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Protest.Net: A calendar of protest, meetings, and conferences.

Protest.Net: A calendar of protest, meetings, and conferences.

Global Guerrillas The Zeitgeist Movement Facebook User Account Frozen After Posting Photo » Facebook User Account Frozen After Posting Photo ATTENTION CHEMTRAILS ACTIVISTS AND ONLINE RESEARCHERS I just got booted from facebook out of nowhere. When I signed back into facebook a new screen pulled up saying my account was frozen by facebook. They stated in a lengthy contract that they had removed a photo from my page CHEMTRAIL COVER UP and that I was not allowed to use it. Facebook literally threatened me that if I used the photo again they would deactivate my account. This is the photo that was removed:

Occupy Wall Street | NYC Protest for American Revolution Ethics and Morality: Who Cares? Ethics and Morality: Who Cares? Does any of this really matter? Why be concerned with moral theories and distinctions between different types of moral theories? Why bother with some of the difficult questions which are raised in metaethics? The point is that the "conventional" or "customary" morality which people are brought up with is something those people too rarely think about very carefully. However, once a person does begin to reflect upon a moral system and look more closely at its premises and inferences, then we are now in the realm of ethics. That is why it is important for people to be able to reason about their moral beliefs and moral positions.

Feed The Birds Campaign | London Cannabis Club Feed The Birds is campaign to distribute nutritious and legal hemp seeds across Great Britain. We will utilise every able bodied human to spread hemp seeds to feed British and migratory birds. It is also a campaign which supports the ethos that Cannabis prohibition has a negative impact on our society and gives hemp a bad reputation. For thousands of years, hemp has been purposefully grown in great abundance across the British Isles, manifesting itself in historical town names and even lending it’s name to a native British wild life species who prefer the hemp plants seeds. New technologies allow hemp to be made into bio-degradable plastics, industrial construction materials, medicine, clothing, oil, fuel, food, paper and many more important items. It is time our ruling government nurture the growth of new industries, especially those which will create jobs and have less impact on the environment than our current fossil fuel, textile and plastics industries. 1. 2. 3. Disclaimer:

Indignados preparan manifestación mundial para el 15 de octubre 30 de mayo 2011.-El grupo español Democracia Real Ya (DRY) realizará una convocatoria mundial para el próximo 15 de octubre en la que buscan unir voces para manifestarse en contra de los sistemas gubernamentales que "usan a los ciudadanos como mercancía". Las concentraciones mantendrán el mismo tono de la acampada que desde el 15 de mayo se mantiene en Madrid. El colectivo cuenta con cinco voceros quienes explicaron en rueda de prensa en la sala principal del centro sociocultural autogestionado Tabacalera en Madrid, un balance de las repercusiones desprendidas de las protestas del domingo 15 de mayo. Los dirigentes, Paco López, Olga Mikailova, Iván Olmedo, Aída Sánchez y Chema Ruiz, recordaron que tras los hechos de la acampada realizada en la Puerta del Sol en Madrid, los indignados decidieron impulsar el movimiento político Democracia Real Ya para reclamar los derechos ciudadanos de manera independiente. Acciones similares en Francia Indignados en Grecia

» OWS Protester Gets It – It’s The Fed, Stupid Alex Jones Hidden Agenda Behind Rise Of "Domestic Terrorist Label" Flashback: "Obama Lone Wolf Will Be Sovereign" Reid Calls Bundy Supporters Domestic Terrorists Homeland Security Says Your Children Are Terrorists Smart Guns Endanger Children Hold On To The Second Amendment! Harry Reid Blatantly Lies To America Harry Reid Says Conservatives Are Terrorists Rise of the Control Grid Witness To The Stand-Off SPECIAL REPORT-White House: Your Confrontational Children Could Be "Terrorists" Cliven Bundy And Supporters Labelled "Domestic Terrorists" White House Tells Parents: Children Could Be Terrorists! Fake Feminists Attack Kirsten Dunst For Pro-Woman Beliefs Insider Reveals More On Al Sharpton FBI Snitch Revelation Gun Owners Treated Like Sex Offenders Epic Fail: New Yorkers Disobey New Gun Laws Gremlins: Our Dear Leaders Whistleblower Nomi Prinz Exposes The Nefarious Deeds Of The Global Banking Elite Boston Globe Asks; Is The Declaration Of Independence A Terrorist Document? Our Enemy Operates Right Out In The Open American Censorship Day NYC General Assembly | The Official Website of the GA at #OccupyWallStreet What Is The Best Country In The World For Americans To Relocate To In Order To Avoid The Coming Economic Collapse? Millions of American citizens have already left the United States in search of a better life. As the economy continues to crumble and as our society slowly falls apart, millions of others are thinking about it. But moving to another country is not something to be done lightly. For each person, that answer may be different. When it comes to leaving America, a lot of people out there have some really strong opinions. Many people believe that leaving the United States at this time would be abandoning our country in its hour of greatest need. Others believe that there is no hope for the United States at all and that leaving this country is the only rational thing to do. Still others are waiting to see what is going to happen during this next election. But whatever you believe, the reality is that more Americans than ever seem to be interested in relocating overseas. A recent CNBC article contained the following amazing statistics.... *According to the U.S. How much worse can it get? Money Jobs
