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Windowsill Sprouting my way through the Winter.

Windowsill Sprouting my way through the Winter.
My orchids are dark speckled and bruised from the cold. The flowery Lantana shrubs are like coarse twine unraveled in a pile on the ground. The tall ornamental grasses, which I love for their swaying grace, stand in stiff bunches like little scarecrows scattered across the lawn. My windowsill, on the other hand, is more alive than ever- with lentil sprouts galore! Tricking yourself into thinking its springtime is one way of looking at it, but sprouting lentils is also a great way to add a super fresh, nutrient packed component to a meal or salad. Lentils help cleanse and stimulate the kidneys and adrenal system, strengthen the heart and circulation and increase energy and vitality. The sprouting process is super easy, and though today we’re talking about lentil sprouts, you can use this process to sprout many other seeds and beans (alfalfa, clover, mung, garbanzo, lentil, sunflower). The next morning your beans will be nice and plump. There are a million ways to eat them. 11 Plants That Repel Mosquitoes The days are finally getting longer, the snow is (slowly!) beginning to melt, and spring officially arrives in just a few days! While the prospect of warmer weather has us all a bit giddy, we can’t forget the unwelcome intruders that tag along with the sunny summer weather. Yes, we are talking about mosquitoes, and everybody knows that they can be a huge nuisance. However, using chemical products to keep them away is not on the top of everyone’s wish list. Read on for some ideas of plants that repel mosquitoes – naturally! Citronella Chances are, you’ve heard of this one before- it’s one of the most common ingredients in most mosquito repellents. You can actually buy live citronella plants from this page on Amazon. Lemon Balm Another great choice for a mosquito repelling plant is lemon balm. Catnip Your feline friends will be happy to know that catnip is a great mosquito deterrent! Marigolds A bright, hardy annual plant, marigolds are a great choice for repelling mosquitoes. Basil Lavender

Love That Quinoa Burger! ? November 1, 2010 by Linda So yummy! If you want a change of pace that’s meat-free, yet full of protein, fiber, and very filling…this might be for you. I like it with Tzatziki on top (my recipe is in this post), or a little “fry sauce” (what some drive-ins call that wonderful mayo/ketchup combo), and with a thick slice of tomato, avocado, onion and lettuce, as a burger should be, it’s fab. Don’t be afraid of Quinoa. UPDATE!! 2 rounded cups cooked quinoa (see note below for cooking instructions) 3/4 cup shredded cheddar cheese (or other variety, if you prefer) 1/2 cup low-fat cottage cheese 1 medium carrot, finely grated (OR 1 cup shredded zucchini, squeezed dry) 3 eggs 3 tablespoons all purpose flour 2 green onions, including white parts 1 /2 teaspoon sugar 1/4 teaspoon black pepper 1/4 teaspoon ground cumin 1/8 teaspoon salt 1/8 teaspoon garlic powder Olive oil for frying To cook quinoa for the above recipe: 1 cup uncooked quinoa 2 cups water 1/2 teaspoon salt Like this: Like Loading...

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gardening Planting Plant 2 seeds per small starting pot, or scatter seeds across the top of the mix in a seed tray. Lightly tamp them in place and cover them with more mix to the recommended depth given on the seed packet. Moisten the soil on top but don’t overwater it. Label the container or tray with the plant name and planting date. You can find plant labels at nurseries and home stores, but popsicle sticks also work well. At this point you may want to cover the seeds with plastic wrap or a plastic cover to help keep the soil damp and warm, which will speed germination. Keep the soil temperature above 75 degrees Fahrenheit (24 degrees Celsius) for heat-loving warm-season plants by setting them on a heating mat or on top of a water heater or refrigerator. Watering from a tray placed under the seedling containers is good way to keep the soil moist but not overly wet. Caring for Seedlings Transferring to Larger Pots Tempting as this is, especially if the seedlings look crowded, be patient.

detoxx smoothie recipes Toxins-free for life Looking to increase your energy levels, to lose weight, get clearer skin, prevent premature ageing and to help preventing diseases? Then look no further! Price: $47 Price: $27 Smoothies are a great way to boost your fruits and veggies daily intake. Flat Tummy Rich in digestion supporting ingredients, this smoothie will help prevent bloating and digestive stress that can sabotage your tummy flattening efforts. 3/4 c. papaya 3/4 c. sliced peaches 1/2 pear, sliced 1 tsp fresh ginger 2 mint leaves Water to thin Skin Saver Antioxidants in berries are known to help to fight wrinkles and other skin ageing signs. 3/4 c blueberries 3/4 c pitted cherries 5 strawberries 1/4 avocado, peeled and pitted 2 tsp wheat germ (optional) 2 tsp ground flaxseed Water, to thin Peanut Butter Energy Booster This protein-rich and minerals-filled smoothie will give you long-lasting energy. Bone Lover Immune System Booster Natural Skin Tanner Antioxidant Power

Print Friendly & PDF How to Start a Vegetable Garden - Vegetable Garden Plans Even if you've never tried growing food, there are good reasons to sacrifice some of that green carpet for a starter bed. First, chances are you don't use your lawn as much as you think—how long has it been since you played Frisbee out there? Second, most turfgrass has a thirst that can only be satiated by overhead sprinklers, which lose a lot of water to evaporation and runoff; veggies, by contrast, can be watered by efficient drip irrigation. Then there's dealing with the weeds, the grubs, and the chemicals needed to keep that grass glossy. If you're going to put that much effort into your yard, why not get a little payback? Finding the right spot is simple. The most effective way to dig up a patch of lawn is to roto­till it, which will remove the turfgrass and allow you to mix in soil amendments at the same time. It's essential that you clear your bed of as many weeds as possible, especially perennial monsters such as Bermuda grass, dandelions, and bindweed. Three Edible Layouts

GIFYO APP | Create animated GIFs with your iPhone/iTouch or Webcam El invento ecológico que destronó al iPad Quizás no conozcas el invento que fue elegido el mejor del año 2012 por la revista Popular Science por delante del mismísimo iPad. Es Groasis Waterboxx, el invento de Pieter Hoff, un empresario holandés que tuvo una magnífica visión al observar una gota de rocío sobre el pétalo de una flor. Algo tan sencillo llevó a Hoff a plantearse si podría crear algo que recogiera a gran escala, igual que lo hacía la flor, la humedad del ambiente, y poder así llegar a plantar árboles en lugares de extrema sequía. Gracias a su invento, con una eficacia del 90%, hoy están creciendo árboles en el desierto del Sáhara o en el desierto de Los Monegros. Por 270 dólares se pueden comprar 10 cajas. María Mazariegos de ideas4all Artículos relacionados:

Web 2.0 Suicide Machine - Meet your Real Neighbours again! - Sign out forever! Top 10 Recommended Grasses Grow Posted By Andrew McIndoe @ 7:41 on August 17th 2015 Category: Blog, Ornamental grasses Our Top 10 Recommended Grasses Grow Love them or loathe them, grasses have become essential subjects in today’s planting palette, mainly because they mix well with perennials in prairie style schemes, adding light height and movement, especially later in the year. I have resisted writing about grasses to grow with perennials, maybe that’s a subject for another time. Instead I’ve chosen my top ten grasses that I reckon fit into any garden. Over the past few years I have come across many planting schemes which are grass-heavy. Designers love them and plant them in great drifts, most have clearly never divided a miscanthus after a couple of years. Phalaris arundinacea ‘Feesey’ My first choice is the grass I knew as a kid as gardener’s garters. Stipa tenuissima I first came across this wispy, gossamer grass on a trip to France. Miscanthus ‘Morning Light’ Stipa gigantea Calamagrostis ‘Karl Foerster’ Further Study
