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Online Learning: A Bachelor's Level Computer Science Program Curriculum Introduction [Update: See also the follow-up post to this piece, An Intensive Bachelor's Level Computer Science Curriculum Program.] A few months back we took an in-depth look at MIT’s free online Introduction to Computer Science course, and laid out a self-study time table to complete the class within four months, along with a companion post providing learning benchmarks to chart your progress. In the present article, I'll step back and take a much more broad look at com-sci course offerings available for free on the internet, in order to answer a deceptively straightforward question: is it possible to complete the equivalent of a college bachelor’s degree in computer science through college and university courses that are freely available online? And if so, how does one do so? The former question is more difficult to answer than it may at first appear. Yet, this does not mean that all the necessary elements for such a curriculum are not freely accessible. Introductory Courses

HTMLVideoElement - Document Object Model (DOM) The HTMLVideoElement interface provides special properties and methods for manipulating video objects. It also inherits properties and methods of HTMLMediaElement and HTMLElement. The list of supported media formats vary from one browser to the other. Properties Inherits properties from its parent, HTMLMediaElement, and HTMLElement. HTMLVideoElement.height Is a DOMString that reflects the height HTML attribute, which specifies the height of the display area, in CSS pixels. HTMLVideoElement.poster Is a DOMString that reflects the poster HTML attribute, which specifies an image to show while no video data is available. HTMLVideoElement.videoHeight Read only Returns an unsigned long containing the intrinsic height of the resource in CSS pixels, taking into account the dimensions, aspect ratio, clean aperture, resolution, and so forth, as defined for the format used by the resource. HTMLVideoElement.videoWidth Read only HTMLVideoElement.width Gecko-specific properties Methods Specifications See also

CodeKit — Help App Basics — Getting Started 1. Drag & Drop To get started, drag your website's project folder onto the CodeKit window. You'll see an overlay appear. Drop the folder in the top section to create a new project. CodeKit is now watching for changes to all files in that folder. 2. Next, click the "Preview" button in the top-right corner of the window. If your project uses complex things like PHP, Cookies, or POST requests, there's one switch to flip. 3. The next thing you'll probably want to do is adjust the settings for your project. Set Defaults For New Projects When you add a new project to CodeKit for the first time, the app sets default options for that project. Config.CodeKit Files CodeKit stores all your project's settings in a file named config.codekit. App Basics — Browser Refreshing How It Works CodeKit has a built-in web server that hosts your currently-selected project. Important: Complex Sites The Server Popover Click the Server button in CodeKit's toolbar. Changing Networks Safe Start

Enregistrer des bouts de codes (snippets) RedditQuickPreview function () { "use strict"; /*global window, document, self*/ var type = "window", /*frame or window*/ exclude = /(pixel.reddit|irc:\/\/|\/domain|\/compose|\/login|\/submit|\/password|\/gold|\/user|\/r\/[^\/]*\/? a = document.getElementsByTagName("a"), myrdiv = document.createElement("div"), myrframe = document.createElement("iframe"), i = 0; try { document.getElementById("content").style.margin = "0px"; } catch (e) {} function resizeframe() { = (window.innerWidth - 720) + "px"; = "98%"; window.onresize = function () { resizeframe(); = "myrdiv"; myrdiv.oncontextmenu = function () { = "none"; = "999"; = "rgba(255,255,255,0.75)"; = "fixed"; = "0px"; = "600px"; = "100px"; = "myrframe"; = "1px black dotted"; = "999"; function zoom1() { if (

Video - Media The latest stories about online video, including guides for using web videos to promote and sell your products, and how companies can use video in their social media and mobile campaign strategies. Lisa Lacy | Clorox Reenacts Parents' Posts in Real-Time Improv Ick Awards Apr 15, 2014 - Clorox is appealing to parents with a real-time improv video event inspired by social media posts about their kids' messes.

SourceTree Imagen: Text-to-Image Diffusion Models 1.5 Billion People Will Watch Video Online by 2016 James Dohnert | February 27, 2013 | 1 Comment inShare26 Roughly 1.5 billion people will watch at least one online video by 2016, according to a recently released study by online video technology provider Ooyala. Ooyala says that viewership of branded videos grew 91 percent over the course of Q4 2012. While watching live video on the desktop has surpassed video-on-demand viewership, Ooyala believes the study illustrates the importance of streaming video for marketers. "Streaming video has crossed an inflection point and it's now a necessary channel for both consumers, as well as broadcasters, brands and media companies around the world," said Jay Fulcher, CEO of Ooyala. "The data we provide in this report, and direct to our customers, is critical to understanding how consumers are engaging with video online. The study found that branded video viewership surged during last year's holiday season. Overall, live video views grew on streaming devices over the course of 2012.
