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Tutorials für Bildbearbeitung mit Photoshop, Webdesign & Fotografie -

HTML Compressor - Reduce the size of HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP and Smarty code. You need to enable JavaScript to use this website. Choosing the correct Code Type makes the compression of your code more safe and effective. Choosing the wrong option may lead to fewer optimizations or errors. There are 3 main groups, x/html, CSS and JavaScript. Photoshop Photo Editing Tutorials - Part 3 How to Create a Cosmic Photo Composition in Ph ... In this tutorial we’re going to learn how to create a cosmic photo manipulation using different Photoshop techniques, brushes and … Create a Fuel Game Cover in Photoshop In this tutorial, I’ll show you how to create cover art for a favorite video or computer game, using several Photoshop tools such … Artikel. Füllmethode oder Ebenenmodus. Standardmäßig wird jede Ebene in der "normal" Füllmethode angelegt. Es gibt jedoch die Möglichkeit die Ebenen auf verschiedene Arten miteinander zu kombinieren, so wie man beispielsweise mit einer Doppelbelichtung 2 Bilder miteinander kombinieren kann. Es gibt jedoch mit Photoshop noch mehr Möglichkeiten der Kombinationen. Diese Füllmethoden lassen sich auch (in der Optionenpalette) auf Malwerkzeuge anwenden. Im Prinzip macht Photoshop nichts anderes, als mit den Farbwerten der einzelnen Pixel, die übereinanderliegen bestimmte Berechnungen anzustellen. Nachfolgend die Erklärungen der Photoshop Hilfe.

50 Ways to Get Your Site Noticed This article aims to show you how to attract users and make them hungry for more. Who is this post for? Anyone with a website. Not all of the items listed below will apply directly to you and your business; however, they are, at the very least, an excellent source for inspiration. 20 PSD Tuts That Will Turn You Into A Photoshop Guru Many people can use Photoshop, but only a select few can call themselves gurus. Learn all the methods in the 20 tutorials below and you’ll be well on your way to joining this elite. Rather than focus on tuts for beginners, intermediates or advanced users, we’ve simply chosen ones which produce jaw-dropping effects. All of them are easy to follow, although most do require at least some prior knowledge and experience. 1.

Monster Size Selection of Awesome Photoshop Tutorials During the last years I’ve been compiling resources for Photoshoppers. Since I’m the Editor of Photoshop Roadmap, I have to check for new tutorials every day and so I have a good knowledge about Photoshop resources being produced continuously. That’s why I decided to gather all the compilations of Photoshop Resources I created for this blog. The most popular subjects are present in this collection: Photo effects, Photoshop brushes, text effect, lighting and grunge effects, etc.

simpleWeather für jQuery: Die Google Weather API ist tot. Na und? Es hätte eine temporäre Störung sein können. Nachdem sich aber den zweiten Tag in Folge die Statusmeldung “Service unavailable” hält, darf mit einiger Berechtigung davon ausgegangen werden, dass Google den Zugang zu seiner – ohnehin nie öffentlich kommunizierten – Wetter API gekappt hat. Dies erfolgte offensichtlich im Zusammenhang mit der Abkündigung iGoogles, dem erfolglosen Startseitenkonzept, das bekanntlich am 1.

50 Fresh And Amazing Free Photoshop Tutorial Roundup tripwire magazine 50 Fresh And Amazing Free Photoshop Tutorial Roundup August 12, 2011 · 24 comments by nahid Learning Adobe Photoshop was never easy, until tutorial blogs came into existence. 20 of the Best Photoshop Tutorials of August 2012 With the use of Adobe Photoshop, graphic designers around the world are able to create such magnificent designs which grab the attention of the world. Wonderful designs like these imaginative photo manipulations visualizing the future are a great example of a very creative product of Adobe Photoshop. Not only plain 2D graphic Photoshop can produce because there are already lots of 3D designs made using Photoshop without the help of any 3D programs. In fact, you’ll find many 3D text effect Photoshop tutorials around the web showing how to create 3D texts as well as other objects using Adobe Photoshop alone.
