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The Best Molly Ringwald Movies Universal Pictures Thanks to her work with director John Hughes, Molly Ringwald was one of the most iconic teenagers in film history. The thing that set Ringwald apart was how relatable she was. Yes, her films were fantasy versions of high school: the unpopular girl gets the popular boy (except for The Breakfast Club), overcomes some kind of adversity, and ends up a hero. While her career waned after the 80s, Ringwald’s impact on popular film should not be discounted. Sixteen Candles Samantha Baker is having a bad day.

Textcraft: Text & logo maker - Minecraft, 8-bit styles and more List of Delta blues musicians The Delta blues is one of the earliest styles of blues music. It originated in the Mississippi Delta, a region of the United States that stretches from Memphis, Tennessee in the north to Vicksburg, Mississippi in the south, the Mississippi River on the west to the Yazoo River on the east. The Mississippi Delta area is famous both for its fertile soil and its extreme poverty. Guitar and harmonica are the dominant instruments used. The vocal styles range from introspective and soulful to passionate and fiery. Below is a list of Delta blues musicians. §A[edit] Cecil Augusta – Born in 1920 recorded a single song for Alan Lomax in 1959.Mose Allison – Mose John Allison Jr. was born in 1927 in Tippo, Mississippi, a cotton town in the Mississippi delta. §B[edit] §C[edit] §D[edit] Delta Blind Billy A blind bluesman known for being an outlaw. §E[edit] §H[edit] Son HouseHowlin Wolf §J[edit] §K[edit] §L[edit] §M[edit] §N[edit] Sonny Boy Nelson - (December 23, 1908 – November 4, 1998) §O[edit] §P[edit] §R[edit]
