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Real-Time Rendering Resources

Real-Time Rendering Resources

Improving the Efficiency of BRDF Representation Szymon Rusinkiewicz CS348c, Winter 1997 Idea: Transforming BRDF Data A look at current strategies for BRDF representation reveals that most general-purpose methods are too inefficient, particularly in storage cost, to be practical. Representations based on spherical harmonics, splines, Zernike polynomials, or spherical wavelets typically require tens of thousands of coefficients to represent even moderately complex BRDFs. One problem with current BRDF representation techniques is that they are, essentially, schemes for representing arbitrary four-dimensional functions. We propose, therefore, that there exist certain transforms that may be performed on raw BRDFs to put them into forms that the conventional BRDF representation techniques can compress more easily. One simple transform is taking the logarithm of the BRDFs. A second simple transform, often suggested in the literature, is to multiply the BRDF by cos(theta_in)*cos(theta_out) before storing it. bv - A BRDF Viewer Results He Phong

Performance Optimization And that’s a wrap. Thank you to all of the Unity developers, enthusiasts and lovers, those of you that attended Unite 2012, and those of you that wanted to be there, but couldn’t. Hands on hearts, we would not be here today without you. Thanks to all of our sponsors. Unite 2012 is over, but this page will be updated with all the key footage. We hope everyone had a blast in Amsterdam. Slides & Example Projects Session videos Unite 2012 : Keynote - Founders & Peter Molyneux Harold: The Art Behind the Game Unity Meetups, User Groups, and Game Jams Performance Optimization Tips and Tricks for Unity Asset Bundles : Creative Uses and Best Practices ALIEN vs PREDATOR: Tools and Techniques Unite 12 - Mecanim: Creating Retargetable Animation in Unity 4 Click and Gun: Lighting Workflow Developing Content for the Unity 4 Animation System GameDraw: Editor customization techniques and challenges Multi-SKU, Multi-Platform development The Power of the Crowd Unity, Network Code, and You Advanced Editor Scripting

Unity Community // View topic - UniLOD BETA: Level-of-detail and + few othersIn actionLots of objects demo (Old video, new one coming in a few days, it does a much better job now)Streaming demoIn-game demo All the demo videos except the first one are running on Running on Vista x64, E6600 at 2.4Ghz, 295GTX and 2GB RAM. (The first video is running on 8800GTX, rest is the same). Video tutorialsUniLOD Tutorial 1 - InstallationUniLOD Tutorial 2 - Mesh simplificationUniLOD Tutorial 3 - LOD prefab creationUniLOD Tutorial 4 - LOD scene editingUniLOD Tutorial 5 - Scene loadingDownloadWin + Unity ProMac + Unity ProMac/Win + Unity IndieOther notes This is the first released version of UniLOD, I hope you can report all found bugs to me. Personally I have never even tested the Mac version but it is available here anyway. It is very doubtful it will work at this time, but I do plan on fixing it in the future (Feel free to give it a shot, it might just work). Posting Permissions Forum Rules Unity 3D – France | Communauté française du logiciel Unity 3D | La semaine Unity : Semaine 11 Comme vous avez du l’apprendre, Unity 3D aura un export au format swf de prévu et compatible avec la future version de Flash Molehill. Molehill est une API intégrée à Flash permettant de gérer enfin la 3D. En savoir plus → Vos jeux sur le Mac App Store Pour tous ceux qui désirent exporter leur jeu sur le Mac App Store, le site Blurst décrit la procédure complète d’intégration à la plateforme. En savoir plus → Optimisation des Drawcalls Dans Unity3D, un des principaux problèmes est de réduire le nombre de drawcalls. En savoir plus → Utilitaires et news diverses Flash G. du forum officiel vient de sortir un add-on pour Unity (Nice alpha Utility) permettant d’améliorer les transparences lors de l’import d’images en PNG. En savoir plus → La semaine Unity : Semaine 6 En savoir plus → Distance Tool Distance Tool est un script pour l’éditeur d’Unity permettant d’ajouter des fonctions de distances entre des repères d’objets 3D, de distance entre des pixel de textures etc..

3D "Note to self: Pasty-skinned programmers ought not stand in the Mojave desert for multiple hours." - John Carmack Framework 3(Last updated: June 26, 2012)Framework 2(Last updated: October 8, 2006)Framework(Last updated: October 8, 2006)Libraries(Last updated: September 16, 2004)Really old framework (Last updated: September 16, 2004) Geometric Post-process Anti-Aliasing (GPAA)Saturday, March 12, 2011 | Permalink Recently a number of techniques have been introduced for doing antialiasing as a post-processing step, such as MLAA and just recently SRAA. The technique is relatively simple. The wide line is the geometric edge. Unlike many other antialiasing techniques, this technique really shines for near horizontal or near vertical lines. The main advantage of this technique is performance and quality. The main disadvantage of this technique is that you need to have geometric information available. In any case, there's a lot of potential and I'll surely be playing more with this.

Light Measurement Laboratory In attempting to simulate the reflection and transport processes of light propagation, it is first necessary to measure and compare the material light reflection models (BRDF's) as well as measure the goniometric diagrams and spectral distribution of the illumination sources. For this reason, we have established a sophisticated light measurement laboratory with NSF and industry support. Equipment in the Light Measurement Laboratory (circa 1995) This laboratory includes: Difficulties for the measurement experiments are numerous and basically fall into three categories: Information on the calibration and precision of measurement equipment is scarce. Measurements and Comparisons We use the calibrated CCD camera to capture a twelve-bit image of a physical scene to then directly compare with a simulated rendering of the same scene, using identical geometry, material properties, light source chacteristics, and camera location. Publications Support Home Oregon BRDF Library The Oregon BRDF Library (OBL) is a compilation of a wide range of BRDF functions constructed over the previous 30 years in the fields of physics and computer graphics. OBL offers a uniform, object oriented interface in C++ to this collection of BRDF functions, and is flexible enough to incorporate future BRDF models. The BRDFs included in OBL are: Lambertian Diffuse Model Minnaert Limb Darkening Model Blinn Cloud & Dusty Surface Model Cook-Torrance Specular Microfacet BRDF Oren-Nayar Diffuse Microfacet BRDF He-Torrance Comprehensive Analytic Model Ward Anisotropic Model Lafortune Generalized Cosine Lobe Model Beard-Maxwell Bidirectional Reflectance Model Phong Model Poulin-Fournier Anisotropic Model Arithmetic BRDF iBRDF

Curious Labs Imatest - image quality evaluation software BabelColor - A bidirectional color translator Ugra/FOGRA Media Wedge - Medienkeil CMYK bvdm, Fogra und zipcon laden ein: Online Print Symposium Seien auch Sie auch dieses Jahr wieder in München dabei, wenn am 15. / 16. Mai 2014 das zweite Symposium zu diesem zukunftsträchtigen Thema stattfinden wird. Download des Programmhefts als PDF Dr. Große Verdienste (nicht nur) für die Standardisierung Dr. Anmelden und Frühbucherrabatt sichern: Anwenderforum UV-Druck Seien auch Sie auch dieses Jahr wieder in München dabei, wenn am 29. / 30. Alle Einzelheiten finden Sie demnächst hier ... Neuer Fogra-Forschungsbericht: Kriterien für die farbverbindliche Softproof-Bewertung in der Tagesproduktion Diesen neuen Bericht laden Sie als Fogra-Mitglied (nach dem Login) kostenlos herunter. Abstrakt, Download und Bestellmöglichkeit Wir suchen für sofort eine(n) PhyTA - Physikalisch-technischen Assistent(in) für Analysen zur Bestimmung physikalischer Eigenschaften von Chipkarten, Personaldokumenten und deren Materialien in einem nach ISO/IEC 17025 akkreditierten Prüflabor der Fogra. Gleich anmelden:

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