuit board’s initial design process, the board designer typically makes a series of tradeoffs between electrical, thermal and mechanical needs. Typically, the pinout of one chip at a time is optimized, then cycled to the next chip until the total circuit board is optimized to the satisfaction of the board designer. Design Issues with UDPo For example, EDA software tools to optimize chip pinouts must be both reliable and economical before mainstream board designers will adopt them. Summary Acknowledgements
My Electronics Lab Finally we arrive at the part I enjoy the most....SOFTWARE! Yes, if you haven't guessed it by now I am a software guy. I have been fooling with electronics since I was a teenager, and did take some college classes in EE, but my degree is in computer science, so software is where I get really excited. Depending upon the hardware being used, the software and the development environments are obviously diverse. All my PIC programming is done using both Assembly, and 'C'. Free Model Foundry My day in the Mactel underground installing OS x86 Last week I was listening to This Week in Tech, with the golden voice of Leo Laporte. Apparently Leo had refused a copy of os x86 that had been offered to him by some punk kids. Me? I love punk kids. Brace yourself for a walk through the seamy underbelly of Macdom. Since the first step had been done for us, we proceeded to pop the 2 GB+ DVD with the .bz2 file on it into a PowerMac G5 tower. Unfortunately, what made sense next didn't readily come to us. So we figured it out. Once we had a Live CD for Ubuntu, we thought we were ready. Sadly, it was not to be. Once we changed the name of "New Volume" to "NewVolume" things went better. What did we get? After trying two or three floppy-based methods of erasing the drive, I was ready to get a magnet. OK, Ubuntu Live CD, check. We shut the machine down, ejecting the CD, unplugging the external HD, and sitting back for a moment. The 360hacker post mentions some diagnostic screen, and more CLI codes. So what's it like?