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Selenium IDE Plugins

Selenium IDE Plugins
Selenium IDE is an integrated development environment for Selenium scripts. It is implemented as a Firefox extension, and allows you to record, edit, and debug tests. Selenium IDE includes the entire Selenium Core, allowing you to easily and quickly record and play back tests in the actual environment that they will run in. Selenium IDE is not only a recording tool: it is a complete IDE. You can choose to use its recording capability, or you may edit your scripts by hand. Features: Easy record and playback Intelligent field selection will use IDs, names, or XPath as needed Autocomplete for all common Selenium commands Walk through tests Debug and set breakpoints Save tests as HTML, Ruby scripts, or any other format Support for Selenium user-extensions.js file Option to automatically assert the title of every page NEW! Plugins

Selenium JavaScript Tutorial - The Automated Tester Tue 01 Apr 2008 In this tutorial you are going to learn how to use JavaScript blocks in your scripts as well as how to move data within your script using variables. Lets start by creating a script to work through the area below, however instead of using a verifyValue command to check what has been placed in the text box I would like you to use the storeValue command. This command takes data out of a text box and places it in a variable for you to use. Your command should look something like storeValue | total | total. Thank you for using this tutorial and i hope that you found it useful! ShareThisArea: tutorials

Domain Monitor findet gelöschte und freigewordene Domains test everything — 100+ tools in one! Choose the tools with that you want to test the given adress: CSS and HTML validators SEO tools Social services Web proxies Network tools Text tools Image tools (works only with Image URLs) Miscellaneous tools Web Test Tools Fourni par Traduction More than 540 tools listed in 14 categories Organization of Web Test Tools Listing - this tools listing has been loosely organized into the following categories: Note: Categories are not well-defined and some tools could have been listed in several categories; the 'Web Site Management Tools' category includes products that contain: site version control tools, combined utilities/tools, server management and optimization tools, and authoring/publishing/deployment tools that include significant site management or testing capabilities. Check listed tool/vendor sites for latest product capabilities, supported platforms/servers/clients, etc; new listings are periodically added to the top of each category section; date of latest update is shown at bottom of this page. Also see Web Site Testing FAQ in the FAQ Part 2 for a discussion of web site testing considerations; also see What's the best way to choose a test automation tool? Load and Performance Test Tools HTML Validators

Selenium (software) Selenium was originally developed by Jason Huggins in 2004, who was later joined by other programmers and testers at ThoughtWorks. It is open-source software, released under the Apache 2.0 license, and can be downloaded and used without charge. The name comes from a joke made by Huggins in an email, mocking a competitor named Mercury, saying that you can cure mercury poisoning by taking Selenium supplements. The others that received the email took the name and ran with it.[2] The latest side project is Selenium Grid, which provides a hub allowing the running of multiple Selenium tests concurrently on any number of local or remote systems, thus minimizing test execution time. Scripts may be automatically recorded and edited manually providing autocompletion support and the ability to move commands around quickly. Scripts are recorded in Selenese, a special test scripting language for Selenium. With Selenium 2, a new Client API was introduced (with WebDriver as its central component).

Améliorer l’écriture de vos tests Selenium Selenium est une suite d’outils permettant d’écrire des tests fonctionnels sur une application web. Il permet d’une part de valider les fonctionnalités de l’application web, et d’autre part de tester sa compatibilité avec des environnements clients hétérogènes. Nous avions déjà mentionné Selenium il y a quelques mois dans un article dédié à l’outil Selenium Grid, qui permet de lancer les tests Selenium en parallèle (afin de réduire le temps d’exécution de la batterie de tests). Au début, vous écriviez vos tests en HTML avec l’outil Selenium IDE. L’écriture des scénarios de tests demandent beaucoup de temps. L’écriture des tests Selenium a plusieurs limitations : Jouer plusieurs fois un scénario de test avec des données différentes nécessite l’écriture de plusieurs tests.Les tests Selenium sont très dépendants de la structure des pages. Un projet sous le nom de Tellurium permet d’améliorer la démarche d’écriture des tests Selenium. Structurer vos tests Un moteur d’injection de données

9 Important Tips for Selenium Remote Control (Java client) - Tes Selenium Remote Control (RC) is a test tool that allows you to write automated web application UI tests in many programming languages against any HTTP website using any mainstream JavaScript-enabled browser. Selenium RC is a powerful and simple framework for running (scheduled or manually) automated UI centric regression tests for web applications / services. Here are few simple tips for Selenium RC java client. I used JUnit for tests. You can use NGUnit too. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Have you run the Selenium server? The selenium server is located in: selenium-remote-control-1.0-beta-1/selenium-server-1.0-beta-1 6. Ensure that the browser is in the PATH before running the server. 7. This happens on Firefox when a previous page wasn’t fully loaded before the next page was invoked (due to timeout or click() was used). 8. 9. public static Test suite() { return new TestSuite(SeleniumSTSanityTest.class); } public static void main(String args[]) {; }
