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Pantalla de cerca | Aplicació de Recursos al Currículum Què és l'ARC?Competències bàsiquesAjuda i contacte Inici x AICLE/CLIL/EMILE cerca textual Afegeix descriptor cerca visual Educació Infantil Educació Primària Educació Secundària Obligatòria Batxillerat Formació professional Educació d'Adults elements [232] No hi ha elements que corresponguin als criteris de selecció. L'hôtel AICLE/CLIL/EMILE Eines TIC Le restaurant et la cuisine AICLE/CLIL/EMILE Eines TIC Exercitació lingüística Jaciment Armshtadt 3 Delta AICLE/CLIL/EMILE Gestió d'informació Maquetes i construccions Raonament i argumentació Representacions i models Installing and maintaining computer hardware and software 5. 4. 3. 2. 1. Plants From Baroque to Hip Hop Títol Let’s sing in English: We are the world Els "Eco-Teams": contra el malbaratament de l'energia a l'escola. AICLE/CLIL/EMILE Eines TIC Exercitació lingüística Imatge, so i vídeo Saint George: cultural and traditional Catalan symbol AICLE/CLIL/EMILE Comunicació escrita Comunicació oral Literatura All About Me Second-Hand Clothing ScienTICart. Energy

bilingualcabrales - Art materials Skip to main content Try Wikispaces Classroom now. Brand new from Wikispaces. guest Join | Help | Sign In bilingualcabrales Home guest| Join | Help | Sign In Turn off "Getting Started" Loading... La Prestatgeria de la XTEC En aquesta versió nova el funcionament dels llibres no s'ha modificat. El que canvia i millora notablement és l'espai comú des d'on es cataloguen, es creen i es dóna accés als llibres. La nova interfície permet més opcions que l'anterior i fa un canvi d'imatge important. Durant uns primers dies després de l'actualització es considerarà que la versió nova està en fase de proves. Us preguem que els dubtes sobre el funcionament de la Prestatgeria els adreceu als fòrums de la XTEC. Podeu veure més detalls sobre les millores incorporades a la notícia estesa.

Pantalla de cerca | Aplicació de Recursos al Currículum Què és l'ARC?Competències bàsiquesAjuda i contacte Inici Educació Primària x AICLE/CLIL/EMILE cerca textual Afegeix descriptor cerca visual Cicle Inicial Cicle Mitjà Cicle Superior elements [69] No hi ha elements que corresponguin als criteris de selecció. Plants All About Me AICLE/CLIL/EMILE Comunicació oral Eines TIC Exercitació lingüística Gestió d'informació ScienTICart. AICLE/CLIL/EMILE Comunicació oral Experimentació Indagació i recerca Material manipulable For a Healthy Life Rainforest: Amazonia Exploring 2D Shapes Where do People Speak English in the World? AICLE/CLIL/EMILE Comunicació escrita Comunicació oral Exercitació lingüística Mapes i plànols Living and Moving around the World Dragons ICT in English The Industrial Revolution Where are you from? Bread, croissants and pancakes: a trip around Europe Understanding Comics: How to draw a comic strip Houses of the World Landscapes Sculpture Environmental Art The Seasons through some Artists Artists from Lleida An Introduction to Origami Technique Paper World

Google Safe IMAGE Search 50 websites that help make learning science fun Without a doubt my most popular posts have consistently been science websites. Below, I have combined all the science websites that I have shared so far and have added nine new ones. Whether you have been following my blog, or if this is your first time, I promise you will find many great resources for your students. Try Science Try Science is a very cool site that offers many resources to get kids to love science. Quarked This fun website provides a fun way for kids to learn about the subatomic universe. Windows to the Universe Your initial impression is that this is another astronomy website and you would be correct but when you look deeper you will find there is more here than meets the eye. Strange Matter This site is dedicated to helping students learn about material science but in a fun way. Amazing Space This cool website allows students to explore the amazing world of outer space with a wide array of features. Science Kids Science Sparks wants kids of all ages to love science.

Learning Never Stops: 50 websites that help make learning science fun Without a doubt my most popular posts have consistently been science websites. Below, I have combined all the science websites that I have shared so far and have added nine new ones. Whether you have been following my blog, or if this is your first time, I promise you will find many great resources for your students. Try Science Try Science is a very cool site that offers many resources to get kids to love science. Quarked This fun website provides a fun way for kids to learn about the subatomic universe. Windows to the Universe Your initial impression is that this is another astronomy website and you would be correct but when you look deeper you will find there is more here than meets the eye. Strange Matter This site is dedicated to helping students learn about material science but in a fun way. Amazing Space This cool website allows students to explore the amazing world of outer space with a wide array of features. Science Kids Science Sparks wants kids of all ages to love science.

50 websites that help make learning science fun Without a doubt my most popular posts have consistently been science websites. Below, I have combined all the science websites that I have shared so far and have added nine new ones. Whether you have been following my blog, or if this is your first time, I promise you will find many great resources for your students. Try Science Try Science is a very cool site that offers many resources to get kids to love science. There are over 50 experiments that kids can perform either online or at home. The site offers virtual field trips to different locations around the world. Quarked This fun website provides a fun way for kids to learn about the subatomic universe. Windows to the Universe Your initial impression is that this is another astronomy website and you would be correct but when you look deeper you will find there is more here than meets the eye. Strange Matter This site is dedicated to helping students learn about material science but in a fun way. Science Kids Hey! websites around.

20 video project ideas to engage students Videos are engaging. They can be a powerful tool to draw students in and connect them to content in innovative ways. Here are 20 ways to do it. In my classroom, video usually equals instant engagement. Students like to record it — especially because many of them get to use their phones for school purposes. But they like to watch them even more, and if those videos are produced by their peers, the interest skyrockets. That power has huge potential to be harnessed for educational gain. Integrating video projects into the classroom can be as simple or complex as you want. Here are some video project ideas, divided into ideas for any classroom and ideas for specific subject areas: 10 ideas for (almost) any classroom: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. A virtual walking tour is an option, too. 7. 8. 9. Create book reports, step-by-step videos and more using Adobe Spark Video. 10. 10 ideas for specific subject areas: 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. How else can video be used for gains in the classroom?

Free Printable Tests and Worksheets. Pre-K Through 12th Grade. Our free printable worksheets offer a wide-range of content covering the four basic subjects (English/Language Arts, Math, Science, Social Studies) and a large variety of other subjects, including Early Education, Art, Music, and Study Skills. Our free content is organized by grade-level and spans grades pre-K through 12. Use our free printable worksheets in conjunction with our Test Room feature to give online assessments or print them out to use as part of classroom activities or short quizzes. All Worksheets By Grade Level Early EducationKindergartenGrade 1Grade 2Grade 3Grade 4Grade 5Grade 6Grade 7Grade 8Grade 9Grade 10Grade 11Grade 12 English Language Arts Worksheets » Build reading and writing skills with our growing collection of free ELA worksheets covering grammar, vocabulary, spelling, literature, and reading strategies. Math Worksheets and Activities » Assess student understanding of arithmetic, algebra, and geometry concepts with these math worksheets for K-12 students.
