Como configurar o Yahoo Brasil no Outlook Express - pop3, smtp ...
Página revisada em 08.07.2010 Contador desde 28/03/2004 Nota importante: antes de proceder às configurações que explico detalhadamente, é necessário liberar o acesso POP no webmail do Yahoo (na sua página no site do Yahoo). Se você não fizer isto, mesmo configurando conforme eu expliquei, você não conseguirá receber as mensagens. Como fazer isto? Consulte a primeira página deste meu artigo: Criando a sua conta no Yahoo Brasil...Criando a sua conta no Yahoo Brasil...
FrontPage - Mentat Wiki
This wiki is a collaborative environment for exploring ways to become a better thinker. Topics that can be explored here include MemoryTechniques, MentalMath, CriticalThinking, BrainStorming, ShorthandSystems, NotebookSystems, and SmartDrugs. Other relevant topics are also welcome.
Top 20 Temporary and Disposable Email Services
by David Curry on May 27, 2007 Now a days Internet has become a home to spam. Millions of spam bots crawl the web daily to find email addresses and then bombard them with spam emails thus destroying their efficiency and creating problems for users. The best solution to this is to get a temporary or disposable email inbox which automatically expires after a certain time period. Benefits of Temporary/Disposable Mailbox There are many advantages of having a temporary or disposable mailbox on the web.
Gmail Criptografado
SÃO PAULO - Sete dicas para proteger suas mensagens contra crackers e arapongas. Quem está habituado a enviar mensagens confidenciais sabe que criptografar o conteúdo é imprescindível. Isso é fácil quando se usa um aplicativo no micro para ler e enviar e-mail. A situação é mais complexa ao usar um webmail, já que a maioria deles não possui recursos próprios de criptografia. Mesmo assim, com algumas extensões e aplicativos auxiliares, é possível usar o melhor da criptografia nos serviços online de e-mail. Neste tutorial, vamos mostrar uma forma segura de proteger suas mensagens no Gmail, com criptografia baseada em chaves públicas e privadas, usando uma extensão do Firefox.
Secrets of Lock Picking
Author: Ted the Tool September 1, 1991 Contents of the Guide to Lock Picking Distribution August 1991 revision. Copyright 1987, 1991 Theodore T. Tool.
GO Contact Sync - synchronize your contacts between Microsoft Outlook and Google Mail
GO Contact Sync is an open source tool that synchronizes your contacts between Microsoft Outlook and Google Mail, it removes the hassle of entering details more than once. It supports contact categories and contact photos so your contacts will look exactly the same. There are a few sync options to suite your needs and it can all be done automatically, so it can be used as a backup tool. Features Synchronizes your contacts between Microsoft Outlook and Google Mail.
Grid Paper PDFs
Downloadable and very printable, I find these PDFs extremely useful. Graph Paper Quick Picks Now set to: 8 1/2 x 11 Paper. Ruled in Inches.
How To Send Completely Anonymous Emails
Have you ever had the need to send completely anonymous emails to someone? Perhaps you were trying to prank one of your friends, or wanted to shyly declare your love. Perhaps you wanted to report illegal activity or abuse, but didn’t want to get caught up in all it. Going to a telephone booth is easy, but how about emails? There are services on the web – mostly online utilities – that allow you to send anonymous emails.
Mind Tools - Self-Study Management Training, Career Training, Leadership Skills and Career Coaching - Essential Skills for an Excellent Career
Vanish: Enhancing the Privacy of the Web with Self-Destructing Data
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