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How To Retrain Your Brain The human brain is a true work of art. It’s the most fascinating creation God has ever made. We are overflowing with knowledge and information about our brain; however, we have only unearthed a tiny portion of what it can offer. We have discovered much data about what part of the brain is responsible for our ability to reason, our feelings, and a few information why we behave in certain ways. However, this infographic by Best Psychology Degrees will show us a quick guide to emotions and the parts of the brain responsible for it. In our infographic today, we can further learn why we react in certain ways rather than in a different way. For instance, to enhance your ability to maintain a positive emotional outlook, you can make your workstation and home a place where you can remember good times, such as vacations, or pictures of family, friends, and relatives, while engaged in fun activities or celebrations.

The Search for True Pen and Paper Gaming Online... The newest version of Dungeons and Dragons has been revamped to be more friendly towards online play and Virtual Gaming Tables such as OpenRPG and Maptool are the tools of the trade. Future blogs on the subject of gaming online will include reviews of OpenRPG, MapTool, and other Virtual Gaming Tables that I have come to know in my 6 yrs of playing pen and paper style rpgs online. I will also introduce you to sites like wherein you can find other gamers of like mind to get your game on with. Now, a little bit about myself is probably in order so that you won't think I'm just some lunatic that doesn't know his topic. I'm a thirty year old man with a wife, 2.5 children, and 2 dogs. I've worked numerous jobs in a wide variety of fields but, I've always made the best money cutting down trees. I was introduced to role playing back in the late 80's by a neighborhood kid. I had to play again. Eventually I found it.
