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Camera Skills - Manual Exposure Photography for Beginners

Camera Skills - Manual Exposure Photography for Beginners

How to Take Better Pictures How to Take Better Pictures © 1973 ~ 2017 Ken Rockwell and All rights reserved. Cameras & Lens Reviews Recommended Cameras Newest Articles Recommended Books Tutorial Videos Newest Articles This free website's biggest source of support is when you use any of these links when you get anything, regardless of the country in which you live. Classic Articles F.A.R.T. for Great Photos Say Something: The Secret Behind Great Art. Best Gifts for Photographers The Best Camera for Sports, for Landscapes, for Portraits and more! No Regrets 25 October 2014 Pixel Dumping 12 October 2015 Just Use It 12 September 2014 It's Not About Your Camera Best Shutter Speeds for Moving Water Mirrorless or DSLR? How to Shoot Events A video course by my pal Phil Steele What Makes a Great Photo How to Shoot Film Composition Lighting Timing How to Become a Professional Photographer What is Photography? How to Use Ultrawide Lenses How to Carry Less How to Photograph the Milky Way 25 October 2013 Assembling a System Fill-Flash

Beter fotograferen op feestjes - help Feesten heb je in alle vormen en kleuren. Of het nu om het traditionele kerstfeest gaat, een bedrijfsfeest, het verjaardagsfeest van je (klein)kind: er lopen steevast mensen met een fototoestel rond die de gang van zaken documenteren. Als je achteraf het resultaat te zien krijgt, merk je dat fotograferen op feesten niet zo vanzelfsprekend is. Toch beschikken we allemaal over een fototoestel – in het beste geval een recente spiegelreflexcamera, maar meestal minstens een compactcamera of gsm-camera – waarmee we moeiteloos elk type fotografie mee zouden moeten aankunnen. De beste camera Maar hoe komt het dan dat we er zo moeilijk in slagen om op feestjes echt geslaagde foto’s te maken? “De beste camera is die welke je op zak hebt”, zei de Amerikaanse fotograaf Chase Jarvis. Maar hoe komt het dan dat zo dikwijls de foto’s uit die smartphones – en bij uitbreiding alle camera’s – niet echt fantastisch zijn? En net die lens is een heel belangrijk onderdeel van een kwaliteitsvol beeld.

Understanding the Factors that Affect Depth of Field When we're starting out in photography, understanding depth of field is the one of the first things we try to understand. What we often don't realize is that depth of field is affected by more things than just aperture. In today's tutorial, you'll get some quick tips about the other factors that cause changes in the depth of the field of your images. What is depth of field (DOF) The simplest definition for depth of field is the area of your image that is in focus. Aperture or also known as f stop The first thing we are going to talk is the aperture value. The aperture of a lens is the diameter of its opening. Focal length The next thing that defines depth of field is focal length. Sensor size Let’s think of a pocket camera. Distance between you and your subject The closer you are to your subject the shallower your depth of field will be. Distance between the object and background Conclusion Understand how depth of field works is a crucial part of photography.

Photography Tips ¿Cómo se mide la luminosidad de un objetivo? « No sé ni cómo te atreves En todo objetivo fotográfico hay dos parámetros fundamentales grabados en alguna parte de su cuerpo. El primero se refiere a la distancia focal y viene dado en milímetros; pero hay un segundo dato que, pese a ser de vital importancia, mucha gente ignora ya sea por desconocimiento o porque, en general, se hace más hincapié en la distancia focal a la hora de venderle una lente a una persona que no esté habituada a estos temas: la apertura máxima. La apertura máxima de un objetivo nos va a dar una idea de lo luminoso que éste puede llegar a ser, ya que se refiere al diámetro máximo que puede adoptar el diafragma; que no son más que unas laminillas que se cierran y se abren en función de los parámetros que les pase la cámara de una forma muy parecida a cómo reaccionan nuestras pupilas ante los cambios de luz. El Nikkor 50mm f/1.8D visto desde su montura (f/8) El Nikkor 50mm f/1.8D visto desde su montura (f/22) Relación entre número f y apertura del diafragma (extraído de Wikipedia) f/11 f/1.8 f/8

Free Digital Photography Tutorial Site 5 Tips on How to Hold Your Camera tutorial This may be a topic that seems basic and easy to gloss over, but have you ever thought about to properly hold your camera? Sure, DSLRs have been designed to give you better and better ergonomics and grip, but when you start shooting with slow shutter speeds or telephoto lenses with no vibration compensation, having the right technique can be the difference between a photo that looks sharp and a photo that has shaky motion blurs. Some of these technique may feel weird, but think of it like learning to play golf. Tip 1. INCORRECT: One of the most common mistakes in holding a camera is to have the elbows out to the side, which makes it easier for your arm to sway around. Pin It CORRECT: Tuck in your elbow to your body so that your arms are anchored to your torso’s center of gravity. Pin It Tip 2. If you are using a really slow shutter and you are still getting some shakiness in the image, try to find a wall (or something else that is stable) to support and stabilize your upper body. Pin It
