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SlashTHREE - International Art Collective

SlashTHREE - International Art Collective

Art, Design, Photography and Free Resources @ Designzzz 20 awesome and creative portrait ideas » Blog of Francesco Mugnai Your source of inspiration PhotosInspirationCollections 20 awesome and creative portrait ideas By Francesco Mugnai • 3 years ago Nov 2011 Share Comment Love Share 20 awesome and creative portrait ideas Huge self portrait mosaic made of thousands of plastic bottle caps Portraits in Ink and Tea Portraits made with old cassettes… Hello. Embroidered portraits Geometric portraits Pen portrait The Self-Landscapes of Levi van Veluw Written Portraits Double Exposure Portraits Muhammad Ali portrait created using 1,300 punching bags Gradient mesh portraits Paper portraits Harley-Davidson ad Adobe Mosaic Collection Incredible pencil portraits Family tree, an experiment of visual DNA Astonishing Portrait of Steve Jobs Made From MacBook Parts Pencil vs Camera portrait Portrait Made of 4,242 Rubik’s Cubes And…finally the banana portrait! Share: 20 awesome and creative portrait ideas Tags Art portraits You Might Also Like 1 year ago Photography The Magical World of Surreal Levitation Photography Read More 4 years ago Read More Comments Top

The Luminarium - International Artgroup Random Stuff Android Anatomy illustrations get beneath robotic characters' skin But its all wrong, Bender has a 6502 chip as his brain according to the series. [] If Bender has a human brain, it won't be in his head. It will be in a jar somewhere in his abdominal compartment, presumably next to his jarred human heart. Bah, everyone knows Bender is actually powered by a MOS Technology 6502 processor. And he's powered by alcohol and greed.

Evoke™ - Home HypeDot OMG Posters! 20 vidéos de Digital painting incroyables « Design Spartan : Graphisme, Webdesign, Digital painting, Illustration… Le site PSDTuts a réalisé un article qui risque fort de vous faire pleurer. Non, de vous faire vous liquéfier comme une glace sous une loupe au soleil. Vous l’aurez compris, il s’agit ici de vidéos accélérées de speed painting avec une grosse dose de talent. Un article intéressant auquel je donnerais peut-être un jour suite, connaissant également moult vidéos de speed painting à faire baver. 20 vidéos de Digital painting incroyables Alors lesquelles vous ont plu, voire épaté ? Auteur: Gaétan Weltzer, comme toujours en fait. Partagez l'article et l'amour qui s'en dégage ! inPartager0 Articles qui pourraient vous plaire DESIGN The Blog Welcome to the Blog, an ever changing collection of my picks from across the web, the art and design world or anything really that peaks my interest. I update my blog as often as possible, so remember to bookmark this page and check back from time to time. Honest Logos Instantly recognizable, satirically re-imagined. Ok, so let's be fair, one bite of a burger won’t cause diabetes and one glass of beer won’t cause obesity; but as the advertising industry shows positives only, so here Hertz has gone to the opposite extreme and focused only on the negatives. Star Wars Blueprints I came across these great designs by A2K Design recently and being a huge Star Wars fan, I loved them and thought I'd share them with you guys. May the force be with you! Split Portraits These wonderfully creative photographs are the brainchild of Ulric Collette, an art director out of Quebec city. He combines the portraits of Two people who are related, to demonstrate the similarities between them.

mental_floss Blog & 11 Pencil Vs. Camera Images - StumbleUpon 986 653Share10.7K Born in Abidjan, Ivory Coast and now living in Belgium, Ben Heine is an amazing artist who overlaps hand-drawn works of art with photos to create stunning images. I selected eleven of his Pencil Vs. Camera images from his site, but you should check out all his awesome work if you have time. S A V O I A Optical Illusions
