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Stellarium Christmas science projects | Young Science Explorers In this issue: Crystal Snowflake ProjectFrosted Window Panes ProjectFun FactsSilly ScienceWay Cool WebsitesScience WordsPrintable pdf Are you dreaming of a white Christmas? Christmas Crystals You've probably seen lots of crystals—even if you don't know it! Paper Snowflake Crystal Ornament Science Project What you need: filter paper (or coffee filters)sodium tetraborate (Borax)water600 ml beaker (or other glass container)stirring rod (or spoon)scissorspetri dishes (or plate)fishing line (or string) What you do: Make a supersaturated solution of Borax and water by having an adult help you use the microwave to heat about 200 ml of water until boiling. Way Cool Websites Make various paper snowflakes with these folding and cutting directions! Fabulous Facts Crystal colors depend on the minerals that created them and the how their atoms absorb light.Snowflakes start as ice crystals the size of a speck of dust that join other crystals to form snowflakes. Silly Science The letter "D!" Knock knock.

FREE -- Teaching Resources and Lesson Plans from the Federal Government Game for science - Virtual world devoted to science, technology and free educational games online Virtual Surgeries Free Technology for Teachers Extreme Weather 2011 A year for the record books From extreme drought, heat waves and floods to unprecedented tornado outbreaks, hurricanes, wildfires and winter storms, a record 14 weather and climate disasters in 2011 each caused $1 billion or more in damages — and most regrettably, loss of human lives and property. NOAA's National Weather Service has redoubled its efforts to create a "Weather-Ready Nation", where vulnerable communities are better prepared for extreme weather and other natural disasters. NOAA forecasts, advisories, watches, warnings and community-based preparedness programs have been and will continue play an even greater role in enhancing the economy and saving lives. Get historical and current billion-dollar disaster information from NOAA's NCDC »

Tools for Educators - free worksheet makers, game creators, 100% customizable worksheet generators with images! History of Newton's Papers (1727-1872) | Newton Project At his death on 20 March 1727,[1] Isaac Newton left papers relating to all areas of the intellectual pursuits he had followed since arriving at Trinity College, Cambridge, in the summer of 1661.[2] His friend, relative by marriage (to Newton's half-niece Catherine Barton) and successor at the Mint, John Conduitt, posted a bond for Newton's debts and claimed entitlement to this material, Newton having died intestate. As is evident from a number of manuscripts adorned with Conduitt's notes and corrections -- for example the manuscript of 'An historical account of two notable corruptions of Scripture in a Letter to a Friend' (now New College, Oxford, Ms. 361.4) -- he took a serious scholarly interest in the papers he had acquired, although this was also partly directed towards the possibility of their publication. Continue reading about the donation of Newton's scientific papers to Cambridge University in 1872 [12] S. Horsley, ed., Isaaci Newtoni Opera quæ exstant Omnia. [14] J. [15] D.

Frozen Planet: Explore the polar regions Click on the image below to start exploring the Arctic and Antarctic. You can access geographic information provided by Arctic and Antarctic experts, watch videos of the wildlife in each region, and see important historical events as people explore the polar regions. Copyrighted image Credit: The Open University Launch Frozen Planet 9 Special thanks to British Antarctic Survey 10 for their assistance in developing this interactive map. Please note: If you've arrived at this page looking for our Frozen Planet poster, thank you for your interest, but unfortunately, demand for this item was very high and we have now exhausted our current supplies. More about Frozen Planet

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