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Online Courses & Harvard Continuing Education

Université Lille 1 - Sciences et Technologies Open Culture MIT World | Distributed Intelligence How Reddit Built Its Empire On 500 Bucks, Stickers, And Giving People What They Want Back in 2005, my college friend Steve Huffman and I got $12,000 from Y Combinator and moved into an apartment in Medford, Mass. In our wildest dreams we couldn't have imagined that now, six years later, our website, reddit, would be getting 35 million unique visitors and over 2.8 billion pageviews per month (at the time of this writing). We launched the site without any categories--just one big front page of links about anything the community wanted. Today, the community is made up of thousands of awesome subreddits, ranging from topics like cute animal photos to politics to male fashion advice. Yes, stickers (pictured on the lamppost, right): the soundest investment I ever made. "Please sticker responsibly!" Whether it's a sticker, a t-shirt (the standard startup swag), or a luggage tag (see the benefit of starting a travel company with a cute mascot? (Yes, that's Wil Wheaton.) And it wasn't long thereafter that we started seeing our first fan art. Related articles:

Khan Academy Free Online MIT Course Materials | Audio/Video ... Responsive Web Design: What It Is and How To Use It Advertisement Almost every new client these days wants a mobile version of their website. It’s practically essential after all: one design for the BlackBerry, another for the iPhone, the iPad, netbook, Kindle — and all screen resolutions must be compatible, too. In the next five years, we’ll likely need to design for a number of additional inventions. In the field of Web design and development, we’re quickly getting to the point of being unable to keep up with the endless new resolutions and devices. Responsive Web design is the approach that suggests that design and development should respond to the user’s behavior and environment based on screen size, platform and orientation. The Concept Of Responsive Web Design Ethan Marcotte1 wrote an introductory article about the approach, “Responsive Web Design992,” for A List Apart. “Recently, an emergent discipline called “responsive architecture” has begun asking how physical spaces can respond to the presence of people passing through them.

Free Online Course Materials | Courses Une interview de Jay Cross, l'auteur d'Informal Learning Jay Cross, Chief Scientist à l’ Internet Time Group, est l’auteur de Informal Learning: Rediscovering the natural pathways that inspire innovation and performance (Apprentissage informel: A la redécouverte des voies naturelles inspirant l’innovation et la performance), publié en 2006. J’ai demandé à Jay pourquoi il avait écrit ce livre, et il m’a répondu que peu de choses avaient été publiées au sujet de l’apprentissage informel en milieu professionnel, bien que ce soit ainsi que l’essentiel de l’apprentissage se déroule. Les chiffres ont démontré qu’environ 80% de l’apprentissage en milieu professionnel est informel, mais que peu de professionnels de la formation s’y intéressaient. L’apprentissage informel est une idée très en marge en ce qui concerne la formation et l’éducation en entreprise. Les idées développées dans le livre sont nées bien plus tôt, vers 1999, et comprenaient l’apprentissage visuel et les meilleures manières d’utiliser les représentations graphiques.

Shaping the Future - University of Westminster webMathematica: Key Advantages Solutions in Minutes, Not Months, of Development Work webMathematica makes all of the functionality of Mathematica available for website development. This easy access to the latest high-level computational algorithms as well as to powerful data analysis, graphics, and typesetting functions means that you can concentrate on solving your problems, not on programming solutions yourself. Key Advantages of webMathematica for Developers Integration of Mathematica and HTML webMathematica allows a site to deliver HTML pages that are enhanced by the addition of Mathematica commands. Standard Server Technology webMathematica is based on two standard Java technologies: Java Servlet and JSP. Wolfram Workbench Wolfram Workbench is an integrated development environment that helps accelerate webMathematica content development. Connection Technology Other software can readily be incorporated into webMathematica with MathLink technology.

Mathematica: Technical Computing Software—Taking You from Idea to Solution With energetic development and consistent vision for three decades, Mathematica stands alone in a huge range of dimensions, unique in its support for today's technical computing environments and workflows. A Vast System, All Integrated Mathematica has over 6,000 built-in functions covering all areas of technical computing—all carefully integrated so they work perfectly together, and all included in the fully integrated Mathematica system. Not Just Numbers, Not Just Math—But Everything Building on three decades of development, Mathematica excels across all areas of technical computing—including neural networks, machine learning, image processing, geometry, data science, visualizations and much more. Unimaginable Algorithm Power Mathematica builds in unprecedentedly powerful algorithms across all areas—many of them created at Wolfram using unique development methodologies and the unique capabilities of the Wolfram Language. Higher Level Than Ever Before Superfunctions, meta-algorithms...

Site web & portail Une gestion personnalisée D'un site e-commerce à une vitrine web en passant par un CMS complet, nous nous adapterons à vos besoins avec nos solutions personnalisées et sur mesure. Lire la suite Site transactionnel Accepter des paiements en ligneVendre des biens et/ou servicesTransactions sécuritaires (SSL)Gestionnaire de contenus adapté au e-commerceAutonomie maximale (formation complète)Référencement de base ou avancéType de budget : MOYEN $$$$ + Que vous vouliez démarrer une entreprise de vente en ligne ou ajouter un revenu supplémentaire à votre entreprise existante, la vente par Internet est devenue un incontournable. Site web professionnel sur mesure Gestionnaire de contenus (CMS - Joomla)Technologies Web 2.0Autonomie maximale (formation complète)Évolution maximal du siteStatistiques du site (Google Analytics)Référencement de base ou avancéService d'hébergement, FTP et boîtes courriel (compris)Type de budget : MOYEN $$$ + Site web avec canevas pré-défini (microsite) (page perso)
