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The Starr Spangled Planner: Kaboom! Possibly The Best Center Game Ever!

The Starr Spangled Planner: Kaboom! Possibly The Best Center Game Ever!
Do you use Kaboom! in your classroom? It has been my go-to center for the past few years, whether I'm teaching Firsties, or now third graders. When I was first introduced to this game by a dear, sweet teacher friend, I didn't believe it! Well, I was happily proved wrong! When I say that I find a way to use Kaboom! Number Identification & CountingCoins/MoneyTimeOne More/One Less and Ten More/Ten LessAddition/Subtraction (fact fluency, missing addends, combinations to ten…etc.)Greater Than/Less Than (with whole numbers and fractions)Identifying Fractions (including unit fractions & mixed fractions)Multiplication factsArea/PerimeterPlace ValueJumps on the Hundred ChartEstimation (estimating the sum of two 3-digit numbers)RoundingTranslating standard form into expanded form Defining Key Terms/VocabularyTrue/False StatementsGeographyTime Line- Which happened first? Trust me when I say that I have tried MANY different types of popsicle sticks, and your selection really does make a difference! Related:  Games and quizzes

Epic Fail or Win? Gamifying Learning in My Classroom Every week for 17 years, I've heard my students ask, "What do I need to do to get an A?" Historically, many have focused on their grade rather than on fundamental skills. My attempt to change this mindset started two years ago when I gamified learning in my classes. After researching gamification and its potential to help students master skills and processes, I used the 3DGameLab and then Gradecraft to develop and implement game-based learning. Steps to Gamify Learning 1. Using gamification software alleviates the time it takes to build quests, award points, and track progress. 2. Using a gamifying management system, I modified traditional assignments into quests -- short learning activities that take 10-25 minutes to complete. 3. Associate each quest with a certain number of points relative to its level of difficulty. 4. Build choice into the gaming structure. 3D Gamelab screenshot: A quest on digital footprints. Image Credit: Liz Kolb 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Epic Win! Anonymity Feedback

Falling Clouds Falling Clouds In this game you have to move words around to make a sentence. You can practice English grammar by rearranging words to make a complete sentence. The sentences get more complicated as you progess. Hopefully this game is a good way to practice sentence structures and review word order. Grammar is an important part of learning English as it is something that differs between languages. Edit – In response to numerous comments and emails, the game is now slower giving more time to move the clouds around.

Dags för instruerande text Dags för oss i årskurs 4 att arbeta med instruerande text. Vi använder oss självklart av Cirkelmodellen och vi kommer arbeta med texttypen i svenska och NO under några veckor. Vi börjar med att samtala i grupp och helklass kring följande frågor: Vad är en instruktion? Efter det tittar vi tillsammans på texttypens struktur – hur är en instruktion uppbyggd? Språkligt är det nu ett guldläge att gå igenom imperativ med eleverna. Vi kommer skriva gemensam text i klassen och sedan skriver eleverna en egen instruktion. Feedback och feedforward får eleverna denna gång genom respons, two stars and a wish, av de elever som testat att följa instruktionen. Vi täcker in bla följande centralt innehåll i svenska åk 4-6 med arbetet: *Beskrivande, förklarande, instruerande och argumenterande texter, till exempel faktatexter, arbetsbeskrivningar, reklam och insändare. *Strategier för att skriva olika typer av texter med anpassning till deras typiska uppbyggnad och språkliga drag.

Horse race dictation It is enjoyable because students are asked to predict the first word, in the same way people try to guess which horse will come first in a race, giving a strong motivation for the short but very intensive listening activity, in the form of a horse race commentary, which gives the solution. PreparationChoose a sentence and write words in random order on the left of the board, as in the example below. You also need to prepare a commentary, which should be challenging enough to make it interesting but not too difficult. In the example below there is only one major change in order, when, and other minor changes during the race. finallywaso’clockelevenhomewhenIitgot Example commentaryThey’re off! Example answer: When I finally got home it was eleven o’clock. Procedure By Simon Mumford

ESL Warm-up Games and Activities Divide the students into 2 teams. Have 2 desks at the front of the class, facing each other, with an eraser in the middle of the 2 desks. One student from each team comes and sits in the hot seat. Rotate through so that all the students get a chance to play. This week in class, we're studying "When I _________, I ______/ I __________when I ________. So, I would say something like, "When I feel happy, I _________." And of course, to make it even more exciting or if one team is behind by a lot of points, have a "Bonus Round," where the teams pick their best 3 players and each question is worth 2 or 3 points, or something like that. Poesi och cirkelmodellen – en lysande kombination | thereselinner Jag ser engagerade elever som sitter och småpratar vid borden Jag hör ett kreativt sorl i klassrummet och pennor som rispar mot papper Jag känner koncentrationen och arbetsron Det är så här det ska vara i en skola. Jag har alltid tyckt att det är lite klurigt att jobba med poesi med eleverna. När det kommer till skrivande av olika dikter brukar klassrumet vara fullt av suckar och pustar. Vånda över att man tror att det ska vara på ett visst sätt och det sättet kan man inte. Att jag själv tycker att det är klurigt är nog för att långt inne finns samma vånda gömd. Vi bär mycket med oss i in i vårt uppdrag. Men de senaste åren har det blivit bättre och gått bättre. Den här gången kombinerade jag mina tidigare efrarenheter och cirkelmodellen. Hur har vi då jobbat? Fas 1- bygga upp kunskap Vi tittade tillsammans på en presentation som vår bibliotikare visade oss. Fas 2 – läsa och undersöka texter Nu var det dags att möta massor av olika dikter. Fas 3 – skriva gemensam text Vilken lektion!

Alphabet Soup Game - Build words from missing letters! Begin Game! alphabet-soup con__ve!@#$@! On the screen you will see a word with two missing letters. In the first round there will be two words which can be created. The amount of time allotted per round gradually increases as you progress through the game. In each round, the game will quickly enter "hint mode," in which letters begin disappearing from the display one at a time. Your score is based on a combination of speed and accuracy. Valid words are words which are found in the Enable2K word list. Click here for more word games.

Games Crossword GameJust like an old-fashioned word search! Using the mouse and the wordlist, find and highlight the hidden English words in the box! As the levels get harder, the words start appearing in different orientations. But hurry, the clock is running!Cumulus ConfectionHigh on Mt Olympus, the Greek gods are planning their annual carnival. But alas!

Uttrycksformer för upptäckare - fördjupning Uttrycksformer för upptäckare - fördjupningÄmnesövergripandeSpråk- och kunskapsutvecklande arbetssättUttrycksformer för upptäckare - inspirationUttrycksformer för upptäckare - fördjupningVad innebär en språkutvecklande undervisning? Uttrycksformer för upptäckare - fördjupning Syftet med det här materialet är att ge förslag på genrer som tar vara på elevernas lust att undersöka omvärlden och förmedla egna innehåll och budskap till andra. I arbetet med att stödja elevernas lärande har du som lärare nytta av fördjupad kunskap om den specifika presentationsform som ni har valt att arbeta med. Materialet innehåller fördjupningar kring 14 olika presentationsformer, både muntliga och skriftliga. Beskrivning av presentationsformerna Fördjupningsmaterialet spänner över 4 muntliga presentationsformer och 10 skriftliga. Beskrivningen av varje typ av presentationsform följer nedanstående struktur: Allmänt om presentationsformen: Hur ser den ut? Muntliga presentationer Samtal och diskussioner Rapporter

Which Word Game - Pick the right word to fit the context I * to go to a private school, but I don't any more.!@#$@! "Used to" is the correct phrase. ! "Stationery" is writing paper. ! "Alot" is not a word. ! "Veins" are what blood flows through, while "vain" is an adjective meaning "conceited." ! In most instances, "effect" is a noun, and "affect" is a verb. ! A "reel" is a part of a fishing rod, while "real" means genuine. ! "Lend" and "borrow" are opposite sides of a transaction; the person who is borrowing receives, while the person who lends is the one who gives. ! "Won" is the past tense of "win," while "one" is a singular number. ! To "shoo" is to tell or motion something or someone to go away, while a "shoe" is a piece of footwear. ! "Lone" means only one, while a "loan" is something (usually money) that has been borrowed. ! Each game consists of ten sentences with a word missing (represented by a blank line in the sentence). This game is similar to Proof It! Click here for more games.

Proof It! - A Fun Proofreading Game at Portland Proof Begin Game! proof-it The speaker called out, "/Ladys/Ladies/, choose your partner for the next dance!"! Every quiz consists of ten sentences, which will appear one at a time on the screen. The mistake might be a misspelled word, an incorrect punctuation mark, an improperly used word, or a capitalization error. The mistake might also be a missing word, or a missing punctuation mark. If your selection is incorrect, the word will turn red, and a message will appear telling you that your selection is incorrect. If your selection is correct, the word will turn green. In the text box, type the correct word or punctuation mark, and then either click "Submit" or press "Enter" on your keyboard. If you are correct, the next sentence will be displayed. Skipping Questions If at any time you cannot figure out the error in a sentence, you may click the "Skip" button. Scoring Your score will be based on two factors: the number of mistakes you make, and the amount of time it takes to solve each problem.

Finding the game-like challenge!* *With minimal preparation involved… Following a recent Friday workshop on teaching teenagers, in which, amongst other things, we discussed the difference between playing games for the sake of playing games and adding a game-like challenge into the activities we do in class, I have been thinking about different ways we can do this, without spending heaps of extra time on preparation. Here are some of the ideas I’ve come up with: 1. Board it and collaborate Instead of (or as well as/before) having learners complete a table in their books, individually, why not put them in teams, put the table on the board and get them to race to complete the table accurately: Linking words with teenagers Here is an example from a teenager class of mine, looking at linking words in a writing lesson. 2. The age-old game of bingo can be used to liven up writing activities, as Sandy explains here or speaking activities, as I describe here. Bingo with L9 3. 60 seconds…starting now! 4. Kinaesthetic to the max! 5.
