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The Moral Bucket List

The Moral Bucket List
Photo ABOUT once a month I run across a person who radiates an inner light. These people can be in any walk of life. They seem deeply good. They listen well. When I meet such a person it brightens my whole day. A few years ago I realized that I wanted to be a bit more like those people. It occurred to me that there were two sets of virtues, the résumé virtues and the eulogy virtues. We all know that the eulogy virtues are more important than the résumé ones. But if you live for external achievement, years pass and the deepest parts of you go unexplored and unstructured. So a few years ago I set out to discover how those deeply good people got that way. I came to the conclusion that wonderful people are made, not born — that the people I admired had achieved an unfakeable inner virtue, built slowly from specific moral and spiritual accomplishments. THE HUMILITY SHIFT We live in the culture of the Big Me. SELF-DEFEAT External success is achieved through competition with others. Related:  READMis marcadores de google 2Interesting

Log in ¿Huevos invertidos? Descubre cómo hacerlos en 7 simples pasos ¡Cuando sirvas estos huevos duros, tus comensales quedarán aturdidos! ¿Magia?, ¿una mutación genética? ¿o se trata de gallinas de Marte? Sólo necesitas: Huevos, una linterna, cinta adhesiva y pantimedias (panty de vestir). 1. Notas cuán brillante y translúcido se ve. 2. Aunque te parezca muy extraño estar haciendo este experimento… así es la ciencia. 3. Cierra uno de los lados con algo fácil de remover después, como un alambre para cerrar bolsas de pan. 4. Esto lo debes hacer con mucho cuidado, para no golpear el huevo contra alguna superficie, o podría quebrarse. 5. Retira la pantimedia y vuelve a revisar el contenido del huevo a través de la luz que produce la linterna. Ahora sólo tienes que introducir tu huevo en una olla con agua, dejar hervir por 10 minutos, al igual que harías con un huevo duro común y quebrar la cáscara para ver con lo que te encuentras en el interior.

A color-coded map of the world’s most and least emotional countries By Max Fisher November 28, 2012 A map of the world's countries by most and least emotional. Click to enlarge. (Max Fisher) Since 2009, the Gallup polling firm has surveyed people in 150 countries and territories on, among other things, their daily emotional experience. Gallup has tallied up the average "yes" responses from respondents in almost every country on Earth. Singapore is the least emotional country in the world. The Philippines is the world's most emotional country. Post-Soviet countries are consistently among the most stoic. People in the Americas are just exuberant. English- and Spanish-speaking societies tend to be highly emotional and happy. Africans are generally stoic, with some significant exceptions. The Middle East is not happy. What am I missing?

Adult Siblings May Hold The Secret To A Happy Life Katherine Streeter for NPR Somehow we're squeezing 16 people into our apartment for Thanksgiving this year, with relatives ranging in age from my 30-year-old nephew to my 90-year-old mother. I love them all, but in a way the one I know best is the middle-aged man across the table whose blue eyes look just like mine: my younger brother Paul. Paul and I kind of irritated each other when we were kids; I would take bites out of his precisely made sandwiches in just the spot I knew he didn't want me to, and he would hang around the living room telling jokes when he knew I wanted to be alone with the boy on the couch. But as adults, we've always had each other's backs, especially when it comes to dealing with our mother's health crises, which have become more frequent in the past few years. Paul is the first person I want to talk to when there's something that worries me about Mom; I know he'll be worried, too. There's probably a biological explanation for the intensity of the sibling bond.

NaturaLista · Aves (Clase Aves) Descripción de Ver en Wikipedia (ES) → Las aves habitan en todos los biomas terrestres, y también en todos los océanos. El tamaño puede ser desde 6,4 cm en el colibrí zunzuncito hasta 2,74 metros en el avestruz. Los comportamientos son diversos y notables, como en la anidación, la alimentación de las crías, las migraciones, el apareamiento y la tendencia a la asociación en grupos. La comunicación entre las aves es variable y puede implicar señales visuales, llamadas y cantos. El ser humano ha tenido una intensa relación con las aves. Pitangus sulphuratus En America su grito agudo da origen al nombre común onomatopéyico que lleva pitogüé. Origen y evolución[editar] Origen dinosauriano de las aves[editar] La visión del consenso en la paleontología contemporánea es que las aves son el grupo más cercano a los deinonicosaurios, que incluyen a dromeosáuridos y troodóntidos. Teorías alternativas y controversias[editar] Diversificación cretácica de aves primitivas[editar] Taxonomía[editar]

A New Theory of Distraction “At painful times, when composition is impossible and reading is not enough, grammars and dictionaries are excellent for distraction,” the poet Elizabeth Barrett Browning wrote, in 1839. Those were the days. Browning is still right, of course: ask any reader of Wikipedia or Urban Dictionary. She sounds anachronistic only because no modern person needs advice about how to be distracted. Like typing, Googling, and driving, distraction is now a universal competency. We’re all experts. Still, for all our expertise, distraction retains an aura of mystery. Another source of confusion is distraction’s apparent growth. The second big theory is spiritual—it’s that we’re distracted because our souls are troubled. A version of that mutual-reinforcement theory is more or less what Matthew Crawford proposes in his new book, “The World Beyond Your Head: Becoming an Individual in an Age of Distraction” (Farrar, Straus & Giroux). “The World Beyond Your Head” is insightful and, in parts, convincing.

Donald Trump, Stephen Bannon and the Coming Crisis in American National Life During the 1990s, two amateur historians, Neil Howe and the late William Strauss, developed a new theory of American history in two books, Generations: the History of America’s Future (1991), and The Fourth Turning: An American Prophecy (1997). They identified an 80-year cycle in American history, punctuated by great crises that destroyed an old order and created a new one. Though their theory is not widely taught in colleges or discussed in the media, Strauss and Howe may well play a major role in Donald Trump's administration. Stephen Bannon, the former head of Breitbart News who has been appointed Trump’s chief strategist in the White House, is very familiar with Strauss and Howe’s theory of crisis, and has been thinking about how to use it to achieve particular goals for quite a while. I know this because Bannon interviewed both Neil Howe and myself in 2009 while he was making a documentary film about the ongoing financial crisis. What will they do? I did not agree, and said so.

EstiloDF » ¡Las 4 limonadas que adelgazan! ¡Las 4 limonadas que adelgazan! EstiloDF Martes 7 de abril de 2015 Pin It! El calor ya comenzó y eso sólo significa una cosa: ¡que también es temporada de limonadas! Te presentamos 4 bebidas que además de ser deliciosas y súper refrescantes, ¡te ayudan a desintoxificar tu cuerpo y a adelgazar! Relacionado: ¡Las 4 nail trends de la primavera! 1. Sólo mezcla dos tazas de agua con 1/2 de stevia o miel, 3 cucharadas de lavanda, 2 tazas de jugo de limón y una rodaja de limón. (Foto: Pinterest) 2. Para hacer esta delicia bebida corta la mitad de una sandía y licúala. 3. Sólo licúa 2 tazas de fresas. 4. Sólo mezcla el jugo de una toronja, con 1 taza de jugo de limón, y 1 de agua.

25 Greatest Austin Bands of All Time | Arts+Labor Magazine First a word about the elephant not in this room. I love the late Doug Sahm, the musician who best epitomized the Austin scene because he grew up in clubs and could play it all, but you won’t find his name in this list because his two greatest bands–the Sir Douglas Quintet and Texas Tornados–were based in San Antonio, not Austin. This is a ranking of bands, not solo artists and the musicians who backed them up, so although Sahm, guitar whiz Eric Johnson, songwriter Butch Hancock, and other true Austin trailblazers fronted some terrific groups, none made this 25-band salute. When you think about the thousands of bands that have made Austin home since the 1940s, a lot of very good groups did not make the list. While ranking these bands, innovation was an important consideration, as was national prominence. It’s different here when it comes to music. So there was a lot to mull. Great bands are the best thing about Austin and lousy bands are down there with traffic. 1. 3. “Number 3? 4. 5.

How Many Cookies Will It Take to Make Me Happy? - Daily Inner-Journal Guided Workshop for Licking Sugar Addiction, Disorderly and Secret Eating eBook: Elizabeth Bohorquez RN Citas textuales: ortotipografía de las citas largas | Nisaba La definición de cita larga, como vimos en un artículo anterior, es un límite arbitrario establecido según el manual de estilo bibliográfico que se esté utilizando. En APA se sitúa en cuarenta palabras; en MLA, se define como una cita superior a cuatro renglones; Roberto Zavala la traza en cinco renglones (1995: p. 301) y José Martínez de Sousa en más de seis líneas (Martínez, 2007: p. 72). Personalmente preferiría una medida en caracteres, así que recomiendo la propuesta de APA, por ser menos sujeta a cambio que el ancho del renglón o la línea de cada caja tipográfica. Las citas textuales largas se sacan del discurso principal, no se integran al párrafo, ni están sujetas a su puntuación: se convierten en un párrafo independiente, en donde aplican varios cambios tipográficos. Ausencia de comillas. En todos los casos, las citas se escriben sin comillas. Estas corresponden a variantes que a menudo encontramos en alguna publicación, pero cada vez se ven en menor cantidad. Me gusta:

Groundbreaking Idea Of Life's Origin Why does life exist? Popular hypotheses credit a primordial soup, a bolt of lightning and a colossal stroke of luck. But if a provocative new theory is correct, luck may have little to do with it. Instead, according to the physicist proposing the idea, the origin and subsequent evolution of life follow from the fundamental laws of nature and “should be as unsurprising as rocks rolling downhill.” From the standpoint of physics, there is one essential difference between living things and inanimate clumps of carbon atoms: The former tend to be much better at capturing energy from their environment and dissipating that energy as heat. Kristian Peters Cells from the moss Plagiomnium affine with visible chloroplasts, organelles that conduct photosynthesis by capturing sunlight. “You start with a random clump of atoms, and if you shine light on it for long enough, it should not be so surprising that you get a plant,” England said. England’s theoretical results are generally considered valid.

Straw man Type of informal fallacy A straw man (sometimes written as strawman) is a form of argument and an informal fallacy of having the impression of refuting an argument, whereas the real subject of the argument was not addressed or refuted, but instead replaced with a false one.[1] One who engages in this fallacy is said to be "attacking a straw man". The typical straw man argument creates the illusion of having refuted or defeated an opponent's proposition through the covert replacement of it with a different proposition (i.e., "stand up a straw man") and the subsequent refutation of that false argument ("knock down a straw man") instead of the opponent's proposition.[2][3] Straw man arguments have been used throughout history in polemical debate, particularly regarding highly charged emotional subjects.[4] History[edit] As a fallacy, the identification and name of straw man arguments are of relatively recent date, although Aristotle makes remarks that suggest a similar concern;[7] Douglas N.
