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Business Model Generation - Canvas

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Building a Business The Course Please note this course is now FULL. To go on the waiting list please email us. Building a Business is a 10-week evening lecture series providing basic business skills to those who would like to start a business, and those with an existing business who are seeking to develop and enhance their skills. It covers good business practice with a focus on science and technology enterprise, but most course material is relevant to general business practice. The course has been designed for students, researchers and University of Oxford members who want to find out more about the business functions of technology-based companies; staff from science and technology businesses and research organisations are also welcome to attend.

Seedhack Founders Collaboration Agreement Starting a new company requires inspiring early co-founders to join you in your efforts and then quickly establishing an environment of trust where everyone works hard and fairly shares the upside of any success. To that end, we’re launching the Seedhack Founder’s Collaboration Agreement (download here in .DOC or in .PDF ) which is designed for a newly formed team to agree on what each founder’s shareholding should be as well as how to make sure that each founder puts a continued effort throughout the lifetime of the company in order to keep their equity stake. The hope is that this document will not only help events like Seedhack, where collaboration amongst team members is key, but also any ‘back of a napkin at a cafeteria’ brainstormed startups where people put a lot of sweat equity in even before they think about forming a ‘formal’ company. A big thank you to Tina Baker from Brown Rudnick for drafting the agreement. Supporting Organizations:

How to use the business model canvas correctly There are a lot of articles out there explaining what the business model canvas is and what each section means, but they all seem to make the critical mistake of ignoring the stage the canvas is approached at. This means you spend, probably waste in fact, precious time thinking about components of your business that won't actually come into the picture for months maybe. So how do you use the business model canvas correctly? Quick intro to the Business Model Canvas First off, let's take a step back and agree on what the Business Model Canvas (BMC from now on) looks like and what you'd be normally expected to do.

With P2P Towards a Post-Capitalist Society * De Wereld Redden. Met P2P naar een post-kapitalische samenleving. Michel Bauwens en Jean Lievens. Houtekiet / Oikos, 2013 Please note: the original Flemish title for the book is “De Wereld Redden”, which translates to “Save the World” in English. Headphones for Every Occassion Even audiophiles will tell you that sourcing the ultimate headphones is a hunt for the Holiest of Grails. Rather than look for an all-purpose solution, we surveyed the latest models to come up with the following favorite pairs tailored for different uses. Matched with some recent tracks that have been on heavy rotation in the CH offices recently, consider this your guide to total listening pleasure. Corner Office Ideal for workaholics, the wireless Sennheiser RS170 means you'll never miss a beat of your favorite song—whether typing at your desk or grabbing the twentieth coffee of the day.

It's time to end 9-5 office hours: the business case for the five-hour workday When he first heard about the five-hour workday, David Rhoads thought: I want to give this to my employees. David is the CEO of Blue Street Capital, a California-based company that arranges financing for enterprise IT systems. He’s also an avid surfer. So when he saw an article about how Tower Paddle Boards – an online, direct-to-consumer company that sells stand-up paddleboards – had moved to a five-hour workday, he was intrigued. How to Divide Equity to Startup Founders, Advisors, and Employees Since returning from MIT back in June I’ve been focusing on the growth of the company. It has been pretty much on mind non-stop for months now. The part that I’d like to zero in on is when you’ve got a high growth company what are some of the best practices out there to distribute equity to the founders, advisors, and employees? Equity for Founders

What is the Social Lean Canvas? Entrepreneurship is exploding! In the last ten years there has been a massive increase in the number of people taking the leap of starting new and innovative companies. One of the things that has driven this huge increase has been the development of business development methodologies such as Lean Startup. Use our methods DP0 (Design Project Zero) is a 90-minute (including debrief) fast-paced project though a full design cycle. Students pair up to interview each other, create a point-of-view, ideate, and make a new solution that is “useful and meaningful” to their partner. Two versions of DP0 are “The Wallet Project” and “The Gift-Giving Project”.

- StumbleUpon Want to share a post from your blog on Facebook? If it's a Blogger site, that just got harder. Facebook just added a Captcha check — a dialog box that asks you to type in hard-to-read text presented as a graphic — for any post shared from Blogger. Captcha tests are designed to filter out spam, since the bots that try to post spam links generally can't read the words (and sometimes humans have trouble, too).

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