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NoteSlate /// intuitively simple monochrome paper alike tablet device

NoteSlate /// intuitively simple monochrome paper alike tablet device

Electronic paper Electronic paper, e-paper and electronic ink are display technologies which are designed to mimic the appearance of ordinary ink on paper.[1] Unlike conventional backlit flat panel displays which emit light, electronic paper displays reflect light like ordinary paper, theoretically making it more comfortable to read, and giving the surface a wider viewing angle compared to conventional displays. The contrast ratio in available displays as of 2008 might be described as similar to that of newspaper, though newly developed displays are slightly better.[2] An ideal e-paper display can be read in direct sunlight without the image appearing to fade. Many electronic paper technologies can hold static text and images indefinitely without using electricity. Flexible electronic paper uses plastic substrates and plastic electronics for the display backplane. Technologies[edit] Gyricon[edit] Electronic paper was first developed in the 1970s by Nick Sheridon at Xerox's Palo Alto Research Center.

Just Cause 2 Mods L'indispensable pour internet Vous n'êtes pas en mesure de comprendre un point précis ? Vous voulez en savoir plus ? Pas de panique ! Consultez les liens que je vous donne: (Merci de ne pas me poser de questions par mail.) Pourquoi sécuriser mon ordinateur ? Ne pas sécuriser votre ordinateur, c'est permettre à un inconnu d'en prendre le contrôle total, à votre insu , et d'en faire ce qu'il veut: voler vos mots de passe, se faire passer pour vous, voler vos fichiers personnels, voler votre numéro de carte bleue, utiliser votre ordinateur et votre connexion internet pour faire des choses illégales comme spammer, envoyer des virus, pirater d'autres ordinateurs, diffuser illégalement des MP3 ou des films ou encore diffuser des images pédophiles. Dans la majorité des cas, les pirates ne s'intéressent pas à ce qu'il y a sur votre disque dur. Ne pas sécuriser votre ordinateur, ça vous est préjudiciable, et c'est préjudiciable aux autres. Un exemple ? WindowsUpdate Pourquoi ? Comment ?

CMDB 3.0 ITIL v3 has radically redefined Configuration Management and scrapped the CMDB as we know it. Oh, and this is a really, really good thing! ITIL v3 is out, and the authors have done the entire industry a very good turn. The CMDB is one of the most desired, misunderstood, over-marketed and most failure prone of all the ITIL. The confusion from CMDB is directly related to people not understanding configuration management and thinking that CMDB refers to “normal” configuration management, such as managing device configuration files. This time around, ITIL authors have re-worked the very ideas of asset and Configuration Management, re-defined the concept of the CMDB, demoted Configuration Management as a stand-alone process, and folded the entire collection under the heading of Knowledge Management. Following, I will explain how these changes could be one of the best things to happen to ITIL and those of us who work with ITIL on a daily basis. Figure 1.

Hack your way out of writer’s block I recently had occasion to do some…errr…research on writer’s block. Yeah, research. That’s what I was doing. Like a scientist. I found lots of great ideas to get unstuck and wrote the best ones on index cards to create an Oblique Strategies-like deck. Swipe, share, and add you own in comments. Talk to a monkey - Explain what you’re really trying to say to a stuffed animal or cardboard cutout. On the other hand, remember Laurence Olivier. One day on the set of Marathon Man, Dustin Hoffman showed up looking like shit. So, when all else fails, just try writing. NoteSlate tablet review, specs, price, release date | NEW BEST GADGETS Whether you are looking for cheap tablet ? This NoteSlate is well suited for you with price of $99 and will be release in June, 2011 with a variety of two-tone designs. With a choice of black or white backgrounds on the matte monochrome display, 4 different models with black backgrounds and blue, white, green, or red text and pictures. NoteSlate is budget-friendly tablet and offers 13 inch eInk monochrome screen that provide resolution of 750 x 1080 pixel display with smooth edges and a matte screen to provide the feel of paper when in use with the stylus. Measuring in 210 x 310 x 6mm thin body with weight only 280 g, the NoteSlate tablet also equipped with 3 physical buttons for a simple user experience, allowing you to, save current screen , view previous screen or delete current screens at the touch of a button. Related Gadgets Review:

Beyond CliffsNotes: 100 Free & Useful Tools for When Time's Running... If you’re a consummate procrastinator–despite your best efforts to be otherwise–then you’ve undoubtedly waited until the last minute to start that research paper or read that book more than once. Here you’ll find a collection of resources that can help you cram for tests, understand the main ideas of a work of literature, do your math homework and a whole lot more so your procrastination won’t send your college career down the tubes. Study Guides These study guides can help you understand literary metaphors, summarize readings and give you the tools necessary to muddle through the densest of texts. Study Tools Use these study tools to quiz yourself, solve math problems and cram at the last minute. Sharing Notes On these sites you’ll be able to share your notes and get notes from others from classes you might have missed. Reference If you need to look up any kind of basic information from word translations to a more intelligent sounding word, these tools will help. Research Writing Presentation

Quotations Shedding Bikes: Programming Culture And Philosophy By Zed A. Shaw I'm currently working on the last few lessons in Learn Python The Hard Way and I want to include a lesson on general health problems programmers run into during their careers. I find many programmers seem to ignore their body's physical state when they're coding, most likely due to the intense concentration required. I'm hoping other people could benefit by simply understanding a few health related problems programming has almost caused me or caused many other people I know, and how I avoided them. I probably won't put this whole blog post into LPTHW since it's a bit much, but I will make a shorter version of it. In the past I was a top qualified soldier in the US Army, and I have studied many martial arts. First a quick list of martial arts I've studied for various periods of time: Ninjitsu, Aikido, Judo, Muay Thai, Wing Tsung, Capoeira, and Arnis in no particular order. Hopefully, my experience maintaining my physical health will help you gain some or keep yours.

NoteSlate: the cheap digital notepad you’ve been dreaming off If you’re not convinced it’s worth paying over 900 dollars for a 7 inch tablet that’s supposed to be optimized for taking notes like the ASUS EEE Pad Memo I think I’ve got just the right thing for you: the 13 inch NoteSlate tablet. It’s more of a digital notepad, where you can use your fingers or the included digital stylus to take notes, store them, listen to some MP3 players and nothing else. There’s a small price to pay for such a cheap device: 99$ for the first version. It’s good to see some manufacturers having such a clear idea of their future plans. Lots of options, but not combined… at first
