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Business Innovation Factory

Business Innovation Factory

What are the best practices in turning ideas into real innovations -- implemented and adopted products, services, experiences, business models Temple SmallBizU The Temple University Small Business Development Center provides exceptional training opportunities for start-up and existing business owners. Take advantage of the free or nominally priced educational programs. Classes are available in the following areas: Business PlanningBusiness OperationsHuman resourcesAccounting, FinanceTaxesMarketingSalesLegal Issues There are also excellent training opportunities in international trade, environmental, government procurement and technology commercialization. Our two featured series are our Entrepreneurial Success Workshop and Construction Management Certificate program.

FLC Mid-Continent Region Innovate on Purpose The world's largest and most trusted innovation website Why Failure Drives Innovation | Stanford Knowledgebase This essay was written by Baba Shiv, Sanwa Bank, Ltd. Professor of Marketing at the Stanford Graduate School of Business Failure is a dreaded concept for most business people. But failure can actually be a huge engine of innovation for an individual or an organization. The trick lies in approaching it with the right attitude and harnessing it as a blessing, not a curse. I’ve coined two terms that describe how people view failure: the type 1 mindset, and the type 2 mindset. The type 1 mindset is fearful of making mistakes. The type 2 mindset is fearful of losing out on opportunities. We generally start out with the type 2 adventurous spirit as children. So how do you get people and corporations to shift from 1 to 2? One approach is to engage them in rapid prototyping — the process whereby they brainstorm wild new ideas, and then quickly develop a physical model or mock-up of a solution. To make inspiration work as a motivator, take a look at Cisco Systems. Also on Stanford Knowledgebase:

Darden Speaker Series This series features speakers who have visited Darden as part of the Darden Distinguished Speaker Series (DDSS), the Darden Leandership Forum (DLF), and the 50th Anniversary Speaker Series. The speaker series brings top-level corporate, government, and industry leaders to Darden to discuss current business issues and trends, and their individual leadership philosophy. These guest speakers represent a variety of experiences, industries and geographical regions, but all share a similar commitment to the core values consistent with the Darden mission: to better society by developing leaders in the world of practical affairs. Subscribe to this series of podcasts: or auto-subscribe in iTunes: Monday, March 4, 2013DAPHNE KOLLER, CO-FOUNDER OF COURSERA The Darden Leadership Speaker Series presents Daphne Koller, Co-founder of Coursera, a social entrepreneurship company that works with top universities to make the best education freely accessible to everyone. James P. John A. Martha N. Wendy L.

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