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Learning the shell.

Learning the shell.

Blog Archive » 7 Cool Things to Do With Linux So you’ve taken the plunge and installed Linux. You’ve followed all the HOWTOs all over the net. You’ve got your wireless card working flawlessly. You’ve got your video card working (and you’ve begun to loathe that spinning cube). You’ve installed all the “restricted” software like Adobe Flash, Sun Java and Google Earth. You’ve got all the patent restricted codecs and even DVD playback working just like you want. Use Your computer as a Home Theater PC. Raspberry PI and Nagios Open Source monitoring » I-Security - news and security tutorials Nagios and Raspberry Pi You may all ask what does security have to do with Nagios? Well, it does. If you can’t know the status of your network / server, you won’t see a problem coming. So, here comes Nagios – an open source monitoring system that includes tons of popular plug-ins. Well, what about Raspberry PI? In this part of the tutorial I will start treating the subject of the Nagios installation on the Raspberry PI. As an OS, I have used a SD card preloaded with Debian “squeeze” 6 (download it from here: torrent or direct download). Once you have the SD ready attach-it to the Raspberry PI and power it up! We will be using a lot apt-get, so it’s better to refresh its repository (if you are behind a proxy use “export http_proxy= to set the proxy for apt-get). My RaspBerry PI up and running Please take into account that Debian comes with a pre-compiled Nagios (3.2) that can be installed with-out any trouble with this command: apt-get install nagios3. And make:

MyDSL: Installing Extensions - DSL Wiki From DSL Wiki This site in other languages: Deutsch, Español Installing MyDSL Extensions There are various ways in which to install a myDSL extension, but basically you have two main options: Install from an online myDSL repository. Installing From A MyDSL Repository The way to do this is through the use of the MyDSL Extension Browser. Steps: Make sure you are logged in as user dsl Open the MyDSL Extension Browser Select the category[1] you want to browse Select the package you want. The extension will be automatically downloaded to the directory specified in .mydsl_dir (default is /tmp), checked for corruption, and then installed. Note: You must ensure that the group permissions for /tmp be set to staff as some builds may default to root. If you want to install extensions manually, use the DSL Extensions repository. Installing A Local Extension After downloading, You can use the Extension Browser mentioned above to load the extension. mydsl-load /path/to/my/extension[3] See Also:

An Introduction to awk The awk programming language often gets overlooked for Perl, which is a more capable language. Out in the real world, however awk is found even more ubiquitously than Perl. It also has a smaller learning curve than Perl does, and awk can be used almost everywhere in system monitoring scripts, where efficiency is key. This brief tutorial is designed to help you get started in awk programming. The awk language is a small, C-style language designed for the processing of regularly formatted text. awk's funny name comes from the names of its original authors, Alfred V. I began using awk to print specific fields in output. ls -l /tmp/foobar | awk '{print $1"\t"$9}' This code takes some input, such as this: -rw-rw-rw- 1 root root 1 Jul 14 1997 tmpmsg and generates output like this: -rw-rw-rw- tmpmsg As shown, the code output only the first and ninth fields from the original input. One of my favorite things about awk is its amazing readability, especially as compared to Perl or Python. #! #! #!

Why Linux is better PDFBEAR is founded by the team behind, which brings tons of experience in user conversion tools. We have decided to change our focus to helping and improving how our users convert files on all platforms including Linux. About The webpage was created in order to help people understand the ins-and-outs of Linux. In addition to this, it was emphasized that Linux is a free service, but it also protects the end-user from malware. Similar to PDFBEAR, we have created a malware-free service. Below you will find the pages that will help you have a better experience with PDF documents: More on By now you should have an idea of what PDFBEAR is about.

netfilter/iptables project homepage - The project bcm2835: C library for Broadcom BCM 2835 as used in Raspberry Pi This is a C library for Raspberry Pi (RPi). It provides access to GPIO and other IO functions on the Broadcom BCM 2835 chip, as used in the RaspberryPi, allowing access to the GPIO pins on the 26 pin IDE plug on the RPi board so you can control and interface with various external devices. It provides functions for reading digital inputs and setting digital outputs, using SPI and I2C, and for accessing the system timers. Pin event detection is supported by polling (interrupts are not supported). It is C++ compatible, and installs as a header file and non-shared library on any Linux-based distro (but clearly is no use except on Raspberry Pi or another board with BCM 2835). The version of the package that this documentation refers to can be downloaded from You can find the latest version at Several example programs are provided. Running as root Installation tar zxvf bcm2835-1.xx.tar.gz . make Reboot.

Search A rootkit is a stealthy type of software, typically malicious, designed to hide the existence of certain processes or programs from normal methods of detection and enable continued privileged access to a computer.[1] The term rootkit is a concatenation of "root" (the traditional name of the privileged account on Unix operating systems) and the word "kit" (which refers to the software components that implement the tool). The term "rootkit" has negative connotations through its association with malware.[1] History[edit] The first malicious rootkit for the Windows NT operating system appeared in 1999: a trojan called NTRootkit created by Greg Hoglund.[8] It was followed by HackerDefender in 2003.[1] The first rootkit targeting Mac OS X appeared in 2009,[9] while the Stuxnet worm was the first to target programmable logic controllers (PLC).[10] Sony BMG copy protection rootkit scandal[edit] To cloak itself, the rootkit hid from the user any file starting with "$sys$". Uses[edit] Types[edit]

Linux: Install a million games in one click! Linux: Install a million games in one click! Updated: December 16, 2009 Well, not really a million, but how about tens or hundreds? Good enough for you? Today, we will talk about two extremely useful applications that allow to you search for hundreds of games that run on Linux, sorted by category, popularity, license, or price, read game synopses, check out the screenshots, and then, should you decide that you like some of them, install them with a single mouse click. Do you know what this means? djl homepage djl is an open-source game manager for Linux, written in Python and inspired by Steam Valve for Windows. Get djl The first thing you will have to do is download the installer script from the website. tar zxvf <archive-name> cd <extracted-archive-dir> chmod +x . When you run the script the first time, if you do not have the Python framework installed, you'll get an error. Run djl Once you have everything in place, run the application. Using djl Now comes the really cool part. Plugins

UncomplicatedFirewall Introduction The Linux kernel in Ubuntu provides a packet filtering system called netfilter, and the traditional interface for manipulating netfilter are the iptables suite of commands. iptables provide a complete firewall solution that is both highly configurable and highly flexible. Becoming proficient in iptables takes time, and getting started with netfilter firewalling using only iptables can be a daunting task. The Uncomplicated Firewall (ufw) is a frontend for iptables and is particularly well-suited for host-based firewalls. ufw provides a framework for managing netfilter, as well as a command-line interface for manipulating the firewall. ufw aims to provide an easy to use interface for people unfamiliar with firewall concepts, while at the same time simplifies complicated iptables commands to help an adminstrator who knows what he or she is doing. ufw is an upstream for other distributions and graphical frontends. UFW in Ubuntu Available Versions in supported versions of Ubuntu

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