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Jack Kerouac

Jack Kerouac
Jean-Louis "Jack" Kérouac (/ˈkɛruːæk/ or /ˈkɛrɵæk/; March 12, 1922 – October 21, 1969) was an American novelist and poet. He is considered a literary iconoclast and, alongside William S. Burroughs and Allen Ginsberg, a pioneer of the Beat Generation.[2] Kerouac is recognized for his method of spontaneous prose. Thematically, his work covers topics such as Catholic spirituality, jazz, promiscuity, Buddhism, drugs, poverty, and travel. Biography[edit] Early life and adolescence[edit] Jack Kerouac was born on 9 Lupine Road in the West Centralville section of Lowell Massachusetts, 2nd floor. Jack Kerouac was born in Lowell, Massachusetts, to French-Canadian parents, Léo-Alcide Kéroack and Gabrielle-Ange Lévesque, of St-Hubert-de-Rivière-du-Loup in the province of Quebec, Canada. His third of several homes growing up in the West Centralville section of Lowell, Jack Kerouac later referred to 34 Beaulieu Street as "sad Beaulieu". Early adulthood[edit] Early career: 1950–1957[edit]

On the Road On the Road is a novel by American writer Jack Kerouac. On the Road is based on the travels of Kerouac and his friends across America. It is considered a defining work of the postwar Beat and Counterculture generations, with its protagonists living life against a backdrop of jazz, poetry and drug use. The idea for On the Road formed during the late 1940s. It was to be Kerouac's second novel, and it underwent several drafts before he completed it in April 1951. Origins[edit] Many aspects go into understanding the context of On the Road, and they must be viewed cohesively in order to appreciate why the book was as relevant and pertinent as it was. Kerouac biography[edit] Kerouac was born in a French-Canadian neighborhood of Lowell, Massachusetts, and learned English at age six. Many of the events depicted in the book are the experiences that shaped both its content and production. The publication process was another adventure unto itself, which took a major psychological toll on Kerouac.

Henry David Thoreau Henry David Thoreau (see name pronunciation; July 12, 1817 – May 6, 1862) was an American author, poet, philosopher, abolitionist, naturalist, tax resister, development critic, surveyor, and historian. A leading transcendentalist,[2] Thoreau is best known for his book Walden, a reflection upon simple living in natural surroundings, and his essay Resistance to Civil Government (also known as Civil Disobedience), an argument for disobedience to an unjust state. Thoreau's books, articles, essays, journals, and poetry total over 20 volumes. Among his lasting contributions are his writings on natural history and philosophy, where he anticipated the methods and findings of ecology and environmental history, two sources of modern-day environmentalism. Name pronunciation and physical appearance[edit] In appearance he was homely, with a nose that he called "my most prominent feature Life[edit] Early life and education, 1817–1836[edit] Return to Concord, 1836–1842[edit] Later years, 1851–1862[edit]

Sur la route Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. Résumé[modifier | modifier le code] Carte des trajets de Kerouac dans Sur la route: 1947 1949 1950 Le roman raconte de manière quasi autobiographique les aventures de l'auteur (nommé Sal Paradise dans le livre) et d'un compagnon de route, Neal Cassady (nommé Dean Moriarty dans le roman). Sur la route fut l'un des romans fondateurs de ce que Kerouac nomma lui-même la « Beat Generation ». Rédaction[modifier | modifier le code] La légende veut que ce livre ait été écrit d'un seul jet, en trois semaines (du 2 au 22 avril 1951), sur un rouleau de papier de 36,50 mètres de long, dans de longues sessions de prose spontanée et enfiévrée ; il crée ainsi un style d'écriture totalement personnel, en partie inspiré par son amour du mouvement jazz Be Bop, de ses fulgurances et de ses improvisations. Adaptations[modifier | modifier le code] Sur la route, Colorado Au cinéma[modifier | modifier le code] À la radio[modifier | modifier le code]

Andrea Gibson Andrea Gibson (born August 13, 1975) is an award-winning poet and activist who lives in Boulder, Colorado. Her poetry focuses on gender norms, politics, social reform and the struggles LGBTQ people face in today's society. On top of using poetry to express what she feels and provide social and political commentary on real issues, she is involved with many activist groups. She often performs at Take Back the Night events, LGBTQ events, pride events, trans* events, anti-war rallies, peace rallies, organizations against the occupation of Palestine, and groups focused on examining the wrongs of capitalism, patriarchy and white supremacy. She also works with a group called Vox Feminista whose model is to "comfort the disturbed and disturb the comfortable" on all these issues. Gibson grew up in Calais, Maine. In 2011, Write Bloody Publishing published Andrea Gibson's 6th book, "The Madness Vase". Discography[edit] References[edit] External links[edit]

Jack Kerouac Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. Jack Kerouac a passé la majeure partie de sa vie partagé entre les grands espaces américains et l'appartement de sa mère. Ce paradoxe est à l'image de son mode de vie : confronté aux changements rapides de son époque, il a éprouvé de profondes difficultés à trouver sa place dans le monde, ce qui l'a amené à rejeter les valeurs traditionnelles des années 1950, donnant ainsi naissance au mouvement beat. Ses écrits reflètent cette volonté de se libérer des conventions sociales étouffantes de son époque et de donner un sens à son existence. « Jazz poet », comme il se définit lui-même, Kerouac vante les bienfaits de l'amour (la passion charnelle est pour lui « la porte du paradis »), proclame l'inutilité du conflit armé, quel qu'il soit, et considère que « seuls les gens amers dénigrent la vie ». Biographie[modifier | modifier le code] Premières années[modifier | modifier le code] Rencontres[modifier | modifier le code]

Giovanni Quessep Giovanni Quessep Esguerra (San Onofre, 31 de diciembre de 1939) es un poeta colombiano. Quessep es descendiente de abuelos libaneses que emigraron al país a finales del siglo XIX, huyendo de la persecución del imperio otomano. Biografía[editar] El apellido original era Quessed, pero durante los trámites burocráticos terminó por escribirse con P final. En 1949, su familia tiene que abandonar San Onofre durante el periodo de Violencia bipartidista en Colombia. Después de sus estudios secundarios, viaja a Bogotá y estudia Filosofía y Letras en la Universidad Javeriana y más tarde realiza un postgrado de Literatura Hispanoamericana en el Instituto Caro y Cuervo. En 1961 publica su primer libro, Después del paraíso, libro convencional, ceñido a la métrica y a la rima del soneto, que lo distanció de sus contemporáneos nadaístas. Acerca del Autor[editar] Según James J. Obras[editar] Premios y distinciones[editar] Notas y referencias[editar] Enlaces Externos[editar]

André Breton André Breton (Tinchebray, 19 de febrero de 1896 - París, 28 de septiembre de 1966), escritor, poeta, ensayista y teórico del Surrealismo, reconocido como el fundador y principal exponente de este movimiento artístico. Biografía[editar] De origen modesto, comenzó a estudiar medicina desoyendo las presiones familiares (sus padres querían que fuera ingeniero). Movilizado en Nantes, durante la Primera Guerra Mundial, en 1916, conoció a Jacques Vaché, que ejerció sobre él una gran influencia, a pesar de haber escrito únicamente cartas de guerra. Entra en contacto con el mundo del arte, primero a través de Paul Valéry y después del grupo dadaísta en 1916. Durante la guerra trabajó en hospitales psiquiátricos, donde estudió las obras de Sigmund Freud y sus experimentos con la escritura automática (escritura libre de todo control de la razón y de preocupaciones estéticas o morales), lo que influyó en su formulación de la teoría surrealista. André Breton. Obras[editar] Ensayos[editar] Poesía[editar]

Hermann Hesse Biography[edit] Family background[edit] Hermann Hesse was born on 2 July 1877 in the Black Forest town of Calw in Württemberg, German Empire. His parents served in India at a mission under the auspices of the Basel Mission, a Protestant Christian missionary society. Hesse's mother, Marie Gundert, was born at such a mission in India in 1842. Hesse's birthplace, 2007 Hesse's father, Johannes Hesse, the son of a doctor, was born in 1847 in the Estonian town of Paide (Weissenstein). Hesse grew up in a Swabian Pietist household, with the Pietist tendency to insulate believers into small, deeply thoughtful groups. Childhood[edit] From childhood, Hesse appeared headstrong and hard for his family to handle. St. Hermann Hesse's grandfather Hermann Gundert, a doctor of philosophy and fluent in multiple languages, encouraged the boy to read widely, giving him access to his library, which was filled with the works of world literature. Young Hesse shared a love of music with his mother. Education[edit]
