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Earthquakes In The Last Week

Earthquakes In The Last Week

The Best And Worst Federal Workplaces For Innovation While many government leaders might give lip service to the merits of creativity and innovation in the public sector, few actually put the idea into practice, according to a recent survey and ranking of innovation in federal workplaces. Beyond that, the survey might actually offer some motivation. As part of its research into the best places to work in government, the Partnership for Public Service has found federal workers are motivated to drive change through creativity, but need stronger support from their organizations and leaders to do so. Specifically, the vast majority look for ways to perform their jobs better, but few are encouraged to initiate new ways of doing things or rewarded for creativity and innovation. Overall, results suggest government agencies have considerable opportunity to improve. But a few score high in a ranking of federal agencies’ innovation and are among the best workplaces for federal employees.

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