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The Human Body: What It Is and How It Works, in Vibrant Vintage Illustrations circa 1959

The Human Body: What It Is and How It Works, in Vibrant Vintage Illustrations circa 1959
by Maria Popova “Two hearts could provide enough energy to drive a truck around the world in two years.” Much of our inquiry into what makes us human focuses on understanding consciousness, yet we spend the whole of our lives in our physical bodies. As a lover of anatomical art and vintage science illustration, I was instantly enamored with The Human Body: What It Is And How It Works — a stunning vintage anatomy book, depicting and explaining in more than 200 vibrant mid-century illustrations the inner workings of the body. Originally published in 1959, this colorful gem was inspired by German artist and researcher Fritz Kahn, who in his 1926 classic Man as Industrial Palace described the human body as “the highest performance machine in the world” and used industrial metaphors to illustrate its remarkable capacities. A gorgeous four-page centerfold illustrates full-body views of the various systems — muscles, blood vessels, nerves, digestive organs, and the gastrointestinal tract.

The Greatest Books of All Time, As Voted by 125 Famous Authors by Maria Popova Why Tolstoy is 11.6% better than Shakespeare. “Reading is the nourishment that lets you do interesting work,” Jennifer Egan once said. Of the 544 separate titles selected, each is assigned a reverse-order point value based on the number position at which it appears on any list — so, a book that tops a list at number one receives 10 points, and a book that graces the bottom, at number ten, receives 1 point. In introducing the lists, David Orr offers a litmus test for greatness: If you’re putting together a list of ‘the greatest books,’ you’ll want to do two things: (1) out of kindness, avoid anyone working on a novel; and (2) decide what the word ‘great’ means. From David Foster Wallace (#1: The Screwtape Letters by C.S. The book concludes with an appendix of “literary number games” summing up some patterns and constructing several overall rankings based on the totality of the different authors’ picks. Lolita by Vladimir NabokovThe Great Gatsby by F. Donating = Loving

What Mathematics Reveals About the Secret of Lasting Relationships and the Myth of Compromise by Maria Popova Why 37% is the magic number, what alien civilizations have to do with your soul mate, and how to master the “negativity threshold” ideal for Happily Ever After. In his sublime definition of love, playwright Tom Stoppard painted the grand achievement of our emotional lives as “knowledge of each other, not of the flesh but through the flesh, knowledge of self, the real him, the real her, in extremis, the mask slipped from the face.” But only in fairy tales and Hollywood movies does the mask slip off to reveal a perfect other. So how do we learn to discern between a love that is imperfect, as all meaningful real relationships are, and one that is insufficient, the price of which is repeated disappointment and inevitable heartbreak? She writes in the introduction: In the first chapter, Fry explores the mathematical odds of finding your ideal mate — with far more heartening results than more jaundiced estimations have yielded. Fry explains: She breaks down the equations:

Suzanne Collins Suzanne Collins amerikai írónő, Magyarországon leginkább Az éhezők viadala-könyvei által vált ismertté és népszerűvé. Jelenleg Connecticutban él férjével, két gyerekével és két vadmacskájával. Élete[szerkesztés | forrásszöveg szerkesztése] Írói pályája[szerkesztés | forrásszöveg szerkesztése] A 2000-es években Collins felhagyott a televíziózással, hogy az írásnak szentelje minden idejét. Az éhezők viadala-trilógia[szerkesztés | forrásszöveg szerkesztése] 2008-ban adták ki Az éhezők viadala (The Hunger Games) c. könyvét, ami részben Thészeusz és a Minotaurusz görög mitológiájára, részben édesapjának a légierőnél eltöltött idejének tapasztalataira épül, e mellett jelentős mértékben fedezhetőek fel benne még a római gladiátorjátékok és a reality tv-k hatása is. 2009-ben jelent meg a folytatás Futótűz (Catching Fire) címmel, idén pedig a trilógia befejező darabja, A kiválasztott (Mockingjay) is kiadásra került. Sikerek[szerkesztés | forrásszöveg szerkesztése]
