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Social Media Management Dashboard - Hootsuite Perfect for small and medium businesses, agencies, and busy community managers who need to manage, engage, and measure with a scalable, intuitive platform. Up to 100 Social ProfilesUp to 10 Enhanced Analytics ReportsUp to 10 Team Members Perfect for small and medium businesses, agencies, and busy community managers who need to manage, engage, and measure with a scalable, intuitive platform. Up to 100 Social ProfilesUp to 10 Enhanced Analytics ReportsUp to 10 Team Members Perfect for small and medium businesses, agencies, and busy community managers who need to manage, engage, and measure with a scalable, intuitive platform. Up to 100 Social ProfilesUp to 10 Enhanced Analytics ReportsUp to 10 Team Members Perfect for small and medium businesses, agencies, and busy community managers who need to manage, engage, and measure with a scalable, intuitive platform. Up to 100 Social ProfilesUp to 10 Enhanced Analytics ReportsUp to 10 Team Members

“Q” Note : All Viralelt posts share the same structure. Teacher’s notes appear only on How to use Viralelt. This is done to keep “teacher text” to a minimum and avoid repetition. What typical “queue behaviour” is shown in the video? When there are two or more queues how do you decide which one to join? Which three of the above questions are being discussed? Download “Question time” and the “Sitting comfortably?” Like this: Like Loading... jlsu Som en uppföljning till mitt förra blogginlägg om dynamiskt och statiskt tankesätt kommer här den s k isbergsillusionen. Isbergsillusionen visar exempel på vad som krävs för att bli framgångsrik, men som oftast inte syns på ytan. När man ser någon som är riktigt duktig (t ex en idrottsutövare, en musiker, en jonglerare etc) ser det väldigt enkelt ut. Därför är det lätt att tro att det handlar om ”medfödd talang”. Den som vill ha isbergsillusionen som pdf kan ladda ner den här: Isbergsillusionen

eTools for Language Teachers Sketchnoting (or visual note-taking)(Click here for a presentation called "Sketchnoting for Beginners". Click here to see my sketchnotes on Flickr.) She told me that she made them with an iPad app called “Paper by fifty-three”. Sketchnoting is simply a way to take notes in a more visually attractive way than bullet points. Silvia’s preferred app for sketchnoting is “Paper by fifty-three”, while I preferred FlipInk when I first started out because you can upload photos, type text, add lines for guidance, and change the thickness and lightness of your pen. When I began sketchnoting, I became frustrated because: I couldn’t figure out exactly how the apps workedI didn’t have a proper stylusI’m a terrible artist and I wasn’t sure that I had the skills to be proficient. Here is how I resolved my issues: When you open Paper by Fifty-Three or FlipInk, you will see some notebooks. Try googling “Sketchnote icons” and “stickmen” to practice more drawings. (Quote by Kevin Honeycutt)

Planifier son travail à la maison en classe (deux séances) Compétence visée : identifier les plages horaires pendant lesquelles le travail à la maison peut être effectué Situation de départ collective Distribuer aux élèves un emploi du temps présentant le temps de classe, mais également les plages hors temps scolaire. Ne pas leur donner de consignes particulières, mise à part la lecture du document ; les laisser s’interroger sur ce support inhabituel ; inciter les élèves à s’exprimer sur ce qu’ils constatent. Exemples : Cela ressemble à l’emploi du temps de la classe, mais il y a des jours en plus et à des horaires différents. Il y a le mercredi et le dimanche, alors que nous n’allons pas à l’école. L’horaire proposé va jusqu’à 20h, alors que la classe se termine à 16h30. Je ne comprends pas à quoi peut servir cet emploi du temps. Etc. Profiter de l’étonnement de certains élèves pour les inciter à faire des suppositions sur l’utilisation d’un tel support. Exemples : Le mercredi matin, je fais du football. Activité personnelle Par exemple : Synthèse A noter :

Le site ressource des anglicistes La clé des langues anglais Question d'actualité - Roe v. Wade L'arrêt Roe v. Lire l'article Crafting a poetic voice as a 21st century Indian woman – An introduction to Menka Shivdasani Par Manon Boukhroufa-Trijaud This article aims at shedding light on the work of Menka Shivdasani, a key figure of contemporary Indian poetry in English. Lire l'article Sketchnote Army - A Showcase of Sketchnotes L’école de la créativité selon Ken Robinson Rendre les élèves plus acteurs, leur donner ainsi la possibilité de développer leurs talents et passions, voilà ce que prône Ken Robinson, allant à l’encontre de notre système scolaire trop standardisé. Et que disent les enfants quand on leur donne l’occasion d’exprimer leurs idées pour changer l’école ? Est-il nécessaire de rappeler qui est Ken Robinson ? Cet enfant d’une famille nombreuse, du milieu ouvrier anglais, aurait pu ne jamais croiser son élément, le monde de l’éducation, s’il n’avait pas contracté la polio à 4 ans. Comme il le dit dans son livre L’élément, cette maladie qui lui a fermé les portes du football, auquel il se destinait, lui en a ouvert d’autres. Entre autres en lui faisant croiser le chemin d’un pédagogue investi qui a su reconnaitre en lui des talents et qui l’a tiré vers la réussite. Carte mentale en pdf La vision de l’école de Ken Robinson met en avant le côté créatif des enfants, rappelant que, pour eux, l’école est un long voyage. ou

improving-study-habits.pdf The Invisible Gorilla: And Other Ways Our Intuitions Deceive Us Demonstrations, videos from our research, videos of us speaking, etc. Dan's YouTube Channel includes most of these videos as well as favorites from around the web that are related to or mentioned in our book. You can view more videos on his personal website The original selective attention task This video is the one that started our collaboration and inspired the book. You can read more about it here. The Monkey Business Illusion This was Dan's submission to the 2010 Best Illusion of the Year contest. A movie perception test - conversation This video illustrates how movie perception works and is from a study by Dan and his colleague Daniel Levin. A movie perception test This video illustrates how movie perception works and was from a study by Dan and his colleague Daniel Levin. The original "door" study This video shows a subject in a person-change study conducted by Dan and his colleague Daniel Levin. Dan's presentation at TEDxUIUC 2011 Dan's talk entitled "Seeing the world as it isn't."

18 Digital Tools and Strategies That Support Students’ Reading and Writing Teachers in Littleton, Colorado — like teachers in many places — are increasingly asking students to read and write online. Free tools like Google Docs have made it easy for students to work on the same piece of writing at home and at school, and have allowed teachers to explore collaborative writing assignments and synchronous editing with students. There are also many digital tools that can support students as they learn how to read deeply, take well-cited notes, and navigate the writing process. While many teachers are finding efficiency in allowing students to write and submit assignments online, not all students or teachers want to use the exact same set of tools. That’s why Littleton’s Instructional Technology Specialist, Dana Levesque, started compiling resources on a site that both teachers and students can access to find the tools that fit their needs. “Kids have different learning styles,” Levesque said. “At that point I wanted to know her thinking,” Broyles said.

5 raisons pour démarrer un blogue de classe Trop d’enseignants ignorent leurs bienfaits et leurs atouts. Et pourtant, les blogues sont un merveilleux outil pour réinventer un cours. Voici cinq raisons qui devraient vous convaincre de commencer un blogue pour votre classe. Du contenu ouvert à tous On dit souvent aux parents de s’impliquer dans les travaux scolaires de leurs enfants. C’est ludique À tous les élèves qui se plaignent des exercices d’écriture qui sont ennuyants et qui passent leur temps sur les réseaux sociaux, le blogue répond à votre complainte! Une formule caméléon Le blogue, puisque c’est avant tout un moyen de communiquer, s’adapte à presque toutes les matières. Travail en équipe Travailler sur un billet de blogue est idéal pour le travail en équipe. Un moyen de montrer qui l’on est Certains élèves sont plus timides que d’autres. Sur le même thème Avantages et inconvénients d'un groupe Facebook pour les parents des élèves 8 octobre 2013 Dans "Actualité" Danger de l’Internet : les parents en parlent peu 14 décembre 2011

10 Creative Ways To Use Video in Your School - Flipped Learning Network Hub --Originally published at Flipped Learning – Ed Tech Enthusiast Why use video? They say “a picture is worth a thousand words”. So, without further ado… 10. At my school, every head of faculty makes a subject selection video which parents and students can watch in the comfort of their own home. Slightly more arty than most. We still have subject selection night. 9. Instead, why not use video to provide on-demand professional development to staff. Teachers can choose when and whether they watch it. 8. Why not record your assignment explanation. 7. Why not make them a video. 6. You could write them a long drawn out email describing it all. 5. Having a repeater video means that students can refer back to it again and again. 4. This means that in the meeting, everyone can start discussing the proposal productively, rather than hearing it for the first time. 3. If they are the first type, good for you. 2. 1. So, how could you use video in your school?
